Show Instances of Inbreeding
Posted 2021-01-20 13:09:30
I’d be okay with a COI as a compromise! That could make for fun site challenges, with people trying to min/max the COI. |
![]() Badger #10939 |
Posted 2021-01-20 13:14:56
@Vyskar, i have not, im just saying clean breeding has gotten to such a prominent trend not because a majority of players think inbreeding is bad or something, its because trends are set by the ones with the currency to start them and it happens we have a lot of people clean breeding to meet this trend in hopes of gainin a profit off the trend starters, |
![]() Derpy #6646 |
Posted 2021-01-20 13:20:53
Dunno, maybe new players or people "on the fence" already changed their playstyle due to people not inbreeding. There is already this type of mechanism...I personally don’t think it’ll change much since new players may already change or have changed because of that. But that’s just my opinion.. I also think that the coefficient idea is nice! |
![]() 𝑩𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚 ✨ #999 |
Posted 2021-01-20 13:22:26 (edited)
@Derpy i know you aren't, it was a rebuttal to a couple people last page that thought i was doing underhanded selling. that's a fair point on NIB as a result of the pup sink; if that's the case, i'd hope the demand for purely NIB recedes a little once the maternal bear is introduced. the only reason i'm against the suggestion is because if enforces an already prominent playstyle that's shaping the market, if it becomes less prominent i'm fine with the feature being implemented. |
![]() Vyskar #32153 |
Posted 2021-01-20 13:23:12
idk i just think the issue stated is just a consequence of a larger issue that currently exists , and usin a handful of ductape to patch over a chasm isnt effective at all |
![]() Derpy #6646 |
Posted 2021-01-20 13:23:15
I care not about trends and me being a NIB player myself on Alot of sites. It's just a preference and fun playstyle. People are gonna go through Lines to check for IB and the 'breeding rules' as i see it are flexible enough to decide on what you want. These games are to play how You want and many just choose to play a simple way that's simple yet fun and a challenge to them. I will say i never plan to sell my wolves and if i do then by that point they'll be something special to me enough to want to share so tbh i honestly don't care if my wolves are IB or not. I just like to check and try to keep things clean cuz i want to. This feature idea would be fun and make things simpler. I don't think of NIB vs IB is right or wrong and i never care for silly 'wars' like that. I've had IB animals before and still will to a degree i just make a different project for them is all. At the end of the day, this is just a game, a fun game with lots of potential and we just need to be a bit patient for some things. ...even if we do want things sooner than that >3> *Looks at Scrying stone's inability to let you scry pups/adols* |
![]() Fea #12206 |
Posted 2021-01-20 13:26:17 (edited)
summary - big yes to adding it, but only if it is toggleable and defaults to off. it can show on the wolf’s main page or family, or both, idc, as long as toggling is an option. big no to punishing inbreeding or making it affect the actual game, big no to forcing this feature behind a paywall. i play generally NIB, i will never inbreed myself if i cant help it, but in the instance i forget to check or see a wonderful outcrossed baby i’ll make exceptions and love them the same. but for my personal breeding choices, this would be infinitely helpful along with an attached notif warning of inbreeding on a breeding page (also toggled) only read the first 4 pages or so, but i support adding it and always have, though i do agree with points made about having it there all the time possibly pressuring people to play a certain way. perhaps it’s always generated for wolves, but you can choose whether to see it or not in your account settings defaulting to off? hidden information and such. (not toggling it on and off per wolf or per den - per account, so i can see the status of everyones wolves if i want, and other people can see the status of none if they would prefer) i in no way support having to pay for this feature in a scrying/feed all method. we can manually check lineages, but that is incredibly tedious and prone to mistakes, especially when the generations date back very far. this is a tool of convenience to help people play how they would like to, and i would love to see more people in this thread respecting everyone’s playstyle without adding a paywall. cannot stress this enough, but unlike any scry feature on this site, we can figure it out ourselves. its just annoying to have to when others dont. instead of punishing/favouring (debatable which one) inbreeding by giving it a higher mutie chance or making clean/nib players have to pay to avoid spending a ton of extra time checking, let’s not unnecessarily target ANY playstyles and simply implement a feature of convenience that has already been implemented in another game (proving it’s feasibility) by this company |
![]() liz thamnophis #16243 |
Posted 2021-01-20 13:28:56
heck i do mostly selling outside of my daily 150? fodder i buy so i guess my opinion of this would be mildly skewed |
![]() Derpy #6646 |
Posted 2021-01-20 13:33:56 (edited)
Skipping over a lot of this, but whoever they are, players have the right to be informed and should not have to scrounge around through generation after generation and wolf after wolf to find a wolf that fits their playstyle. After all, a big part of why NIB players exist is because their stance on inbreeding is morally charged, or for lore & bloodline purposes. Sure, inbreeding may have no effect on gameplay, but it does make some players severely uncomfortable. IB players understand this and either choose to inbreed or not. They know the consequence in the market. It is THEIR CHOICE to inbreed despite said consequence or not. Again, an inbreeding counter would not diminish the value of a wolf, because the value is already diminished to an NIB player whether there is a counter or not. An inbreeding counter would literally only make it easier for us to make an informed decision before we buy. |
![]() greahound⚡ #27654 |
Posted 2021-01-20 13:42:29
Support the idea of a counter for inbreeding; maybe when breeding or pair bonds there could be a little text that pops up that mentiones if the wolves are related too, to make breeding easier as well? Nothing super obtrusive or anything, just something that loads in the same way the wolf images do or the way hunting groups auto-suggest wolves for certain positions. |
![]() RatKing #3340 |