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Wolvden writers community!

Wolvden writers community!
Posted 2021-01-27 13:59:16

This is both an ordinary community of wolvden enthusiasts to just have a bond and a writing community, you do not need to be a certain level of writing to join so long as you enjoy it.

Special things:
Writing contests!
Large writing projects! (great for roleplayers)
Helping one another!

This is an area to say you want to join, if you wish you may join the community discord server here: 


Posted 2021-01-27 17:35:50

Hey Evelynn,

I just joined the server! I am looking forward to writing and completing some of my own WIPs this year.

I have an old story about wolves that I hope to one day finish and publish but unfortunately for the moment I'm too focused on dragons to complete it. Still, I would love to check in now and again for some pointers and good old fashion writing advice.

Thank you!


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