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High Skilling Group (20/20 Members)

Posted 2021-01-06 00:30:39

Ugh, i need to find a way to make more sc to fund my skilling, but i doubt ppl would be interested in my low stat wolves to sell them, ecen with my decently skilled hunters.


Posted 2021-01-06 07:32:39

Hello! I noticed you listed my lead as my stud, but my stud is:

🐓 Rooster 鸡

Posted 2021-01-06 07:41:48 (edited)

Oh I'm sorry, I will fix that now!

Update: Fixed Now :)


Posted 2021-01-07 06:56:49 (edited)

Did my 3 450+ pups get counted? 

Edit: my bad, dyslexia sucks. Ignore this one. I'm still working on the 550 stats.

Inteus BloodFang

Posted 2021-01-07 06:59:08

Hello Inteus BloodFang,

The five wolf count is for wolves 550+ skills, 450+ skills isn't high enough yet unfortunately.


Posted 2021-01-11 21:30:50

I Might be interested In helping out, My lead Is 746 Stats at the moment Should hit 950 Stats without Extras,I don't meet the requirement of 5 wolves over 550+ stats But I'm getting fairly close (My new Hunting team should make this possible).


Posted 2021-01-12 11:10:27

Hello Ali, 

I am so happy you want to join us! We have a very interactive Discord if you would like to participate even without being a full partner. If you have any questions please feel free to communicate here or on our Discord. 

Thank you,



Posted 2021-01-12 14:54:10

Hey everyone, I hope today is treating you all wonderfully. I just wanted to share some good stuff with the group, if anyone is interested ^^

I finally leveled my first pack member to 550 stats: Smoke Of The Flames. Nearly yeeted my phone in joy. One down, four to go 😎

I know the tracker on the first post says I already have a 550 stat girl, but Ashes is an inbred wolf I accidentally purchased and will be rehomed as soon as she unlocks the rainforest for my pack, so I don’t count her.


Posted 2021-01-12 15:00:46 (edited)

Congrats Cloudeh! I also recently got one of my females to 550 (Hum). Hopefully we'll be able to get four more and reach the requirements! Speaking of, I think once my scout Karl Marx (my friends named him) reaches 700+ stats I'll give him some more markings and make him my stud.


Posted 2021-01-12 15:26:55

Congrats (: and good luck. 


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