Let us sell Lunar Tears in Trading Center
Let us sell Lunar Tears in Trading Center
Posted 2021-02-28 10:40:01
What the title says ^ I assume they’d count as currency. My reasoning behind this is that: 1) It makes the seasonal applicators easier to obtain. Our current options are grind for Lunar Tears with the limited Essence we get each day, or wait for someone else to do that and buy the base off them. Being able to do a mixture of both (grind Tears casually and buy the extra off other players) will help make getting the applicators a bit less stressful but still a challenge. 1a) for those concerned about this just making it easier for already-rich players to make more money from their new Selene base wolves, the fact that we can already buy the applicator in the trading center makes that point moot. They can already do the aforementioned 2nd option with ease. 2) Our current system of “buy the item someone else wants in the shop, then trade it” is a bit clumsy. You may have seen other wanted item threads with this system, where 5LT = 1GC in an item’s price, and considering that’s our only system so far that’s fine. But not every item in the shop has a cost that’s a multiple of 5LT, so once again, a mixture of being able to buy LT straight from others and get it yourself would be the simplest and easiest. 3) Not everyone really cares about what the current shop has to offer. For those who need quick money, being able to sell the LT they get gives them motivation to participate in the event, instead of just getting some LT and hoping for items that they like better in the future. I am VERY interested in a conversation about this being a good/bad idea so any extra points in the replies would be greatly appreciated. |
![]() Salem #21506 |
Posted 2021-03-01 03:43:31 (edited)
No support. Mostly for the first reason, making it easier to obtain (a lack of challenge kills a game like this). 1) What I really enjoy about this event is that we're all equals. Nobody's more likely to get the base faster than another, because we're all capped to spending 125 LE per day, meaning a max of 125 LT (if you get 100% each day, which is rarely the case). Unlike the fox base, this is NOT a pay-to-win mechanic and I'm digging it. 1a) The statement that it's on the TC is not true. With this being day 3, the max any player should have is 375 after a perfect run, still 125 (one day's worth) tears away from the 500 LT requirement. There are no applicators in the game atm, and only one with the base (an admin's pup, for testing reasons no doubt). And even if they were, I'd still want the currency to be unobtainable by throwing money at it - it all helps the special bases released stay rare. Imagine if you could purchase LT - a rich person could just buy heaps of tears and purchase a big stock of applicators, to then sell that applicator for even more once it's rare (post-retirement). The applicator itself will also rise in value substantially with these requirements versus if anyone could buy 500 tears instantly on the board. With the current system, they might get 2 naturally from grinding before the base is retired (assuming each set stays for 2 runs). Each applicator becomes that much more important and special to each individual this way. 2) If people want to trade their bought items that is fair - it's no different from requesting BGs or decor exclusive from a specific biome. It'd be easier to remove the restriction to be in specific biome for Raccoon Wares too, but that removes a community engagement to trade and speak with one another. 3) They can sell it for quick money - by referencing the people from point 2! Find one that needs something you can afford and you can easily make quick coin that way. I know plenty who's grinding to sell the base applicator as well for that quick cash, so I don't really see a point here? There's already motivation for gaining the currency beyond selling the currency itself. |
![]() Frisk #13655 |
Posted 2021-03-01 06:14:13
No support. I like how this event puts all of us on equal footing and that we can't maximize it by trading LT. Trying to grind for fox items has been an absolutely miserable time for a friend and I but with this event, I am much more relaxed because I feel more like a peer to other users, and can focus on what I want most from the shop (the violet eyes). It's also very refreshing that I can do this all on my own as well, and not rely so much on the TC like I currently am with fox base items. |
![]() otterbells #4284 |
Posted 2021-03-01 06:20:58
I'm kind of torn on this idea. I really would like to be able to buy and sell LT as I'm constantly short on currency, but I agree with Frisk and Jessi. I like how this event, you actually have to work for your own LT and richer players can't just buy a haul of it off someone. Then, they get the base within a few days and just get richer and richer off of it. The fact that they can only make as much LE and therefore LT as the rest of us makes the game feel more friendly and kind of bring the Wolvden community together as equals. |
yellhound #31615 |
Posted 2021-03-01 06:23:18
✨The Bone Fairy✨ (she) #33541 |
Posted 2021-03-01 08:28:27
All of these are really good points! I still don’t understand the “rich people can’t just buy the applicators yet” thing, because just give it a few days and they’ll already be buying the base app for hundreds of GC. The same thing is already happening to the eye app. I may need some more explanation on how that’s fundamentally different than them just buying enough LT to purchase it from the shop. I do get the “reward hard working players” thing but... not all of us are super invested players. WD has already received criticism for not being friendly to its casual players, and this seems like an extension of that. |
![]() Salem #21506 |
Posted 2021-03-01 08:51:16
The difference is in supply! Currently, each player has to get to 500 before they can even buy it and subsequently consider selling it. There are far fewer folks who'll get to that point, than people who get to 50 and choose to sell it. There's a massive difference in time spent between the two, but if you could buy LT those with deep pockets could get 500 easily the first day from people who sell in 50s while others grind every day for a week. Ultimately it means more applicators, since you combine the LT pools of several who would usually not get the base anyway. Those with money will still be able to buy the applicator, yes, but the supply will be less and thus the price will be higher, since demand oversteps supply. This helps the applicator remain rare. Whether WD is nice to casual players or not is a different subject. I for one think they're very kind to allow each player the possibility to get the base applicator every monthly event even if they have to skip a few days. It's a special t3 base after all! |
![]() Frisk #13655 |
Posted 2021-03-01 09:39:58
I get the issue with supply! Thank you for explaining. I can definitely see how that would be an issue further on with devaluing both T3s and Selene, considering how easy it is to breed T3s to Specials and drastically raise the chances of getting T3 babies. honestly I do have some sort of worry that Selene will continue to be a super rare base months after its release, or we’ll have the stud bottleneck that we currently have with T3s just because of how quickly it’s getting retired and the difficulty of getting the base in the first place. I guess that’s just a “see how it goes” type thing though. |
![]() Salem #21506 |
Posted 2021-03-01 09:45:31
Isn't that the point of it being a "Special" base? To remain rare? It's not like once its time in the event is gone it'll be so forever. Special lunar events will have all Special bases show up, from what I understood in the announcement. So it'd be a matter of patience in waiting for the base you'd like again to appear, if you'd like to avoid stud lines. Would be a matter of extreme patience, but I always took WD as a 'long term' type of game, and not a short term one. |
![]() otterbells #4284 |
Posted 2021-03-01 09:48:35
No support, I like the grind for the tears (though I did spend a good chunk of them buying decors at first but now I'm saving for apps) |
![]() Mastatibbs #10454 |