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đź–¤MELANISTIC STUDđź–¤Auburnđź–¤Zirconđź–¤Deirađź–¤Ducatđź–¤Shadedđź–¤

Posted 2020-10-16 17:40:34

He can do traditional now, or I can hold your spot on Monday for a slot. Whichever you prefer!

Virova|Melanistic Breeder

Posted 2020-10-16 17:41:13

I dont know if you've answered this before but are you willing to stud to his offspring to test for if they are carriers?

Sienna Snow

Posted 2020-10-16 17:43:02

Yep! I personally do Clean breeding, but that only applies to my pack. Who you stud to him doesn't matter to me. 

Virova|Melanistic Breeder

Posted 2020-10-16 17:44:16

i think I'll take a reserved slot please :) 


Posted 2020-10-16 17:49:10

Cool cool. I'll note you down in his Stud description. You get the 10GC fee, regardless of whether I get the RMA I want or not~

Virova|Melanistic Breeder

Posted 2020-10-16 17:50:15

is it only 10GC or does the 500 still apply?


Posted 2020-10-16 17:56:24

It's either or. You can pay the 10GC or 500SC, not both.

Virova|Melanistic Breeder

Posted 2020-10-16 18:01:26

gotcha okay thanks so much <333


Posted 2020-10-16 18:18:11

Okay, thanks!

Sienna Snow

Posted 2020-10-17 10:20:45

I'm interested in a slot for 10gc. :) I'd like to breed him to Sparrow here (will be customized by time of breeding) if that's okay. I think I read normal slots open on Monday unless doing traditional? If there is still room, I can wait until Monday.


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