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Refunded breedings to a clean 4th Gen hetero b&w stud for fox drops(closed)

Refunded breedings to a clean 4th Gen hetero b&w stud for fox drops(closed)
Posted 2021-01-17 14:24:47 (edited)

Soo I’m part of a breeding project for hetero eyed wolves and we are currently in search of fox base recipe items for refunded breedings to this handsome fella Genji

Domino eyed project senior members 

- (Founder&stud owner) Placebo

- (Senior member) Pastel

- (Former owner of the stud, senior member) Kiki (me)

- (Senior member) Vix


Amount of refunded breedings varies for each item here’s what we’re thinking:

Recipe: Unlimited refunded breedings (applies to future studs)

Red fox pelts/tails: Lifetime refunded breedings

Claws/fangs: 8 refund breedings per fang or claw

Fox skull: 20 refunded breedings 

All trades should be sent to #25208 with a buyout of 1sc and 1sc in the trade will not be refunding items(be sure of your decision before sending!)

You can cash in on breedings at ANY time. 


Fox base items acquired:

1/1 fox base applicator recipe [DONE]

20/20 fangs [DONE]

20/20 claws[DONE]

1/1 fox skulls [DONE]

3/10 red fox tails[7more]

0/5 red fox pelts[5 more]


Some facts about Genji

He is generation 4, but the first hetero in his line. He was bought for only 35gc on 1/14, and was sex changed and given to placebo on 1/16. He was made a scout on 1/15(by me) and remade a scout by placebo on 1/17. He is currently  level 13 with 612 stats-starting stats were at 411.

Thank you for your time! Please comment down below if you’re interested 


Posted 2021-01-17 14:24:58 (edited)


Act#5564- fox base recipe (unlimited)

lilforensic #3608-claw(8/8)

ReesezPizzas #273-claw(8/8)

CoyotePlainz (#1396)-claw(8/8)

🐸Iko🐸 #11498-claw(8/8)

PhoenixBOS (#18402)fang(7/8)

vermissary (#27108)-claw(8/8)

APlotLoophole #20211-claw(8/8)

Teddy (#5497)-claw(8/8)

ThistleGryph (#273)-fang (8/8)

Casey #16102-claw (8/8)

RiminReesun (#10098)-1claw,2 fangs(24/24)

Shinji (#34917)-claw(8/8)

pasde (#17818)-fang(8/8)

*please mention here if you are using a refunded breeding/pm me so I can update refunds*


Posted 2021-01-17 14:54:14 (edited)

The recipe allows us the ability to breed to all the studs in the breeding project for free or just for Genji? I have a recipe and I am interested in this project

Nevermind I didnt see u already had one LOL


Posted 2021-01-17 14:59:59

The recipe would get you refunded breedings to genji and any studs taking his place, however if you are interested in the Project it provides more info on studs available to project members <3


Posted 2021-01-17 15:02:47

Actually not sure on that- they haven’t responded yet


Posted 2021-01-17 17:43:48

I might have claws not entirely sure but I can check 

🎰🎲Aventurine 🎲🎰

Posted 2021-01-17 19:22:57

That would be great :)


Posted 2021-01-24 13:54:24

I have a Red Fox Tail + 2 Canine Fangs, I'll set up the trade.


Posted 2021-01-24 14:11:13

Thanks vix! I got them


Posted 2021-01-24 14:14:00

I’ll be burying them for now<3


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