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Posted 2021-03-02 18:59:13

yay! NoW IvE gOt tO SaVe ^^


Posted 2021-03-02 19:03:28

My to-do list is on the first page of the thread - spots are still open, thanks so much for your interest! I can mark down a slot as soon as forms are filled out :)


Posted 2021-03-02 19:38:00

CSS Request Form

ID: Silly #788

Background Image: I do like this image but if it dosn’t work I’d love for you to find something similar if you’d like :)

Color Palette: leaving colors to you! I can’t pick very well XD but I know I like teal blue 

Font(s): again up to you! I trust you know what will work well with the theme but hopefully something easy to read XD 

Edges: slightly rounded but still mostly square maybe just not those sharp edges ?

Transparency:  semi transparent would be great where I can see the background but also have the main color of the box such as you third example the beige one 

Status Bars: can they be charged to decending colors? From a darker green teal going slightly lighter each time? If not a light green teal would be ok 

Wolf Images: rounded edges and no Greyscale please 

Transitions: no hovor effect :) 

Extras: nope! 

If you need anymore information that I don’t give please let me know! It’s my first time picking a CSS :D


Posted 2021-03-02 19:53:49

Thanks so much silly! I’ve got you written down if you want to go ahead and send me the fee of 15GC in a private trade~


Posted 2021-03-02 19:55:29

Thanks! Sending right away :D


Posted 2021-03-04 12:41:30 (edited)

ID: #34849

Background Image: This one! ^^

Color Palette: ##004ca3 for the background (even tho it’s transparent I still want the little color of it) any other color can be anywhere between cyan, turquoise or blue.

Font(s): this for the title maybe Stick font? And then Walter turncoat for anything else

Edges: rounded 

Transparency: Like ur transparency?

Status Bars: light to dark blue, #0062ff to #0049bf to #002b70 to #001840

Wolf Images: rounded, no greyscale

Transitions: none thank you 

Extras:  one HTML box that when you click on it it opens to the text? Sorry if that confusing. 

Cant wait ^^ your work is amazing!


Posted 2021-03-04 12:55:00

Thanks Moonlight! Feel free to send me the total fee of 20GC in a private trade and I'll get you written down!


Posted 2021-03-04 12:58:28 (edited)

Just sent it!


Posted 2021-03-05 10:19:24 (edited)

Background ImageBackground

Color Palette: Palette

Font(s): El Messiri for title font and Josefin Sans for everything else.

Edges: Square Edges and right angles! Subtle border is welcome.

Transparency: I would like transparency so the background in visible. You have free reign to mess with it as you see fit!

Status Bars: Match the palette.

Wolf Images: Totally rounded, please.

Transitions: I'd love the images to be grayed out slightly like on your den page, but if it looks weird, scrap that.

Extras: Staying on the topic of your den page, I love how it looks, nice and clean. Similar to that really. I'd like two boxes, no extra images or overlays. I'd like the chat to match the palette too, please. Honestly, giving you free reign to let your creative juices flow, make it look sexy!


Posted 2021-03-05 10:26:38

Thanks so much Ravencore, please feel free to send a private trade with the fee of 15GC and I'll go ahead and get you written down!


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