🏹 - Far-reaching Momentous - The Rise of the Rose Red Sun 🔆
🏹 - Far-reaching Momentous - The Rise of the Rose Red Sun 🔆
Posted 2021-03-12 22:39:27 (edited)
It has been a full day since the first leader and founder of Fierce Grace, Tyka, has passed on. Reddii, a dark and lighter brown male with orange eyes, white underbelly, and a beautiful mask of red, now sits upon the ledge in the cliff where the leaders watched over the pack, him the new leader of the 8 year old group of wolvfers, along with Red, his mate of red and white with deep, black, entrancing eyes... just below, resting in the rising of the sun. It was still dawn. As Reddii sat there, observing his wolvfers as they wake to first howl for his and Red's new leadership, a celebration of their authority and newfound responsibilities, a soft smile came to his lips. This was his pack, his wolvfers he now led... He swore he'd make Fierce Grace a great and strong pack, he swore he'd keep his pack safe and brave to face the world and it's enemies. This was his time to finally rise, this new day, this dawn... The sun rose, turning the sky a rosy pink. His packmates began to howl to the sky, declaring him and his mate formally leaders of Fierce Grace. --- Hello! This would be my second thread made for my pack, succeeding Dawn of Time. If you weren't aware, this is a thread where I ramble about lore, the game, and what happens to my pack either brought on by the game itself, or my own imagination, maybe with the occasional help of outside RNG for lore purposes. Please, do not comment on this subforum! I'd like to keep it clean for everyday entries starting from this first (game) half-month and onwards. If you have any questions or just want to chat about something, feel free to PM me instead! I do warn though, I am not the best at conversation. Sometimes I just get lazy af and don't reply. Do feel free to send me another reminder message! Some of y'all are actually really good people, but the tight grip of "I'll reply soon!" is very relentless, especially on a tiring day. Anyways, onto the actual thread! Do be warned; stupidity and fun times ahead, so buckle the hell up so you don't smash your brains out. Current Game Year: 9 Game Year at Beginning of Thread: 8 ~ Every new spring means another year for Fierce Grace Date Thread was Created: (TBA) |
![]() Scavenok #2537 |
Posted 2021-03-12 22:44:53
Fierce Grace Leader(s): Reddii and Red Betas: Redwood, Firehide, Yellowjacket, Dr. Peppercorn, Redmask, Swanfeather, Melchior, Dandelion, White Sun, and Glacier. Secretary of The Pack: White Sun Scout(s) of The Pack: Karekella Herbalist of The Pack: Dr. Peppercorn Hunting Teams and their Party Leaders, members in order of Stalker, Chasers, and Finisher. - Official Teams - Ferocious Moose - Glacier's party Kykoana, Glacier, Bat, Bloodmoon, and Kaka. Graceful Caribou - Swanfeather's party Swanfeather, Moonwing, Lakeshine, Octvember, and Hazel. Vicious Blacktails - Dandelion's party Sunlight, Molten Gold, Dandelion, Lilac, and Melchior. Quick Whitetails - Red's party Wynticor, Jukaine, Cautious, Red, and Nocturne. - Neophyte Teams - We Team - Flight of Work Tyna, Doespring, Chocolate, and Winter. Mountain Climbers Dumbdog, Darklily, Silvermoon, Nirvana, and Tundra. We Dope Enty, Eaglestrike, Ryne, Hayzen, and Soul. Pupsitters of the Pack - Senior Sitter: Yellowjacket Firehide, Tree, White Sun, Mosswood, Pumpkin, Lottiee, Blacktail, Frost, Kitkat, Kenjk, Gold Lilly, Silver Lining, and Juka Other Members of The Pack Those without a role... In the Ferocious Red Cavern In the Neophyte Cavern In the Littlethorn Cavern (W.I.P) |
![]() Scavenok #2537 |
Posted 2021-03-12 22:45:37
(Reserved for The Wayward Virtue Bellators) |
![]() Scavenok #2537 |
Posted 2021-03-12 23:18:14 (edited)
The First half-month in The Rise of The Rosen Red Sun Date: Mar. 13th, 2021 Game Year: 8 Game Season: Last half-month of Winter ~~~~~ Here we are, with our first half-month entry! Look better? It still has work to be done, like adding in all members of both Fierce Grace and The Wayward Virtue Bellators, and also linking all their wardrobes... This is gunna take a bit. I just wanted to recap on all I remember that happened today! In the final entry of Dawn of Time and the first of The Rise of The Rosen Red Sun, Tyka had passed on, promoting leadership to Reddii and Red, a couple of the strongest members in the pack. Reddii has been training under Tyka for seasons, as Tyka admired not only his imagination and ideas, but how he fights as well. His tactics reminded him of how Grizzly