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🍃 SageClan | Sign Ups 🍃

🍃 SageClan | Sign Ups 🍃
Posted 2021-01-10 19:23:48 (edited)

🌿 SageClan 🌿

ï»żSigns ups are Open!



Sageclan is a relatively peaceful group of cats that reside in a rich territory. Majority of their territory is grasslands with rolling hills, prestine watering holes and fields of flowers & herbs. Surrounding the grasslands is an expansive birch forest that is inhibited by foxes and prey, but no other clans. Bordering both the grasslands and the forest lies a small two-leg town where a band of rogues & loners live. 

Overtime Sageclan has become greedy and snobby with their beautiful territory and prospering clan, barring all other cats from any fertile lands. The nomad cats that are forced to squat in the city or brave the foxes running wild in the forest have started gathering as a big group, preparing to fight Sageclan for their home. 

As border attacks start occuring and lives are lost, Sageclan must find a way to share their home with the nomads whilst also keeping an eye on their foe in the forest.

Image removed by moderator


Posted 2021-01-10 19:34:20 (edited)


  • The rogue group will band together and start attacking SageClan's border/hunting patrols. Tensions will rise between the clan and the rogues and the end result will be a "war." However the 'big battle' will be interupted by the foxes who come and attack both groups of cats. All cats will then need to band together to fight the foxes off, and they will find themselves a third unexpected ally.

However this plot will be drawn-out to develop characters and over a long period of time :) I just thought everyone would want to know where it was sort of going!

Sageclan cats are naturally slim and petite with nimble paws to catch rabbits and pick herbs. They have extremely talented healers, and follow the warriors code. However they believe it is an insult to ignore the gift of fertility and medicine cats of any gender are permitted to go on maternity leave. It is common for cats to have light-coloured pelts.

SageClan is currently Unaware of the situation



ï»żThere will be no overpowered/perfect characters. Keep it realistic.

Being rude/unkind in OOC will get you kicked out. (No use of slurs/hate speech/politics) 

Maximum of 2 characters. This will extend depending on the amount of people that join. Only one high rank per person.

Keep appearances realistic. Sageclan cat's are wild/mixed. City cats are permitted to be former kitty-pets (therefore breeds)

Posts must be semi-lit (preferably atleast a paragraph.) Highranks must post atleast a paragraph/4 sentences to be engaging

No romantic relationships between your own cats. You may have a parent&child but not mates.

If you wish to have kits, newborn ones may be NPC but roleplayers must be found. 

The rogue group is most likely going to become a clan and carry on into a second plot, and the ranks will be translated into it.


Posted 2021-01-10 20:03:56 (edited)















Posted 2021-01-10 20:14:12 (edited)

ï»żname | age | gender | sexuality | description | id

Sageclan Ranks


Elmstar | 30 Moons | Female | Bisexual | Short grey & orange tabby w/ pale green eyes | #16509


Silentcreek | 19 Moons | Female | Heterosexual | White furred w/ brown patch & blue eyes | #35680


Fawndapple | 55 Moons | Male | Homosexual | Stocky ginger & white stripped tom & yellow eyes | #3189







The Nomads


  Newton | 29 Moons | Male | Biromantic Demisexual | Thick-coated seal point rosetted tom w/ deep blue eyes | #18414 

Second In Command:

Maxim | 27 Moons | Male | Demiromantic Bisexual | Long-legged bi-coloured oriental tom w/ hazel eyes | #12334

Healer [1]:

Acacia | 28 Moons | Female | Bi Demisexual | Petite faint-sandy tabby cat w/ light green eyes | #34831


Reserved [#16509]

ï»żif there isn't a cap on a rank, it is most likely unlimited slots [ excluding leader & dp ]


Posted 2021-01-10 20:39:48 (edited)

ï»żName: Elmstar

Age: 2 years 6 moons (30 moons)

Gender: Female (she/her)

