🐾 Fallen Stars [Characters] 🐾
🐾 Fallen Stars [Characters] 🐾
Posted 2021-03-18 06:51:19 (edited)
C H A R A C T E R R U L E S -no sues -characters need character flaws! If you need assistance, reference this! -no male calicos -semi-realistic designs! Unique patterns are welcome, but no neon coats, horns, wings, etc. -try to keep genders evenly balanced -users are limited to 3 characters per at the moment
-add "biscuit" to your character app in "other" -1 high rank per user -high ranks are on APPLICATION BASIS! i will not make a decision immediately unless the fit feels absolutely perfect
-do not post in the rp until i've pm'd you to inform you of your character acceptance, or of what changes are in order -if the art ain't free or yours, don't use it!! -when you make a character, make sure you keep them in-character in the roleplay -feel free to dress up the application as much as you'd like with fonts, colors, more sections, etc! fill out everything that doesn't have (optional) listed, unless you'd like to fill out these optional sections as well S H E E T ---- --GENERAL-- Name: Rank: Former Clan: Age: Gender: Orientation: Relationships: (optional) --PHYSICAL-- Short Description: (1 sentence, for allegiances) Detailed Description: (4 sentences minimum) Scars/Damage: (notable scars, blindness, amputations, deafness, etc. anything unique!) (optional) Talents: (optional) Weaknesses: (optional) --CHARACTER-- Personality Traits: +++: (positives) ///: (neutrals) ---: (negatives/flaws) Description: (4 sentences minimum) Image credits: (image is optional) Likes: (optional) Dislikes: (optional) --HISTORY & ETC-- History: (6 sentences minimum) Other: |
![]() 20mia08 #18414 |
Posted 2021-03-18 06:51:46 (edited)
A L L E G I A N C E S T H E U N I T E D Leader: Bearheart -- panromantic demisexual -- he/him -- (#18414) Co-deputies: (2/2) Pinknose -- androsexual -- they/them -- (#610) Littlebranch -- bisexual -- she/her (#40878) Co-medics: (2/2) Stormgaze -- panromantic homosexual -- he/him -- (#12663) Doerose -- biromantic homosexual -- she/her -- (#32445) Warriors: unlimited Maplehaze -- pansexual -- she/her -- (#12663) Duskwhisper -- biromantic bisexual -- she/her -- (#2003) Apprentices: (2/5) (will expand w/ warriors) Tidepaw -- demiromantic -- she/her -- (#18414) Halfpaw -- biromantic asexual -- he/him -- (#16089) Queens & Kits: (1/1) Petaldawn -- bisexual -- she/her -- (#610) Elders: unlimited For history and cats of the past, see here |
![]() 20mia08 #18414 |
Posted 2021-03-18 06:51:57 (edited)
![]() --GENERAL-- Name: Bearheart Rank: Leader Former Clan: ThunderClan (medicine cat) Age: 3 years 10 moons Gender: Male (he/him) Orientation: Panromantic demisexual Relationships: Mother: Daisystep (deceased) Father: Oakfall (deceased) Littermate: Pebblekit (deceased) Mentors: Turtlebite (NPC), Beepool (deceased, former med cat) Apprentices: Patchpaw (deceased) --PHYSICAL-- Short Description: Wavy-furred piebald ticked tabby tom with heterochromatic eyes. Detailed Description: Bearheart is a relatively tall and burly fellow, as his prefix might suggest. He has a mess of a coat with thick, semi-wavy locks that give him a "roguishly handsome" appearance that he swears by. Granted, he isn't always great at grooming, preferring a dusty and "disorganized chaos" vibe that seems to suit him well. This curled coat, medium-long in length, adds to his height by making him appear somewhat taller. He is a barred ticked tabby, with darker hues along his back and notable tabby patterning along his extremities. Bearheart is mouse-brown in color, a richness most notable along his belly. He is dusted in off-white piebald patches, notably along his belly, tail tip, hind paws, and a displaced patch along his back. Most odd about the charming tom is his off-putting eyes, a heterochromatic duo of amber and ice-blue. Scars/Damage: Large, long scars alongside his right side Talents: Combat, tree-climbing, charisma, stamina, hardiness (he's like a plant that won't die tbh) Weaknesses: Swimming, speed, his ego, his perfectionist nature, stealth. Bearheart does not move through the forest, he moves the forest. --CHARACTER-- Personality Traits: +++: Charming, courageous, generous ///: Boyish, casual disposition, strict ---: Proud, perfectionist, flamboyant Description: Bearheart, well...he's a cat who is exceptionally comfortable in his own skin, and perhaps likes himself a little too much. The tom practically exudes confidence wherever he goes, leading an excitable lifestyle. He's a capable cat in seemingly whatever task he takes up, mostly because he's excellent at portraying himself as perfect and so confident that he can convince just about everyone that he's "great at this and that". After all, he's obnoxiously proud of himself and his own accomplishments. He can seem childish in this manner, and won't hesitate to speak his mind when he feels as if his words are being ignored. Let it be known that his mind will be spoken and he'll do so freely. He's not a particularly professional character, speaking and acting in a nonchalant fashion that treats just about everyone as an equal. That being said, the tom can be a fun and desirable mentor, but don't think he's so lax in his training methods. While his fur may be messy, Bearheart is an obnoxious perfectionist. You will get your training down to a tee, and it'll be perfect: it's Bearheart's way, or the highway. He won't settle for anything less. He may portray himself as a fun guy, but he's strict in his lessons. When push comes to shove, he isn't going to joke around, and so it seems that the tom can turn on a dime. If he feels that the situation is urgent- buckle up, kid, and straighten up. You better listen and listen well, because he is not going to tell you twice. Bearheart does have his tender moments outside of duty. His boyish personality can come off as quite charming, and he won't hesitate to utter a sweet word or