fought, expect, Reddii was more precise and clean with his attacks and defenses, while the male's adoptive father had been brutal and messy. Winter was rough in Fierce Grace, and harsh when it came to The Wayward Virtue Bellators. Though neither had yet lost a member, both were fighting for game in the mountains, Moth skipping meals to let her packmates eat better. It's the least she could do after having been so foolish. Though they struggled, they persisted on and fought to survive. This however, did not stop them from taking in young Marsh, a now survivor of the Puppy Landfill. The veteran Virtue Bellators used to refer to the Puppy Landfill as "Death Camp", and some still do, but wolvfers like Ayla, even as a veteran herself, prefer to use a less menacing name, but enough to unnerve any wolvfer, as the place was very dangerous. Unfortunately, the Virtue Bellators do not have a cure for his influenza... They have no herbalist, and not a single wolvfer knew the practice of herbalism. Perhaps they could persuade their former pack, Fierce Grace, to give a cure to them... Either by choice, or by force. The Wayward Virtue Bellators are not the only pack growing in population. In Fierce Grace, Doespring had her pups, Dazika and Flare, both females. Not only that, but young Tuco, a former member of the Shiawase and a pup of Rupina's, joins Fierce Grace ranks. It's getting rather overcrowded in the mountainous territories, but they'd find a way to make it work. Either that, or some wolvfers are just going to have to go. Meanwhile, with this new leadership, only the mountains are fully discovered once more. Karekella has discovered the coniferous forest, while Moose has discovered the prairie, both working their way straight to the challenging biomes, the glacier and rainforest. Going to have to give the We Team a new neophyte member over in Fierce Grace. In the Virtue Bellators part of the mountains, they have made home and have set up their densite nicely. Still, they struggle for food... Thankfully, spring is close on it's way! Just, let's hope Marsh doesn't spread that flu... Oh! If you were wondering, yes, I did save the plain boy from the Puppy Landfill by messaging the owner directly. In lore, Moth and some of her packmates came with her in a rescue mission, and happened to only manage to save the newly joined puppy. Oh, Marsh is also a former member of the MoonStriker Pack. I've been watching him for a bit >:^ What else was there... Oh yes! With all these puppies joining the Virtue Bellator group, Moth and soon after Ayla both became pupsitters to protect the puppies of the group. So far, no deaths... Doing great, y'all! Another note on food (they are living on critters and the rarer small food), Hawk and Ayla also choose to skip their meals in favor of others. Usually, it goes that the pups eat first, then adols, hunters, scout, everyone else. This is based on who is currently a pack member and not just social structure. If they had all they needed, it'll go like this: pups and nursing mothers, elders, adols, working adults, usual members, and then leader, depending on circumstances. The leader chooses to eat last if there's not enough for everyone, but eats as one of the first if lower on food. ~ Wow, that's a lot different from how I wrote in The Dawn of Time. I do have to do the linkies and stuff, but for now... I'mma treat myself to a damn rest, y'all ~ Oh goodness grief, look at all that writing. Don't tell me y'all gunna need a TL;DR... |
![]() Scavenok #2537 |
Posted 2021-03-13 11:07:45 (edited)
The Second half-month in The Rise of The Rosen Red Sun Date: Mar. 13th, 2021 Game Year: 9 Game Season: First half-month of Spring ~~~~~ A new year! Okay, here's the game plan to handle both Fierce Grace and The Wayward Virtue Bellators. (oh speaking of the Virtue Bellators, my dream last night mentioned them) Buutttt, before we get into that, let's chatter about the RO summary. Aight, just maybe did a lil brag that I had yet gotten any mods on my lawn to "my crazy fan" (their words, not mine ;D) yesterday, but man, they found a reason to today. Just a reminder on something I did back at the end of January. I have a feeling these guys are always watchin me 👀 I mean, they did move my OG thread somewhere else after I started bumping like a madman to be above the dark wolves pack or whatever. Literally a day after, likewise after my small little mention in a big rambly message. I realize that's probably not so, but if it is, then that's hecking hilarious. The Moddogs on my tail! Okay for real tho, the reminder