Flag/Spoiler for Body Horror Decor
Posted 2021-08-09 15:15:24
Regarding wolves actually wearing that kind of custom decor, I've seen suggestions in others sites with similar issues asking to blur the image completely, out of respect for the person who chooses to dress their wolf a certain way. A warning message stating why the image was censored could also be useful. |
Nei 🦀✨ #40965 |
Posted 2021-08-11 17:15:16 (edited)
As long as its optional for the user to have this flagging feature I don't see it causing any issues. |
shadoweon #10164 |
Posted 2021-11-22 11:21:28
Sabueso #3306 |
Posted 2021-11-27 10:28:53
Instead, I think adding an option to this panel labeled "Hide Gore and Body Horror Decor" (Or something similar to it) would be better suited. This way, you can still freely view different wolves on wolvden without having to worry about seeing anything disturbing. Not only this, but I'd assume it'd be easier to code as well since it's just a hide feature, and since a box wouldn't have to appear on the many wolves with disturbing custom decor it wouldn't overload the servers! |
IronyTempest #13152 |