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♥ Boba's Free Den CSS Layouts!

Posted 2022-02-06 23:07:05
Hey, Garlicfur (#54666), are you copy-pasting the whole thing linked to on pastebin? I was doing the same thing at first, but apparently you're only supposed to use the main link you see there (starting with "https" and ending with ".css") if that makes sense.

Hope this reaches you and helps!


Posted 2022-02-07 10:23:57
thank you! I will give it a try

Posted 2022-02-07 10:27:01
It worked! thank you so much!

Posted 2022-02-07 12:19:17


Posted 2022-02-27 06:26:33
I'm using meadow but the text is very difficult to read on dark mode

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-03-23 22:52:06
I have a problem with your css. When I want to use it, I get this message "Stylesheets are not supported in HTML. Please add them in the" CSS Files "section below."


Posted 2022-03-25 13:01:45
I love the swamp one, but I prefer to use the site's Dark Mode, which makes text in the chat box, wolf footnotes, some parts of the den/profile page impossible to read. Is there any way to make it play nicely with dark mode?


Posted 2022-04-11 20:32:42
hi! when i try and use the night sky css, it says "invalid css file" any idea what i should do?

Posted 2022-04-11 22:03:33
i want a dark day time with moon and trees and wolves

Posted 2022-04-15 14:29:09
Do you have any CSS themes that go along the lines of moon and stars?

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