was for a legitimate reason, but moving on now to the actual summary of today. In Fierce Grace, whoops, got a bunch of penalties for not feeding the mothers and pups. This is because I was focusing on those lower in hunger, and now have some ready to leave because of neglect, but hey! Thank god spring is here now. Speaking of hunting, flipping Quick Whitetails has 91% success chance in large trails. Last year, they had only 60%! Great job, guys! The fleas continue to spread to I think 7 members today, have to recheck the summary if I hadn't deleted it already. Nope, just 4. Not many left in the Ferocious Red Cavern to infect. Speaking of illness, Marsh is still very sick with the flu, and now Spook is as well. The Virtue Bellators better do something soon, before their whole pack is infected! That's all to report, so here's the game plans. ...after I do my dailies! ;) Alright. My den profile is going to be revamped to include Fierce Grace and The Wayward Virtue Bellators. The Virtue Bellators will today get a free amusement pass, since I forgot to record what toys Moose brings back. The leader role (of the game) will be shared with Reddii and Moth, each getting at least two full energy bars, but Reddii will remain as "my main guy". This is so Moth could collect more stuff for her pack to do her own trading and such, and to help when food is most scarce. Starting today, I'll do a proper record of her hoard in a notebook to help me keep up with what she has. What she and Reddii has could not be used by the other pack, unless they steal, trade, or even gift if the times are good and they are at peace with one another. Moth's currency will be buried. I think I had more, but honestly can't think of what it was. I'm going to give Moth 5 free toys, since I hadn't been keeping up, but everything else must be earned. Over in Fierce Grace, the Quick Whitetails are saving our asses with the large kills, and the We Team gains another member; Divide. I figured he'd hear of stories of his father and would want to join a hunting team himself, to make Division proud! Also, red is a fully respected mark and base color. Anything similar to the red group is also respected, but pure red is of high nobility and beauty. Meanwhile, in The Wayward Virtue Bellators, the hunters bring back their first ever bull elk at 44% rates for large game! Congratulations! Marsh and Spook are pretty sick. Moth gathers her non-hunters but still strong individuals... Moonrune, Kira, Pekachh, Kojau, Aoczen, Auffael, and even Cupra to pay a visit to Fierce Grace. Moose has the prarie fully discovered, and is now working on the desert! This is for the Virtue Bellators, of course... Interesting how the scouts go in opposite directions. One north, one south. Hunting is good :)! Hawk takes Eagle, Beaulynn, Tortoise, and Strike on a side expedition after returning home another kill, heading towards the Puppy Landfills after Marsh worried something about his siblings potentially finding their way in those awful places in one of his distressed fits. They hoped to save at least a few pups and adols, at least. ~ Did I ever mention Tuco joined the pack? Did I? If I didn't, he formerly of Shiawase is now a member of Fierce Grace! I looked through my own thread and couldn't find if I written it or not, so. ~ Wow, it is so weird to not see pages I have to click to make my next entry... When J click onto this thread, my first reflex is to click in that upper right corner to go to the last page, moments confusion, then yeah. Oh man, this is the first day I hadn't bumped the Dawn of Time. :') ~ Oh! Before I forget... I just wanted to say a loud "Thank you!" to everyone that has paid their respects to Tyka. It really means a lot to me people actually care about this stuff. It truly inspires me to keep going with this, especially now seeing others making their own trackers with their own twist and uniqueness... I love it. Keep doing good, y'all! I really do love spending my time reading through your threads, and very much has inspired me to actually make mine look good and well thought out rather than simple notes and the very occasional lore. Gives me something to look forward to every new day. I have so much fun putting my entries in knowing people actually like reading what I wrote, people actually subscribing to keep up with this rambly (and now more wholesome, well put together) logs. For this, I thank everyone whom came to me either directly or indirectly for your sweet and supportive words for these silly tracker logs. It really does mean a lot to me. So, thank you, really! ~ Why is Rupina in my head. What a woman, I love that woman. Go see that woman in the wonderful place of Shiawase. Just go. |