Sexuality: Bisexual (male preference)

Clan: SageClan

Rank: Leader


Robintail [deceased, mother]

Breezeclaw [deceased, father]

Heatherpaw [deceased, adoptive sister]

open [alive, adoptive mother]

open [alive, adoptive sister]

open [alive, adoptive brother]


+ hard-working, quick-thinker, determined, decisive

/ manipulative, articulate, creative, dignified

- private, controlling, unempathetic, uptight

Elmstar has changed a lot since being a impish kit. The events throughout her kithood made her scared of change, and uptight.  She does not trust herself, or chance, to try new things and leave her fate or the fate of her clan to chance. Elmstar has a strained relationship with Starclan, and often chooses to ignore their signs. She doesn't appreciate the idea that her choices aren't her own. She is a private cat with no friends, so her emotions often bubble up until they explode. One of the reason she has a poor social life is that she is scared of loosing the cats she loves, but she's never let anyone close enough to realise that. These anxieties and minor PTSD is what made her controlling and with the need to always be in charge.

Despite these negative traits, Elmstar really does have her clan in heart. She watches them from a distance, and wants fiercly for their survival and protection. She is hard-working, which is what lead her to become leader and dedicates herself to something until she gets it perfect. She has a bright mind, making her a quick-thinker and able to think of solutions under the pressure. Her ideas are also unique and creative, which allows Sageclan to prosper. Elmstar is decisive in her decisions and it is a rarity for her to change her mind. She needs help to realise when she has made a mistake and admit it.

Elmstar is also diginified and articulate. She likes to look nice to represent Sageclan, and does not accept any undiginified behaviour around her. When she speaks to crowds, it is captivating and hard to ignore. Elmstar knows what to say to get cats attentions and keep it. This has also lead her to be somewhat manipulative, finding that she can twist her words to get cats to do what she wants. She tries not to be manipulative but when she's in a sour mood it often comes forth.

Unlike the leaders before her she isn't 'greedy' when she comes to the land, but she is so strict and unchanging that she appears that way. However she does not care about the rogues and their issues. This makes her seem unempathetic, which she is, but mainly because she is so focused with taking care of her own cats.


Elmkit had a pretty rough start to life. Her parents, Robintail and Breezeclaw were old. Far too old to have kits. The result being a one-kit litter and a birth too strenuous for her mother to recover from. Elmkit was given to a queen to nurse with 3 adoptive siblings. As she grew up, she liked to think that her life was all the richer for it. She might miss the mother she never knew, but she now had three doting siblings. Breezeclaw was distant which lead Elmkit to fear that he blamed her for her mothers death.

Elmkit became thick as thieves with one of her adoptive sisters, Heatherkit. Whenever Elmkit was sad, Heatherkit would be the one to cheer her up. They played many pranks on the unlucky warriors that they came across and were soon known as the 'michevious, energetic twosome.' Unfortunately for the two rather immature kits, apprenticehood and it's meager responsibilities were forced upon them. Elmkit became Elmpaw. The next chapter of her life.

Like most things in her life, Elmpaw's apprentice-hood started off rocky. She became jealous of Heatherpaw, whose mentor was Breezeclaw. Elmpaw didn't understand why her father paid more attention to her adoptive-sister then his own daughter, even though Heatherpaw was his apprentice. Elmpaw threw herself into her training with vicious focus and became a strong warrior and fighter. Her knack with strategy and bright mind was what really helped her excell past her pairs. Towards the end of her apprenticehood she was sent out on a hunting task with Heatherpaw.

Their bickering drew them too close to the birch forest where the clan of foxes lived. The foxes were upon the two mollys before anything could be done. Heatherpaw was killed almost instantly, and Elmpaw would have been next if it hadn't been for her father. The old tom had been trailing his apprentice and his daughter, and when he noticed the danger he tried his best to help. Being an older tom, he couldn't do much, but his sacrifice gave Elmpaw the time to escape back to camp.

