LF: Female Koi Wolves / Merle & Chased NBW Merles
LF: Female Koi Wolves / Merle & Chased NBW Merles
Posted 2020-12-20 09:52:24 (edited)
🎏 Hiya! 🎏
I just keep looking for more and more merle wolves to add to my pack... but, this time, I've got projects! So, I'm looking for the wolves specified below! Since this has become a project, if you'd like to check out my thread, you can check it out here! While I'm looking for the Merle/Koi wolves specified below— if you think you have a pupper that matches any of my projects, 🎏 Currently In Search Of... 🎏 🎏 TII Females 🎏 ○ In search of females with Merle and a TII base for my TIII breeding project! 🎏 Chased NBW Merles 🎏 ○ Seeking both male and female Chased NBW Merles to start off a fresh lineage of clean, high stat koi pups! I have no luck finding chased wolves myself; it IS one of my goals to finally find one, but I'm looking to get started on this project since it's gonna take some time! 🎏 VLF Fertility Merles 🎏 ○ I'm seeking to breed a lethal mutation koi pupper, so I'm looking for VLF Merle girls for the project! |
![]() ✧ ・゚ 𝕊heepish ・゚✧ #33777 |
Posted 2020-12-20 10:27:33
What personality type are your hunting wolves so I can see if I have anyone who'd fit? Friendly wolves and Aggressive wolves clash, and romantic and Stoic wolves clash, so I have my hunting teams split into friendly/romantic and stoic/aggressive. |
![]() Rumshop #11306 |
Posted 2020-12-20 10:42:24
Ack, personality! That's right, I forgot about that, thanks! ・゚✧ My two permanent hunters I've been working with are Sneaky and Sullen respectively, so they're both Stoic! |
![]() ✧ ・゚ 𝕊heepish ・゚✧ #33777 |
Posted 2020-12-20 10:49:12
Okay! :) I see you've joined recently and my lair is crowded so I can give you this 100% finisher and this 75% chaser. They're both in the stoic/aggressive categories so they'll be able to work with your time. If you want them I can set up a trade and I'll take items or whatever you can spare. I'm fond of them but things are getting crowded around here XD |
![]() Rumshop #11306 |
Posted 2020-12-20 11:24:22
Aha, yeah! Still trying to get the hang of things! But I'm getting there, thank goodness for these guides. > < Oh, goodness! I really appreciate the very kind offer! ・゚❤ They're absolutely gorgeous, I would definitely be interested if you're willing! <3 Is there any kind of item or anything you might prefer so I can take a look? I've spent most of my time here so far exploring, and, ahem, hoarding literally everything— so I've collected a small hoard of food, sc, play items, and healing salves if there's anything in particular you might prefer? |
![]() ✧ ・゚ 𝕊heepish ・゚✧ #33777 |
Posted 2020-12-20 11:40:21
This girl is stoic. She doesn’t have any prior hunting experience since she’s currently a pupsitter. Onyx This girl is friendly, so she won’t clash with anyone unless you get an aggressive member. She has no prior hunting experience, she’s my herbalist Jet This girl is stoic. She doesn’t have any prior hunting experience and is a pupsitter Diorite This girl is friendly. She has no prior experience in any role. Nocturne |
𓃦 CrossFox 𓃥 #4622 |
Posted 2020-12-20 12:49:15
Hello! Unfortunately, my adult wolves with matching personalities are not for sale (unless you make me a really good offer) since they are my pupsitters. They clash with my romantic/friendly hunting party. They do have offspring I am selling thou! Since I have more than five to offer, I will be linking caves. Cave of Sales is where all of my weaned pups go and sit until they are sold or I have to chase them. Pupsitters is where my younger stoic/aggressive pups are since their mothers are in here. I would be willing to hold any you like them. I also have this randomly aggressive pup from two friendly parents. She has a tier two base. Galena All of my wolves have their personality type in the footnotes to help. If my wolves aren't what you're looking for, I wish you the best of luck! |
Puppila #4455 |
Posted 2020-12-20 14:37:46 (edited)
@Ari#4622 Thank you so much for stopping by to post!! You have such beautiful wolves! ・゚❤ @Puppila#4455 Thank you so much for stopping by to post!! I'm mostly looking for adults to put on my hunting team, but... I did really like the look of your aggressive Marengo pup, so... > < She may not be a part of this hunting team if I find another adult to fill that spot soon, but maybe one in the future! Thanks so much! ・゚❤ |
![]() ✧ ・゚ 𝕊heepish ・゚✧ #33777 |
Posted 2020-12-20 14:46:36
I’m not sure! Just shoot me an offer with whatever is within your budget/what you think is fair and I will accept! |
𓃦 CrossFox 𓃥 #4622 |
Posted 2020-12-20 15:33:45
@Ari#4622 Oh gosh, I'm super new to the economy so I'm not sure what to offer/what would be fair, haha! All the prices seem really different on the market, and it's hard to find a pattern, so I'd really hate to low ball you... > < I have explore items— stuff like food, healing salves, and play items. If you're interested in anything in particular, I'd be happy to put some items together if I have them. ^^ I also do have some SC tucked away... I could do up to 50 - 80 SC in my budget right now, or a mix of items and SC? |
![]() ✧ ・゚ 𝕊heepish ・゚✧ #33777 |