![]() Scavenok #2537 |
Posted 2021-03-14 22:59:25 (edited)
The Third half-month in The Rise of The Rosen Red Sun Date: Mar. 14th, 2021 Game Year: 9 Game Season: Second half-month of Spring ~~~~~ ~ Woohoo, lore to start the late late day off with! I've been online all day today, just oops, only now deciding to post this. Recap! Eagle got sick with the flu today on RO, and is to be cured. Along with that, Ripple of MoonStriker Pack is saved from the Puppy Landfills and is now a member of the Virtue Bellators with his brother, Marsh. Not only that, but one of Lemonrot's puppies, I called him "Zesty Lime", is now a member of Fierce Grace! Reddii would affectionately call the boy "Moldy Boy". However, this name is not always kind, as Skid and Crane, especially Crane, bullies the poor guy everyday. Man! How mean :( at least mommy Lemonrot is a very good mommy, and along with her puppy Bospea (they/them pronouns), comes to visit Lime as much as they could! She'll beat the bullies away, and Bospea would be best protecter of their sibling >:[ Edited above to say "they", since both mommy and pup is coming to get some tail I think Fun_Time, the owner of these wonderful wolvfers, said ;D Aw gee, what else... Oh yeahh! Quick Whitetails and the Virtue Bellator party were the main parties to go out today, with Ferocious Moose getting a hunt out in between. (I think?) Quick Whitetails in favor of feeding Fierce Grace, and of course the Virtue Bellator party is self-explainable. Editing to add; the Vicious Blacktails had last hunt to start the day off with. They failed. An bit of an update on how exploring goes; for now on, Moth gets rights to explore as long as light still shines in my room enough to write clearly, and Reddii has it any other time. Just to be fairer! Moth has a good hoard stocked up a bit- if she has to, she has enough silver to buy large game with. The wolvfer economy exists in my lore, yeah, and the wolf stock market is with that (Ooohh! One of Moth's BIIIGGG issues with how life is in lore!) Another thing, whoever plays leader could only use what they got. It's Moth's turn and there is an acorn encounter and Reddii has an acorn but she does not? Can't do it! Same with salves and feet when it comes to needing to battle. Lorey stuff; in lore, Eagle remains sick, but for purposes of control and not having a lot of caves (because let's be real, that cave limit sucks balls...), he is cured. Hmm, I wonder if I could get a certain pack to help me with lore here. Ahhh, worrying about it tomorrow! I've started writing this like, nearly two hours ago? And oh lawrdy, I did it with the Wolvferden reply thing. Not only that, but it's 10 mins afore RO. And I'm tired Game plans for tomorrow; get The Wayward Virtue Bellators post part done and all wardrobe links to proper wolvfers. Get gud, as usual Hh, talk to the pack I mentioned for lore purposes, annndddd... Just get gud I guess. Before I post this, the feeding and amusing part of the day, Nelth, need to mention it! The Virtue Bellators are doing alright, still not 100%, anndd for the most part got Fierce Grace 60 or above. We gettin' there, though! :D 5 mins left 'til RO. Ahh, can't forget to mention that the Virtue Bellators has recieved their amuse pass, and now has to rely on only their toys just like food. Oh! As Moose is currently working the desert, miss Karekella has the coniferous forest nearly discovered completely! I expect it to be done this next day. Alright, that's all a man godda write. With 3 mins left, goodnight! ~ heLLo? Wait, is RO later than usual? Did I miss something OH DUH, daylight savings or whatever! Whoohoo! Still going to sleep. Also, mighhhttt move that lore to docs and do a TL;DR since it is literally two parts, make the extra post for another day. That's a tomorrow thing to worry about! ~ Night ~ Ah, and yeah, did not double check the lore. If there is mistakes, it will be corrected in the morning. When I feel like it << TL;DR (TBA) |
![]() Scavenok #2537 |
Posted 2021-03-14 23:01:51 (edited)