Elmpaw was insoluble in her grief, having lost the two cats she cared most about. The fact that her last words to them had been full of jealousy and hate weighed heavy on her heart. She cut ties with her adoptive mother and other siblings, and threw herself back into training. She got her warrior name at 1 year and 4 months, which is relatively early. Elmpaw was now Elmscar, a fitting name for the now grim-natured cat.

Romance and friendship did not interest Elmscar, and Beestar (the current leader) took her under her wing. For the first 6 moons of her warriorhood she was advised and nutured by the old leader, and even let down some of her barriers to become friends with the older molly. Then the deputy retired, and Elmscar was made deputy. There was talk about how she was too young and inexperienced, while others said that she had experienced more then warriors twice her age had. Another 6 moons later, Beestar lost her last life and Elmscar became Elmstar. Alone again, Elmstar focused on keeping her clan happy and healthy, no matter how cruel she might seem.

Being in her third moon of leadership, Elmstar is relatively untried at leadership. She has carried on the rules of no outsiders being allowed in the territory and is extremely terrified of change and the hardships it may bring. Elmstar has a lot of tough decisions in her future to make, but for now she is just focused on keeping her clan safe and well-fed, without considering how it might affect others.


Elmstar has the physique of most Sageclan cats. She has a broad chest that allows her to have endurance when it comes to activities like running, combined with skinny hips and nimble paws that make her quite lithe. She is extremely short, to the point where it is laughable, which is most likely something to do with her parents age when she is concieved. Despite being short she is still physically fit and can hold her own in a fight. She has a long tail that streamlines to help her keep balance, and large ears that gives her keen hearing.

Her fur is a medium-length, making her look more bulky then she is. Most of her fur is a light tabby colour, with some dark grey/brown. She has patches of ginger fur under her eyes and on her forehead that is quite striking with her pale green eyes. She relies on her wit and speed to keep her on top in a fight, resulting in her being relatively unscathed.


Image removed by moderator

Other: She looks like the image, just with a more slim shape and shorter fur!


Posted 2021-01-11 08:58:36 (edited)


“Of the people, for the people.”

Name: Newton (“Newt”)

Age: 29 moons (2.42 years)

Gender: Male (he/him)

Sexuality: Biromantic Demisexual

Clan: The Nomads

Rank: Leader

Relationships: N/A


+Charismatic, honest, passionate, companionly

/Ambitious, big-thinking, loyal, humorous

-Unpredictable, reactive, troublesome, dogmatic

Newton’s a good guy, the type to reach out to others and never hesitate to take them underneath his wing, so long as they remain loyal to him. That being said, he’s also the type of cat that will hold a grudge and act out when someone’s betrayed him. He’s dogmatic in the fact that when he lays down the rules, the rules are laid down. He may not have all that many, but they’re simple and he expects them to be followed. Step a toe out of line, and he won’t hesitate to let you know: he’s very upfront and honest like that. He won’t sugarcoat it: get in line, or get thrown out. That is, unless you’re an outsider. Towards those he’s less familiar with, Newton takes a more cautious approach, using his silvertongue to get to know the stranger and manipulate them as much as he can. As charismatic as he is, Newt is also the reactive type. Once he’s good and mad, he might do things he himself considers extreme. Naturally, he regrets these mistakes later on and he won’t hesitate to admit it, but somehow, things always work out for the guy. Sometimes, other cats have to get what they deserve, he supposes. 

He also likes to be social, to have himself surrounded by others that he cares for (and in turn, he expects that respect to be shared). He’s willing to share his spoils and work his hardest to improve situations for his companions. To put it simply: Newton loves the cats that he lives for, and he’ll do anything to make life better for them. He can be ambitious in this aspect, fueled by a desire to expand and help his ragtag group of rogues thrive. However, Newton doesn’t always resort directly to violence. He can be quite charismatic and capable of talking his way out of things. But when push comes to shove, the tom can be unpredictable, he can change like the wind. Newt may just approach an enemy acting cool, as if all’s forgiven. But remember: he doesn’t forget. You stab him in the back, and he may just lose his patience and stab you right back when you’re least expecting it.

