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🍓 bunny's css shop 🍓 [DEN/PROFILE + THREAD CSS] [OPEN]

Posted 2020-10-03 04:12:36 (edited)

added! c:


Posted 2020-10-03 11:55:43

Hi! Are slots currently open?


Posted 2020-10-03 12:27:11 (edited)

yup! slots are unlimited unless I mention I'm closing them to catch up! <33


Posted 2020-10-03 12:42:23 (edited)
Could you remove me from the queue? Thanks! My apologies :(


Posted 2020-10-06 06:31:51 (edited)

added and working on my queue today! <3


Posted 2020-10-06 16:57:25 (edited)

username/id: VioletCyrodiil #1560 (ignore my current username, it's just for the trick or treating!)

type: upgraded

color scheme: Coolors Palette - the first five are what I would prefer as the main theme, with the rest being possible accents; the lighter grey I would like to be for boxes and sidebars on the site; that said, if you feel like there's a better way to execute the overall scheme, please do exercise your own artistic freedom, I would love to see possibilities!

background image: Possibly this photo? Though if it won't work, I can try to find a replacement!

borders: Yes please!

rounded-corners: yes please!

boxes: Yes please! I would like three, in the same layout as Kira's! (#596) With the large box on top, and the two smaller collapse/scroll boxes on the bottom!

pack dynasty/nesting & pupsitting/pack overview/breeding image changes: If it's possible, I'd like to have the code to where I can be able to replace the breeding, pack overview, etc images eventually on my own? If not, that's completely fine!

transparency on boxes: Yes please, preferably upwards of 60%! Not quite fully solid, but not super transparent either!

transparency on main/sidebar: Yes please, same as above! ^

fonts: For things like headers (such as the sidebar leader name, the chat box header, pack overview/breeding/nesting/dynasty, etc. ) I would like "Mirza" bold, and for the rest I would like regular "Mirza"!

text: regular please!

extras: none that I can think of!

payment type: GC + SC!


Posted 2020-10-07 03:19:13 (edited)

added! thank you!


Posted 2020-10-07 05:26:00 (edited)

update: added in a section where I explain how to insert the code into your den! hopefully that can help some of you!


Posted 2020-10-07 21:47:11 (edited)

came back for the thread css

username/id: dogjaws#4714
type: (what kind of thread is this? auction, raffle, or something else?) Auction/sales.
color scheme: anything that fits well with the BG image? whites/light colors.
background image: This may or may not be useable but something similar is fine, or instead of pink tones maybe army greens or pastel green
borders: yes
rounded-corners: no
boxes: like your thread example is about right. 
transparency on boxes: barely or none at all.
transparency on headers: barely or none at all 
fonts: similar to your thread example if possible
text: probably lowercase or like how you have
extras: no
payment type: gc


Posted 2020-10-08 05:37:09 (edited)

added! happy to see you come back. c:


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