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🐾💖 Lend A Paw: Help For Those In Need 💖 🐾

Posted 2021-06-30 08:53:34

I can send you some more.

It shouldn't be harder to get food at the moment - the hunting penalty only kicks in in winter and it's still autumn. Do you maybe have more wolves than before, and thus more mouths to feed? Looking through your pack I think your main issue right now is that the personalities in your hunting party clash, which will be lowering your hunting success. Friendly and romantic get along, so Atlas, Ghost of Ice and Dire are fine together; but Trudy is Aggressive. If you get her a Romantic/Friendly personality changer from the Personality snake you could fix that without removing Trudy from the party - she is your highest statted wolf after all. :) Maybe add a fifth hunter to your party, too? That way energy use and regen will be more balanced.

If you give me a screenshot of your huntin party I can give you advice on which wolf to put in which role, too.

Do you have Tundra unlocked in Explore? There are a lot of encounters there that give you food, too, which helps while your hunting party is still in progress.


Posted 2021-06-30 09:04:30

hello :) I've been really low on food and toys for my wolves and was hoping to get some food and toys and some advice I send my hunters every chance they get but they mainly come back with nothing and I am creating a second hunting pack trying to figure out which are the best wolves for a hunting pack some of my wolves have been leaving and I've been spending SC to get them back and try to keep up but I may run out of sc soon. 

thank you for helping I'm so glad that I found this forum. if you cant give me items the advice alone would really help ^^


Posted 2021-06-30 10:36:46

Iona idk how to send you an image of my party. Also i dont have enough sc for a personality change for trudy


Posted 2021-06-30 16:27:47

I can send over a personality changer(3 GC) if you'd like? I don't have any SC on me, just GC '-'

And I can also see what I have in my hoard and gift it to you! (Taiga is a really difficult biome and from my experience, it takes some pretty high-stat wolves to even hunt a critter trail; I ended up switching to an easier biome so I could hunt bigger game, it made everything a lot easier ^^)


Posted 2021-06-30 19:30:55

I dont quite have the tundra explored yet so thanks!!


Posted 2021-06-30 19:35:12

The personality changer wont let me change trudy to friendly or romantic.... Would helpful work??


Posted 2021-07-01 14:21:22

@Sleepytally, as Leaf said, Taiga is a difficult biome to hunt in with wolves that don't have really high stats. Based on what I saw at a glance in your den, I'd recommend moving to Riparian Woodland, Prairie or Coniferous Forest - they're medium difficulty and you should catch more prey there. It's also possible that you have clashing personalities in your hunting parties. Either check using the table at the bottom of this guide, or let us know which wolves are in each party and we can help you figure it out :)

Sending you some food and toys too!


Posted 2021-07-01 15:48:01

yall are so amazing ^^ thank you for the advice and the toys and food!


Posted 2021-07-05 07:24:12

Hi, you guys!

Is there anybody who could spare a Diahrrea Cure for my new Lead Wolf (my old one died just yesterday)? I'm low on herbs, so that's why I'm asking, one use is fine!


Posted 2021-07-05 07:39:12

Yep! I'll go on ahead and send one over ^^


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