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Show nested status on the Den page + warning on the front page

Show nested status on the Den page + warning on the front page
Posted 2020-12-31 11:46:32

So, just a very simple suggestion that would be a QoL improvement.

Currently when you hover over the pregnancy icon, it says "Pregnant (1 rollover)".

My suggestion is to change this to say "Pregnant (nested, 1 rollover)" if they are nested. If they are not nested, it could either say "not nested" or just not mention it.

I also want to suggest adding an icon for when a wolf is unnested on the last day of their pregnancy, similar to the icons for low mood/hunger.

It would also be good to add it to the home page, where the warnings for illness etc. are, and potentially even at the top of the Den page (where it warns for wolves running away due to overcrowding), though that may be too many places to put it.

To clarify, I think these warnings should only be present on the last day of the pregnancy, and not at any other time.

Kiwi (Hiatus)

Posted 2021-01-01 09:45:45

Huge support. I'm always so worried I'll forget to nest someone. Perhaps instead/in addition,  they could have a warning icon, the way puppies do if they don't have a pupsitter? 

Regardless of where, I'd really appreciate having a warning somewhere other than just the wolf's page.


Posted 2021-06-25 21:25:08


It'd also be nice to get an excimation point and '# pups unprotected' on the homepage. I would also personally like a last day of heat warning for females as I often wait until the end of their heat and then forget and miss it

Lily (GH!)

Posted 2021-12-10 10:40:20
Support, this needs more attention

For the love of everything good in this world, can we get unnested notifications on the den page
I forget to nest my wolves every single time and losing litters especially with expenisve studs, is breaking my soul


Posted 2022-04-15 23:39:18
Yes, please. I'm incredibly forgetful and frankly, lose way more litters than you'd believe, usually because my hunters are out and I don't remember to nest them. This would help a lot!


Posted 2022-07-03 00:31:36

Please. I just lost 2 puppies that could have been Gen 2 Bronzes all because I forgot my wolf wasn't nested. I know that's on me, but looking at nesting is so out of the way that I'll never remember to look at it. That little warning on Daily Summary never helps, I don't need that at the beginning of the day, I need it in the latter half of the day. We have notices on our dens for other things, I don't see any downside to having this one too.


Posted 2023-06-27 08:29:09
Massive massive massive support. It's cool to see that I might have 2 adolescents who will run away at rollover.. it'd also be cool to see that I have 1 wolf who isn't nested!

I've lost many wolves (many GC through breeding to studs) simply because it's not yelling at me in my face.