The Fourth half-month in The Rise of The Rosen Red Sun Date: Mar. 15th, 2021 Game Year: 9 Game Season: Third half-month of Spring ~~~~~ To start off the day, moved yesterday's lore to docs, linked it at bottom of yesterday. Godda do a TL;DR eventually, but for now, I have other things to focus on. I have to go back over the lore again anyways to make sure there is no repeats or grammar mistakes. There might be another story part for today, who knows. Anyways! RO summary. Boost, pupsitting prof (+ and -), age ups! Swanfeather and Redmask's litters weaned, both females moved back to the Tall Peaks. Roman and Romania of The Wayward Virtue Bellators are now adols! So I did forget to mention while writing, even though I reminded myself at the time... Karekella has the coniferous forest fully discovered, and is now working on the ~ Thread update: Changed all the words "day" of the season to "half-month" of the season, to remain consistent, and to genuinely just make sense. ~ Some other trackers I found 👀 Legacy of Skyshine - mentioning this one again, since it's active again~ Ohhh, found one (I think) from EA. Interesting... No longer active (just a single post since the 28th of Sep.), and the owner has been inactive as of October, buuuutttt. Malinsfolk Pack Tracker - made three days after my OG tracker! Theirs was made 2020-09-28 09:27:58. ~ Fixed some mistakes in yesterday's lore, changed around a few words. ~ Thank you to those who have been bumping my threads <3 I really only ever saw a couple, but if there was more of you... Thank you all! ~ Awwhhh... Reddii got his first diarrhea today!.. Everyone, give 👏👏👏 Cured! ~ Just as I was complaining to myself about RNG playing an overwhelming role in battling... Sweet update! Neat, the rich healing salve is a more worth it to craft as well. Only crafted them before to discover 'em. ~ Reddii recovered a black bear's paw from a battle! Think the lad was level 16. 846th black bear paw in game, very likely. Neat ~ For a lazy gal, Moth sure as hell gets the job done. |
![]() Scavenok #2537 |
Posted 2021-03-14 23:02:33 (edited)
The Fifth half-month in The Rise of The Rosen Red Sun Date: Mar. 16th, 2021 Game Year: 9 Game Season: Fourth half-month of Spring ~~~~~ Ripple being two percent off 100% survival chance just makes me urgh. The boy also stole a couple uses of the Fierce Grace whitetail carcass... Going to figure how that should be put into lore. RO summary - boring as hell There is no wolvfers in the Ferocious Red Cavern just about to get fleas, so Dr. Peppercorn considers getting the Neophyte Cavern flea-ridden as well... Fierce Grace is beginning to become skeptical and weary, tired of tearing their own coats out. They began questioning Dr. Peppercorn's motives and intentions, but Reddii still holds trust in the aging, distant herbalist. ~ Reddii has diarrhea again, whoops. Of course he didn't learn from old man Tyka. ~ Food's become a struggle for both packs, especially Fierce Grace, with their much bigger numbers, and the loss of the tundra. I didn't explore Moth today because I didn't feel like writing, but her pack is doing alright enough to miss a day of explore. Reddii may either have to go buy food (dishonorable), or some dead-weight needs to be ridden of... "Dozens of strange large parcels wrapped in pineapple leaves has been left near your territories border, smelling vaguely of honeysuckles, and clearly meat. An offering maybe?" - oh commeee ooonn :'D 💜 Fun_Time, Alkey, Dark Dwellers (user, leader, pack!)... Y'all a blessing. Going ahead to write this out before any of y'all else think to spend your precious time making me another gift >:[ for real, very appreciated, but y'all don't have to be so kind to me! Y'all always ready to come swooping in >:^ y'all are always welcome to come message me if *you* ever need anything, too! Don't forget I'm always willing to help as well 💜 Note: in lore, Fierce Grace does not know whom left the gift, but still, very thankful... Reddii would have been too proud to take it if delivered directly (unlike Tyka), so good call! Another thing, as of a few half-months ago, Fierce Grace is overpopulated again. Or perhaps, the Virtue Bellators are? Ooohhh, let's pull territory into play... It does make sense; because of Fierce Grace's new neighbors, and out of the kindness of their hearts let the Virtue Bellators the space, Fierce Grace would've lost territory. Still, they have way more than the Virtue Bellators. Now that the Virtue Bellators are established, Fierce Grace would not be as willing to lend more, and will fight them back if they step too far out of line. They have borders now, and it should be respected by both parties. That's something to figure out tomorrow! |
![]() Scavenok #2537 |
Posted 2021-03-17 10:40:14 (edited)
