Chasing Wolves Data
Chasing Wolves Data
Posted 2021-02-15 20:08:31 (edited)
This guide is still a work in progress, some information in this guide has been confirmed by the moderator team and other information has been found by members of The NBW Project Team. Not all wolves make it into the chased pool, wolves that are chased are randomly picked and put into the pool, if theyre not put into the pool they are deleted from the game. Wolves arent immediately put into the pool after being chased. They arent befriendable for a certain amount of hours to days.
Pups and adolescents are deleted from the game when chased and never put into the chased pool. Once a wolf is put into the chased pool it stays there until it is pulled into befriending. If you fail befriending a wolf it is deleted from the game once the interaction has ended. This includes fighting and leaving the interaction. (So always befriend them and just rechase! Always have 5gc on you in case you run into a T3) Biomes where a chased wolf is found is randomized and has nothing to do with the player who chased the wolf's home biome. When a wolf is chased any carrier status and mutations are removed and rerolled. As well as the wolf losing all heritage. You cannot encounter your own chased wolves in explore. (However there is one case of this happening) |
![]() 🧊 Orthrus🧊 #15164 |
Posted 2021-02-17 02:40:12
Do you know if their age is rerolled as well? I know their stats are. I had this idea of chasing my good wolves right before death, to give them a second life! |
✨The Bone Fairy✨ (she) #33541 |
Posted 2021-02-17 04:41:08
As far as weve seen age is not rerolled |
![]() 🧊 Orthrus🧊 #15164 |
Posted 2021-02-17 04:47:26
Aww :( There goes my idea. Oh well 🤷 Thanks! |
✨The Bone Fairy✨ (she) #33541 |
Posted 2021-02-18 15:55:37
To update this, the original owner of Perseus the new NBW Wulfenite confirmed that he was chased and found 8 hours later - with NO rollover in between. Either the mods are deliberately not giving full information, or there was some sort of glitch in the code that made him findable early. You're also not supposed to be able to find any wolf you chase in the wild, but we've had at least one case of that, too, so the "rules" may not be rock solid. |
finnfinite #21205 |
Posted 2021-02-18 16:10:43
Seems like possible bugs or perhaps a similar wolf could have been chased from someone else for that specific case. Its also possible the mods dont know and are just going off of what theyve seen |
![]() 🧊 Orthrus🧊 #15164 |
Posted 2021-02-18 16:45:24
They confirmed the wolf had the exact same markings as the one chased - it definitely wasn't a different wulfenite. |
finnfinite #21205 |
Posted 2021-02-18 17:48:25
Perhaps the admins happened to see it was a t3 and pushed it manually, who knows |
![]() 🧊 Orthrus🧊 #15164 |