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♥ Boba's den & thread CSS commissions [temp closed]

Posted 2021-03-01 16:09:40

Hey, is anyone else having issues with their CSS randomly not working?


Posted 2021-03-01 16:28:45

@Thesorceress, yeah mine doesn’t work now either.


Posted 2021-03-01 16:30:09 (edited)

It’s a problem with Safari. A friend modboxed it. She’s having to redo everyone’s sheet style code to fix it. 

The CSS commissions she did at least she’s fixing. 


Posted 2021-03-01 16:44:58

Ok Thank you for letting me know!


Posted 2021-03-01 18:29:04

Apparently it's a Dropbox/Safari problem? For anyone experiencing this issue who wants to continue on Safari (Chrome seems to be working fine) please PM me and I'll give you a new CSS link <3


Posted 2021-03-02 05:23:38


Username: Courtney #3097

Background image (Basic): 

Google Font (Basic): Akaya Telivigala

Colour Scheme (Basic): Pick what you think best matches the background, such as pinks and whites :)

Transparency (Basic): Please can the boxes be transparent.

Boarders and Edges (Basic): Round without lines. 

Rows with Nursing Puppies (Basic): Different colours like your den.

Boxes (Basic): Please can I have 2 fixed size scroll boxes side by side. Width and height 150 and 150.

 Cursor (Custom):  a cursor like this please. 

Other Features (Basic): Please could you centre and capitalise the player name and pack name. 

Dynasty/Nesting/Overview/Breeding Image Replacements: Dynasty - , Nesting - Overview - Breeding - 

Thank you so much,

How much gc would this equate to exactly? 


Posted 2021-03-02 13:57:50

Courtney (#3097) - Sounds good, and it would be 18GC total! Feel free to set up a private trade and I'll get started <3


Posted 2021-03-02 14:32:44

Okay perfect! I'll set up the private trade now. Tysm <3 


Posted 2021-03-03 10:38:50

Username & ID: Liou02 ✨ #1463
Colors scheme: Canva Link
Background: Solid from color palette (Purple Haze)
Font: Times New Roman
Boxes: Header+Description boxes, 3 sets. Header color: Lilac. Description color: Ivory
Transparency on boxes: Solid
Borders: Yes, solid, darker than Lilac (#A668A6)
Other/notes: Purpose is secret for now, so pm if you need to know. Headers will be capitalized (TEXT) and descriptions will be normal (Text). There will be bullet points, not sure if they might interfere or not. Also, in case I might need to add/remove boxes, how much would it be?

Ideally, the css would be done by the 7th. Not sure how many other commissions you're working on but I can pay extra for a rush order :)


Liou02 ✨

Posted 2021-03-03 13:15:36

Liou02 ✨ (#1463) - Sure no worries, everything looks good. I will just code 1 set of boxes (header + description), since you can duplicate any of the boxes to get however many you need. If you want to go ahead and set up the private trade, I can likely get back to you later today or tomorrow since I already finished up my queue <3


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