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Art for Cones and Amusement items - Open

Art for Cones and Amusement items - Open
Posted 2021-02-20 16:42:01 (edited)

All my wolves ran! I need Sc to reclaim them and food/amusement to keep them!

Also for a limited time I'll consider wolves as payment! Mostly looking for warm medium wolves with either natural-ish looks or extremely colorful. Send wolf offers through PM so we can discuss what seems fair for them as I'll do is case by case depending on markings/stats. I prioritize looks more than stats but nice stats are a bonus haha

Anyway I'll do a small pixel for 200sc, 2gc, 40 food uses, or 20 uses of amusement items and a big one for 400sc, 4g, 80 food uses or 40 uses of amusement items. Just give me the ref, a specific pose/expression if desired and tell me how you'd like to pay!

Please either credit my woldven or TH (Marz_Barz)





Posted 2021-02-20 17:14:31

Halllo!! :D These are super cute! I'd love one to get one of the mini ones! I'd also love to help with your flea situation <3 Would you prefer I send you the herbs outright or if you'd like I can make them into a cure when my Herbalist returns from foraging? :D 

If so, may i get a mini of my Stud Eevi (As long as he's not to complicated!) paying with 3 Tobacco? (Or the cure if you'd like me to make it!)


Posted 2021-02-20 17:25:51

The herbs themselves is fine! Eevi is definitely something I can do :^) Should have stated in the main post but is there a certain pose/expression you'd like?


Posted 2021-02-20 17:36:32

I have 5 flea medicine with me, 

May I have mini ones of my wolves BirchCrescentArizonaBark & Wolverine?


Posted 2021-02-20 17:49:34 (edited)

I'll send the herbs now! :D Anything is fine really! Maybe sitting or laying with a happy expression! Anything you'd think would work for him really! :] Thank you!! <3


Posted 2021-02-20 19:04:06

Could I get a mini of
Omega (a good but anxious boy who just tries to avoid any trouble),
Cedar(a good bean with bad luck) and
(a friendly but axious Healer with an above average number of toes)
for a flea remedy, 3 tobacco and 20 Uses of amusement items in the form of 4 bones?


Posted 2021-02-20 19:22:04

ForestRave and Zombiehund both of those sound good! Send a trade whenever and I'll send you a message when the art is done!


Posted 2021-02-20 19:25:54

Oh my gosh, if this is still open I'd love to order a couple minis! I can toss 12 tobacco your way if that's correct payment wise! If you need less than what I'm ordering / only want to take a couple of these I put the characters in order of my preferences of who I'd like to prioritize getting art for(if that makes sense AHH)

Tawny (boy) - Cinder (girl) - Gray (boy) (I'd love if in the pose his left leg was lifted up as if it was injured! If you've ever read warriors but no worries if not, think Cinderpelt) - a to be named character who I have nothing personality-wise for yet! So draw them, however, but can they have green eyes instead of blue/purple like their ref shows?

Any pose/expressions are valid for these ocs! Probably nothing incredibly cutesy though if that makes sense as I don't feel like it'd match them, anything else is fair game!! Tysm!


Posted 2021-02-20 19:34:06

Myth those all sound good! Send a trade whenever and I'll message you when the art is done!


Posted 2021-02-21 13:28:23

May I be added to a waitlist?


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