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Edit Specific Markings Search In Crossroads "Search Wolves" Function

Edit Specific Markings Search In Crossroads "Search Wolves" Function
Posted 2021-02-20 13:59:39

At the date of posting this suggestion, the marking search options in the Search Wolves function in the crossroads look like this.

My problem with this is that... functionally, when using wolf search, none of this lets me search for what I need/want to find. I often use the search function as a useful tool for finding studs with specific things I want to breed to my girls. And one of the things I often look for in a breeding pair is... the potential to produce combo markings. 

Trouble is, the Specific Markings section of the marking search only lets you look for ONE specific marking in a slot at a time. And if I have a wolf who, say, has a black marking in her 4th marking slot, and I want to find a stud with any white marking in his 4th slot that can produce a silver combo marking-- I can't. And if I go to Marking Options, I can search for color group, and any white marking, which is much better-- but it only lets me choose how many slots a stud has white markings in, not which ONES. 

The two minor changes I would make to the search function would be:

1) The ability to select multiple specific markings to look for in a certain slot. For example, if I were to select both White Undercoat and Auburn Agouti in slot 10, it would show both wolves with White Undercoat in slot 10 AND wolves with Auburn Agouti in slot 10. This would be an extremely large quality of life improvement for the marking search function. 

2) Currently there are only 5 inputs to search for a specific marking in a specific slot. This doesn't really make sense, since wolves have 10 marking slots. Double the amount of specific marking in specific slot search inputs to match the amount of marking slots a wolf has. 

I don't think this would take too much effort on the part of the devs aside from some coding alterations that, as far as I can guess, probably wouldn't be too hard? But it would be a huge improvement in the functionality of the search wolves system. Thank you to the dev team for reading & considering the possible future implementation of this suggestion! 

Thistle ⭐ [He/Him]

Posted 2021-02-23 11:01:58 (edited)

I would also like the ability to search for a specific markings without looking for a specific slot. This is technically available... but not for all markings, for some reason. For example, if I want to look for wolves with a shepherd HEAVY marking, now, I have to do it manually, selecting one color at a time and one slot at a time.

It’s very tedious.

So yeah, full support.

Sometimes, I want a specific color on a specific slot and no care for the particular marking, when it comes to combos.


Posted 2021-02-24 15:07:56

TBH just searching for a marking colour in a specific slot would be useful too. Support.


Posted 2021-03-25 06:41:53

Yeah, searching for multiple markings would be useful for many reasons, support!


Posted 2021-05-17 08:56:28

UPDATE: With the addition of the Enclave feature I feel like this is even more imperative of a quality of life update to be brought into the crossroads Search and the Trading Center search function? Lillemor can give me a quest to find a puppy with ANY yellow colored marking in slot 8, for example, as she did today:

However, if I go to the trading center to see if I can find a puppy to exchange there is NO option to search for wolves with any yellow marking in a specific slot. The search function really needs to be improved.

Thistle ⭐ [He/Him]

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