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🐾💖🦊Fox Pup raffle 🦊💖 🐾

🐾💖🦊Fox Pup raffle 🦊💖 🐾
Posted 2021-03-02 01:36:34 (edited)

Slot 2Cream Inuit Unders (37%)
Slot 4Black Smudge Heavy (39%)
Slot 5White Tail Tip (42%)
Slot 9Black Trim (15%)

Got this lovely lady and figured id raffle her off <3 raffle ends when she is weaned and ready to trade 

Tickets prices 

- 10 sc for 1 ticket

- 1 gc for 15 tickets

- Healing salves for 5 tickets each

- Lucky feet for 7 tickets each

- canine claws/fangs/skulls for 25 tickets each

- red or grey fox pelts/tails for 100 tickets each

-  Lunar bg 25 tickets 

- Lunar claw, skin nose apps - 50 tickets 

- Lunar Eye app 100 tickets 

- Lunar base - 600 tickets 

- T3 wolf - 500 Tickets 

Set up a trade with one extra sc for buy out and label it raffle 


Posted 2021-03-02 01:36:46 (edited)

Purchased Tickets 


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