The Sixth half-month in The Rise of The Rosen Red Sun Date: Mar. 17th, 2021 Game Year: 9 Game Season: Fifth half-month of Spring ~~~~~ Might be inactive. *Might not be as active Context: sickly. Nothing related to losing touch with the game! Still very much love Wolvferden, and I'll try to continue my streak :'D with that said, lore and pack improvements may be on the back burner for a bit. RO summary: Jukaine and Wynticor got sickly again with the fleas. Doespring's litter weaned! They are so precious, ahhh. Saved their father's info, since he has not (and looks like will not) be saved in his previous owner's dynasty. Tbh, I just wanted the only surviving litter from that dude's existence, lmao. He's not anything apart of today's RO summary, but just wanted to say that Kremlin is my bboooyyyyy. <3 He is one of the ones that is not going to have pups (never thought him interested in any wolvfer), but hell, he sure will be remembered, my old gremlin boy. He's old man, coming close to (free) early retirement. That's it for RO! ~ Moth is not getting explore again today, because I don't feel like it... because of this, she gets whatever is extra to Fierce Grace. Oh waaiiitt! Y'all remember when I said Red was the fifth strongest in the pack? Scratch that, she's the sixth, because I forgot all about mans Melchior. They are pretty close in their stat ranges, but still, Melchior stronger. This is of course not considering Reddii. ;) ~ Got a new biotite female. Not sure whether to keep or not yet. Linking and naming her later. Full carrier checked the pretty lady, no good. She's an unsorted NBW if anyone wants to take a look at her; if you ask, you may have her without a cost to yah, just lmk! |
![]() Scavenok #2537 |
Posted 2021-03-18 18:20:05 (edited)
The Seventh half-month in The Rise of The Rosen Red Sun Date: Mar. 18th, 2021 Game Year: 9 Game Season: Last half-month of Spring ~~~~~ Fuck it. Everyone gets a free day of whatever food and toys are in the hoard. Tomorrow, probably same deal. 38 neglected on RO today, yeouch, there goes my toys. Two of those neglected also suffered from starvation. The fleas are making stores that could've lasted months to weeks. Dr. Peppercorn, man... All for you. Anyways. Rollover summary. No changes to survival rates, as usual once they are 100%, because a bastard gets lazy when it comes to throwing the bone out for the dogs. A bunch of wolvfers threatening to leave me. (Pricks - I say that affectionately) Lilac and the unnamed NBW got fleas. Wow. So surprised. Marsh, Ripple, and Glacier's bunch survived puphood. Woohoo! End of that, now for what went on today... ~ Moose got the desert fully discovered, while Karekella slowly continued discovering the taiga. Now that the desert is done, Moose is onto the swamp! I like that the two are so close in training percents and level times: Moose levels first and has two percent more prof than Karekella, and Karekella usually levels sometime soon after Moose. Sweeeetttt! ~ Hunting the hell out of the Quick Whitetails, and rarely the other parties. Poor Graceful Caribou remain receiving the neglect they have always received, despite being the second party ever made. ~ My toy stock has took a large hit. Thanks, fleas. (I'm fine on toys, btw!) Food is enough to get most of both packs to 80, and maayyybbeee some to 100? Still have to finish feeding and amusing tonight. ~ Named that NBW, finally. It may seem a bit mean, but I named the woman Mange. It's just what I thought of when looking at the lady again! That brown shepard just reminded me of it. I miiigghhhtttt keep her... With that being said, I think some wolvfers need to receive the boot... Soon. I think I could wait for my 7yr 3ms to hit 7yr 6m before my adols are ready to grow. ~ Started Dr. Peppercorn hard-working on making a bunch of flea remedies to do a mass-cure of the pack. Going to leave one member with the fleas. gaaasssspp I wish I left Mange unsorted ~ Totally did just snipe first comment on a news post again >:] Development Update #5 and Lunar Event #2! Also, hah, nice to see my old name as last reply to "Welcome to Wolvden Early Access!" - just to flex, I as a very mature person commented only to be the funny number commenter. ~ Alright! I finally figured out a good group name for the Betas (whom will remain referred to this way, unless a better name comes to mind) The Betas now are classified as apart of "The Order" ~ Be the flea, Beau, be the flea... The man already had the bow and arrow emoji, so why noootttt. I also need a flea guy, so he suits the job! Used to be a hunter in his past pack. Now he is the lurker... ~ so tired... Godda amuse the gang, tho. ~ Mange is official! I really see her and Beau together, so. |
![]() Scavenok #2537 |