LF Literate Wolvden RP Partners!
LF Literate Wolvden RP Partners!
Posted 2021-03-17 17:21:56 (edited)
Hello there! My name is Ash! I am looking for a partner that is willing to play as their pack leader/other wolf OC in tandem with my pack leader. Here is some art of her, drawn by me!: Fool's Gold is a narcissist with violent tendencies and a condescending, motherly attitude. Think Zira from The Lion King! I'm looking for you to play an original character of any gender, personality, etc, so long as they're a wolf or some other animal that would work here. No mythicals unless they're, like, wolf gods or something, haha. I am all good with romance(please be 18+, we won't be writing nsfw content but I do not want to write romance with minors!), a rivalry of some kind, etc, etc. We can write on-site or offsite, so just ask me for my discord or pm me or anything like that! Here's some stuff I was thinking, to get the ball rolling a little: - Your character accidentally treads upon Gold's territory, and instead of killing them immediately, she starts asking questions. - Your character and Gold are in neighboring packs that are always competing for food, territory, etc. The worst part? The two start forming crushes on one another! Fool's Gold is terrible at love, btw. She's so bad at it. Not in an ab*sive way, but more like... awkward! - Gold finds y/c injured and decides to take them in, only to expect their servitude in exchange for saving their life. Maybe after taking it for some time, they snap. Fights ensue! If you have any ideas, and I'm sure I will after I see your character, just say 'em! Please reply with your name and a little summary of your character, or just PM me! Thank you! |
![]() Woollybutt 🐩 #5378 |
Posted 2021-03-17 17:46:03
I could be potentially interested on this roleplay. |
![]() Jericho 🐾 #38538 |
Posted 2021-03-17 18:09:03
Hello! Tell me more! The character(s) you're playing, all that. I'd love to hear it! |
![]() Woollybutt 🐩 #5378 |
Posted 2021-03-17 18:31:20
We can plot out on private messages but I intend on using the wolf on my den labeled as wolvden.com on my den. He is a fair wolf, not afraid to stand for what he believes in, loyal to a pack without any fault at all. Strong willed and often cold to strangers. I could work with the last plot. |
![]() Jericho 🐾 #38538 |
Posted 2021-03-17 20:23:33 (edited)
I'm very interested in this! I'm thinking the 1st plot, I play an adolescent and Gold becomes a mother figure to her?? What do you think? Or the 2nd, I'd have to work on my chara's bio a little more though! |
![]() Mother Caff #2327 |