Posted 2020-10-04 08:26:12 (edited)
Editing. Will have Up soon
Blood Moon Pack
| Below you will find the available Blood Moon Pack Wolves and Pups For Sale and Auction. Prices for those on Sale are negotiable. |
For Sale:
Items or Decor is acceptable as offers. Studding is Pending.
| Birch Pup 1 Pricing: 80SC 

Slot 3 | White Carnage (47%) | Slot 4 | White Urajiro (56%) | Slot 5 | None | Slot 6 | None | Slot 7 | White Toes (59%) |
Stat. 260 Base: Birch Personality: Capable Eyes: White Skin: Dark Brown Fertility: Good |
| Slot
| Stat. Base: Personality: Fert: Eyes: Skin: Light Brown |
| |
For Auction |
| Black Female 1 SB: 1 GC CB: AB: 15GC 

Slot 2 | Black Cross (40%) | Slot 5 | White Tuxedo (41%) | Slot 6 | Black Limbs (51%) | Slot 8 | Black Back Patch (30%) | Slot 10 | Silver Cape (29%) |
Stat: 256 Base: Black Eyes: Olive Personality: Adventurous Fert: Good
| |
| Gray Lighter Female SB: 50 SC/1GC CB: AB: 15GC 

Slot 2 | Black Cross (45%) | Slot 3 | White Carnage (49%) | Slot 4 | White Urajiro (46%) | Slot 5 | White Tuxedo (51%) | Slot 10 | Silver Cape (28%) |
Stat: 260 Base: Gray Lighter Eyes: Blue Skin: Marbled Personality: Sociable Fert: Good |
Glaucous Male SB: 50 SC/1GC CB: AB: 15GC 
Slot 6 | Black Inverted Cross (100%) | Slot 10 | Yellow Urajiro (64%) |
Blue Male SB: 85 SC/1GC CB: AB: 10GC 

Slot 1 | Black Mantle (87%) | Slot 2 | Black Predator (19%) | Slot 8 | Black Belly Stripe (71%) | Slot 9 | Black Rump Stripe (71%) |
Stat: 230 Base: Glaucous Personality: Observant Eyes: Ice Fert: N/A
Stat: 227 Base: Blue Personality: Pessimistic Eyes: Ice Fert: N/A
| If canceling an offer, please mail me. |