Outside the stresses of business, Newt’s a very cool cat. He likes to have his fun, and he likes to enjoy the companionship of his buddies. He can be chummy when he’s in the right mood, and sometimes get into trouble. But hey: enjoy life while you have it, right?

History: Newton was one of many born from a bengal cattery. He can’t recall his littermates well, considering that he wasn’t with them too long- he just knew that they were smaller, and always better at catching twoleg toys. He was eventually transported to his new twoleg home, but as he grew, he found himself getting into conflicts with their older cat.

So he was rehomed. And he was rehomed again, and again...the other kittypets were always too high-strung, too adamant about not sharing things. Newton didn’t like their style- so when he was fourteen moons old, he fled from his new home and struck it out on his own. He didn’t like the idea of being a kittypet and sitting there, rotting away and growing fat off of rabbit pellets. 

It was a struggle at first, but he was glad that he did it. He got into many conflicts with settled rogues in order to establish himself, but he eventually found himself settling in with a pretty decent crowd, once he sorted out the bitter cats. He learned that most of the other strays were pressed for supplies, for territory. It was then that the older cats taught him of a pressing matter: SageClan. Strays once had the right to share the territory, to hunt in the fruitful meadows so they could escape the dangers of the town. 

But since the clan had grown greedy, strays were forced to fight amongst themselves. Newton promised to help unite them. When he had been with the other twolegs, his fellow kittypets shunned him, refusing to share the love of the housefolk or their other goods. Now, he would extend what resources he had in the alleyways, to unite the scattered rogues to rise up against a greater force, so that all could flourish.

Description: Newt was always a little more on the burly side, even compared to his littermates as a kitten. They were more lean built, natural athletes built for sprinting and just being agile in general. Newt? He was always a little more of a powerhouse, not quite so graceful on his paws. Nonetheless it has served him well, especially in his transition to growing power. Given his kittypet (bengal) background, he does appear to be somewhat taller than the average moggie. 

He has a thick coat that is short in length which provides him with decent warmth and some protection from any fights. Still, Newt is not without his scar. His body is lightly littered with them, although his ears have definitely taken some heavy hits. Newton’s coat is quite mesmerizing to the eyes. The tom is a seal point rosetted tom with a pair of deep blue eyes, or what his breeders would have called a “snow bengal”. Maybe he looks pretty- but honestly, Newton used to be embarrassed by his appearance when he turned rogue. He looks like a prissy kittypet. Don’t comment on it.

Other: My ID's 18414, not 16931 :P


Posted 2021-01-12 13:21:53 (edited)



Posted 2021-01-12 13:25:03 (edited)

ï»żName: Silentcreek

Age: 19 moons

Gender: Female (She/Her)

Sexuality: Straight

Clan: Sageclan

Rank: Deputy

Relationships: N/A

Personality: Slightly Aggressive- Loyal- Brave- Determined

Quick-thinking-Creative-Unbelievably Strong- Independent   

History: Silentkit had a rough childhood, she barley knew parents, her dad died when she was half a moon, and her mom died while giving birth. Silentkit had always stood out from the other kits, she was brave and wasn't scared of battle. She was given to a queen when her parents died. She was unique, she didn't play with the other kits, she usually hanged out with the elders and listened to their stories, or practicing to fight.

Silentpaw was a determined apprentice she learned the Warrior Code and followed it with her life. She was the best at battle training and dare I say beat her menor at it with ease. She developed a friendship with one of her fellow apprentices, Snakepaw, he was clever hunter and knew his place. But, at a battle against the Nomands, a battle she could not go to....Snakepaw was badly wounded, he barley came back alive. Silent was angry, she wanted revenge, no one hurts her friends and gets away with it. 

