Open a door
Posted 2021-12-13 06:35:46
You sneak out, flattening your body and swiveling your head all around. You could smell the poachers nearby, but you advance onward. You suddenly stumble over a hidden bundle on the ground. Looking closer at it... It's a tapeworm remedy? What use is that? @JewelFyrenation Searching the area, you find some herbs growing on a patch of nearby grass. Maybe you can chew them up and apply them to your wound? The poachers will leave if you wait long enough, right? @Derp You venture deeper into the cave, listening for the sounds of running water. As you get closer, you see a small stream snaking it's way in-between some rocks, and as you dip down to quench your thirst, you smell some scents from a far corner. Wolf scent. Thirst temporarily forgotten, you approach warily, and look behind the rock that the scent is emerging from. A pup?! Their mother was probably the wolf the poachers killed earlier, you recalled. They had the same fur pattern after all. Being the kind soul you are, you carry the wolf with you and go even deeper into the cave, following the stream upwards to hopefully find an entrance. |
✨Moonshadow {L-Off}✨ #12077 |