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shifter city of HOPE role play (open)

Posted 2021-08-26 18:17:29 (edited)
*Some rustling were heard nearby Ether. Some bushes were moving near a large tree and some gnawing sounds could be heard along with some chittering*

Posted 2021-08-26 18:38:27
she stayed silent and got close to the ground what the stars is going on? she thought

Posted 2021-08-26 18:47:12
*Some more rustling could be heard and eventually a grey and black striped tail could be seen poking out of the bushes. Some creature was seemingly trying to pull something along and was having some trouble*

Posted 2021-08-26 18:52:03
she backed up and growled giving a warning

Posted 2021-08-26 19:07:17
*A fluffy raccoon backed itself out from the bushes with some rope tangled around it's body and legs and even looped around it's neck; some length of it even getting caught on the branches as it chittered in annoyance. In its mouth was more of the rope in a bundle and it froze mid-step at hearing the growling and the fur on its body stood up on end in defence*

Posted 2021-08-26 19:13:43
she froze when she saw the ropes, she sighed "need some help?" she asked "if you can't talk just nod or something" ether said

Posted 2021-08-26 19:23:19
*The raccoon turned its head to look at this stranger with golden eyes. It then tried to bolt back into the bushes but the loop of rope around it's neck got snagged on a branch and the raccoon coughed and tried clawing at the rope. The animal breathed heavily and glanced back at ether*

"Y-Ya better not kill me! Or take my loot! Y'hear me! I-I ain't scared of ya!"

Posted 2021-08-26 19:31:51
"i have no interest in your... loot or whatever" ether said rolling her eyes "and i don't plan on killing you..." ether said

Posted 2021-08-26 19:39:11
*The raccoon looked Ether up and down with suspicious golden eyes. It then sighed and relaxed a little bit*

"Right. I'll take ya word for it. Not like I can do anythin' about it if ya did kill me. Why do ya even wanna help me?"

Posted 2021-08-26 19:40:55
"...your stuck" ether mumbled "do i need a reason?..." ether asked with a frown

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