Silentcreek was a very independent cat, it was hard to become her friend, but when you did, she would protect you with her life. 


Posted 2021-01-12 13:25:27 (edited)
Forget this exists this comment not my cat submission lol


Posted 2021-01-14 13:53:11 (edited)

Name: Maxim (Max-eem / Max, only by friends)

Age: 27 Moons (2.25 Years)

Gender: Male (He/Him)

Sexuality: Demiromantic Bisexual

Clan: The Nomads

Rank: Second-In-Command

Relationships: (will update as they come)
> Newton
     - "acquaintance"

Maxim can definitely come off as innocent and handsome, but don't let that fool you. He can be aggressive whenever he needs to be and will kill without remorse if it is required. He sees the white of his pelt as an annoying thing he needs to keep clean of blood.

However, when he gets around cats he trusts, he allows himself to relax a little and let his true self come out of his overly-aggressive outer shell. He is a relatable cat to most of the other Nomads, having his background information and such, but only his friends know this. He takes his job of Second-In-Command very seriously, and if any cat were to challenge him for it.

Well... let's just say he won't be giving it up anytime soon.

He is perfectly fine with not being the leader of the Nomads, because having the steady amount of power he has now is enough for him, and having a cat like Newton overriding makes him feel secure in his position, under his rule.

Maxim is no stranger to the life of a Nomad; he was born one, after all. True, it was easier back then when his father would come back with food for his mom, siblings, and himself. But peace can never stay forever, can it? There always has to be that one cat.

When the Nomads were stripped of their privileges of hunting in the lush meadows, his mother became weaker and weaker having to take care of all of the kits she'd birthed with the little amount of food she was receiving. His father was coming home every day with more and more scars, it seemed, just to provide for his family.

Maxim's anger slowly built up, anger towards the Clan cats. Who were they to do this to his family?

Well, he wasn't going to sit there and do nothing about it, so when he reached 7 moons of age, he left with his brother Timur. He was shorter than him, but a bit stockier. They both took care of themselves, visiting back on their mother, father, and remaining siblings every once in a while with extra food.

That is, until they were no more.

Timur had decided to stay a night with the family because he wanted a break from the duo-Nomad traveling and fighting. Maxim agreed, seeing why he would want this, but he said that he would sleep in their usual spot if he needed him. When he went back, he didn't expect his brother to come running to him, bleeding profusely, to tell him that their family was attacked by a larger group of Nomads after their father took some food of theirs. All that was left of them were mangled corpses and bloody pools, and Timur died shortly after because of his wounds.
It took Maxim a long time to be around other cats in general. When he did, it was because of Newton. He was the only cat Maxim spoke to, conversed with, trusted. As Newton rose in the ranks, he did too. He wants to make sure that Timur's fate won't replay for Newt, so if anyone ever attacked him...

... they would be met with the wrath of a cat willing to die for a friend.

Maxim truly is stunning at first glance: a beautiful thin bi-colored coat, showing off a skinny and lithe yet powerful and muscular frame, accompanied by a set of deep hazel eyes, able to capture any cat for at least a second or two if they look too far. Being of oriental shorthair lineage, he has those distinctive large, pointed ears. They are amazingly unscathed after living as a Nomad, but that is probably because of his elegant, long legs. 

He uses them to an advantage, darting in and dealing quick but heavy-hitting blows. He is very skilled in his combat, which is probably why he's climbed to the rank of second-in-command. To be honest, he is quite content with it, too, not wishing to take the position of leader away from Newt.

His nose and pads are gentle pinks, giving him an innocent disposition, but making that assumption is what usually gets cats hurt in the end.

Image: (below and above c:)

Other: This looks super exciting and I can't wait for the roleplay to start!! Maxim also speaks with a slightly Russian accent.

(Image credits go to Tania)


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