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Write your story: Wolvden RP Sign up (CLOSED)

Posted 2021-02-04 16:14:23

Accepted! You may start roleplaying with your characters whenever you'd like

Solar Flares (HIATUS)

Posted 2021-02-14 18:38:20 (edited)

NAME night sparkles 

AGE 8 months 


BACKSTORY he was from warrior pack and was sent to riverside pack as a pup. He was lonely so one day a wolf named cat came to him and helped him learn to hint she soon became like a mother to him

LOOKS  Night sparkles



Lost Howl

Posted 2021-02-15 00:23:19

Reminder, you may have up to 3 characters! You can swap an existing character out for this one, otherwise 3 is the limit.

Solar Flares (HIATUS)

Posted 2021-02-15 08:09:38 (edited)

This don't existtt no moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Posted 2021-02-15 08:09:54



Posted 2021-02-15 08:10:04



Posted 2021-02-23 15:48:54 (edited)

i don't want to play aaravos anymore so i would like to swap aaravos for this character

Wolf name: nebula

age: 1 year (may change in the future)

Gender: female

Personality: kind, sarcastic, can be mean when she wants to

Wolf stats: on her page

link: nebula |:| Wolvden


Posted 2021-02-23 20:56:32

Accepted! Sorry for the late responds.

Solar Flares (HIATUS)

Posted 2021-02-27 21:38:31 (edited)

Name: Talayazhi
Age: 2 years

Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Tala's Stats
Strength: Poor
Agility: Great
Speed: Excellent
Wisdom: Good
Smarts: Average

Talayazhi is a hybrid, born from the union of a wolf father and a coyote mother. She was the sole pup in her litter, and while bigger in size than a regular newborn coyote Tala was still what many would consider a runt by wolf standards. From her mother she learned how to hunt and survive, though eventually there would come the day when Talayazhi would set out on her own. The want of belonging to a pack was too hard for her to resist, and while she loved her mother dearly the same couldn't be said of other coyotes that inhabited the nearby territories.

Tala can be very trusting, choosing to believe others at face value until their actions betray their true intentions. She's also very spirited, outgoing and adventurous--and it's probably this type of outlook in life that has kept the she-wolf alive during her loner travels. Her mouth certainly lacks a filter, and while the hybrid might not be built for brawling her words and barks can still cut deep when it counts... though this has sometimes gotten Tala pursued out of territory by other pack members as a result.

RizuChan 🌺

Posted 2021-02-27 21:40:48

Ooo a coywolf 


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