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PWYW Human doobles (SOFT OPEN)

Posted 2021-02-25 14:04:00

Payment has been sent via trade

Jason Todd

Posted 2021-02-25 16:45:47

Thank you very much! Sent over a trade! :D


Posted 2021-02-25 21:33:56

ive read the post above stating that you won't be accepting anymore until the current queue is up and still able to do requests

could you do Velerenas for 30 GC please? <3 


Posted 2021-02-26 11:04:26 (edited)

@vapor here u go! Sorry for the delays everyone, I got sick so I can't work as fast as I'd like ): I'm still working on when I can tho! EDIT: also oop i think the trade expired, I forgot they do that as quick as they do LOL skhfdsndf pls resend when u can!

i hope ur friend likes them!


Posted 2021-02-26 12:20:09

@egg GOOD AFTERNOON THESE ARE SO ADORABLE? My friends are gonna love them! ;_; also very sorry about you getting sick! i hope you get better soon!

AAAAND i'll resend the trade. gimme a couple minutes. tysm again!!


Posted 2021-02-26 16:08:31
@Vapor :D Yay i'm so glad! and ty I took a giant nap and now I feel more like a human LMAO 

eager to draw some more after dinner!


Posted 2021-02-28 18:33:41

so sorry for the delays everyone! sickness has been affecting me more than I thought T__T I think I'm on the mend and I'm hopeful to be back to drawing tomorrow!!!

I appreciate everyone's patience in the meantime y__y y__y !


Posted 2021-02-28 18:49:55

Absolutely, take all the time you need! Hope you feel better! <3


Posted 2021-03-01 09:04:02

@Jason Todd here you go! thank you so much for your patience <3 

feeling like a human again today so I'm hoping I can get thru a good chunk of these today!


Posted 2021-03-01 09:05:59

those look awesome! 


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