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Custom Decor 5GC Payment question ??

Custom Decor 5GC Payment question ??
Posted 2021-01-26 23:30:34

I have a short question regarding the extra 5GC tacked onto the custom decor payment. Why is this included? 

The 5GC, per my knowledge, would essentially go into the void.  It’s a pricey add-on for those of us who want to make and purchase affordable decors and still want to make a profit. Instead of this, I would most likely propose removing and/or making the fee smaller. Rewarding the artists who provided this art IN FULL (without extra fees) would ideally be more beneficial also, given they’re signing away their rights to the art per the TOS/rules and allowing Wolvden to advertise as such.

That said, I understand Wolvden does need to make a profit off GC, but throwing that GC into the void without rewarding members/the site’s economy could become an issue. It’s essentially straining GC’s worth too by taking more GC out of the system, making it a more ‘valued’ currency, rather than someone everyone can access occasionally. 

If someone could answer, that would be great. Might throw in game suggestions if this doesn’t fit here well enough and can’t be answered properly :0


Posted 2021-01-27 09:02:48

I'd agree with making a game suggestions thread, I can't really see a reason for this besides a purposeful try at lowering the amount of GC for whatever reason there may be


Posted 2021-01-27 11:52:52 (edited)

...well what's stopping players from buying a custom for 10gc, then mass-producing unlimited decors for free (or refunded, in WD terms), if they don't?

every sink is "money into the void", and a fee for custom decors is no different than scrying or--as a more direct comparison--buying WD decors from raccoon wares. simply put, a decor fee limits the number of custom decors in circulation so it doesn't overwhelm in-game decors. and while artists provide the art, wolvden provides the code and means to distribute these decors onto buyers' wolves. there should be compensation for the server strain of hosting the images, as well as time spent approving submissions. most pet sites i've been on have some kind of fee. 

personally i think 5gc is a bit hefty, but if you want to debate the price i agree with @KrisKat that you should submit a topic in game suggestions. 


Posted 2021-01-27 12:33:45

"...well what's stopping players from buying a custom for 10gc, then mass-producing unlimited decors for free (or refunded, in WD terms), if they don't?"
After the initial first three that are rewarded to you at first, every other purchase of the decor is 5GC. I think if they kept the 5GC/selling price for owners, that would be fine. Implementing against other users who are not the creator is excessive. 

I agree that the price is hefty. Server strain is definitely a reason, but you also have to remember that on top of everything, they're paying 10GC for the item initially too. 

If I don't get any answers in a bit, I'll create a thread?


Posted 2021-01-27 16:31:52 (edited)

I mean, ostensibly, users are paying Wolven for the privilege of creating Wolvden's content for them.

I'm not qualified to critique the system, really, just looking at it from the outside and observing the differences in it as compared to another game I play wherein the artist retains control over the initial distribution of their work.  It doesn't just become another site item that anyone can own.  I can see pluses and minuses to both methods.


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