two- it's mostly meaningless, it helps inflate his own ego. While he is completely and totally full of himself, he is still thoughtful of his clanmates. If a paw is needed, or if someone needs fresh kill more than he does, he won't hesitate to give things away to those in need. However, this seems to apply strictly to his gang- the tom is horribly defensive when it comes to outsiders. Image credits: Artwork by the talented ICYSKIIES (#13524) Likes: Conversation, praise, compliments, training, sunshine, snow, positive attention of any form. Dislikes: Swimming, fish, competition, stubbornness, disobedience, ignorance --HISTORY & ETC-- History: His parents had been senior warriors of ThunderClan who had a life-long bond. They'd been best of friends since the nursery, and maintained a strong relationship up until warriorhood. However, their size difference was laughable- Daisystep was miniscule, and Oakfall was a massive tabby tom. When it came time for them to have kittens, their medicine cat, Beepool, was concerned for the queen's safety. He reminded them that Daisystep was small, and that the kittens might not be delivered safely. But what choice did they have? They couldn't go back now. Unfortunately, Beepool's grave words came to reality. Daisystep hardly survived having her firstborn son, a particularly large tomkit. The kitting was so laborious and dangerous that it killed the second born: a tiny, lifeless kitten they dubbed "Pebblekit". Daisystep succumbed to blood loss not long after her second born, guiding their named kitten to StarClan. It was just their unnamed son and Oakfall now. But, he did not blame his son for the accident. They had known that the queen's kitting would be perilous. The warrior named the large kitten "Bearkit", in honor of his size and hardiness so far in life. Father-and-son maintained a healthy relationship. Bearpaw became relatively popular as a warrior, showing off his strength in combat and behaving somewhat flirtatious with the other apprentices. He seemed to be constantly thirsty for attention, something that distracted him from parts of his training. Bearpaw...well, he had a tendency to flunk the hunting portion of his training, his attention focused on combat skills instead. He argued with his mentor and insisted that they focus on his strengths. The duo didn't see eye-to-eye. He was named "Bearheart", in honor of his bravery in a border skirmish against the fiendish ShadowClanners. He wore his name with pride, a trait he never quite seemed to shake. Some of the senior warriors were understandably skeptical of the egotistical youngster. They claimed that he'd get himself killed. Somehow, he managed to survive? Bearheart was always first to volunteer for patrol when it came to defending their ThunderClan land, and always he managed to return to camp. He frequently was festooned with fresh wounds, and he began to give Beepool a headache with how frequently he burned through the cobweb supply. Bearheart had the privilege's of mentoring his own apprentice as well, but one day when they left to defend the border...he did not come back with his apprentice. She had been killed on patrol. When he turned 2.5 years old, Bearheart had earned the respect of the highest warriors in ThunderClan by driving off a raging badger that had been breaking into camp and killing some of the kittens. He saved the life of his father, Oakfall, who had been cornered by the beast. Bearheart earned some gruesome scars, but he drove the beast off for good. Yet, it was after this event that things turned for the worst, at least in the tom's mind. Beepool announced that not just any cat would become his apprentice- it was Bearheart, a seasoned warrior. Why not some silly apprentice? Because StarClan had chose him. Bearheart argued against it, longing for the sensation of pride as he defended his clanmates on the border, but Beepool insisted. StarClan might punish him otherwise. Bearheart received the prophecy, "unite or die", during his medicine cat ceremony. He was puzzled, but became fearful of the war and recommended to his leader that they take a different course of action. The leader was flabbergasted: a war hero like Bearheart, of all cats, suggesting that they cease bloodshed? He must've had too many poppy seeds... Nobody listened. Bearheart, now a forced medicine cat, was 3 years old when Beepool passed on. He became the full medicine cat, with limited knowledge but enough heart to save the lives of his clanmates. He had a tendency to "take breaks" in order to patrol with his fellow clanmates, just to help out. He had been working on the sidelines during the battle of WindClan, healing his clanmates, when the quake hit. His father perished in the crumbling earth, a gruesome scene he cannot remove from his mind. The battle seemed to stop instantaneously, with warriors mourning over the loss of family and friends in the sudden, tragic accident. He stepped forward, helping WindClan to their paws and recovering what buried cats he could. Bearheart encouraged their union, pointing out once more that they heed StarClan's command, before it was too late. When the fragmented cats gathered, they voted Bearheart their new leader. Other: |
![]() 20mia08 #18414 |
Posted 2021-03-18 14:26:51 (edited)
MDOERATOR REMOVED IMAGE S H E E T ---- --GENERAL-- Name: Muzzlespot Rank: Warrior Former Clan: Windclan Age: 4 Years 10 Moons Gender: Male Orientation: Bisexual/More into Toms Relationships: N/A --PHYSICAL-- Short Description: Muzzlespot is a tall, thin black tom with a Orange tail and a white chest. Detailed Description: Muzzlespot is a tall, thin black tom with a black pelt. He was a white chest, neck and paws. He also has two whites spots on his muzzle, which gave him his name. He was a faded orange spot on his eye as well his shoulder, tail-tip and legs. He has bushy black fur. With bright orange eyes. Scars/Damage: Muzzlespot has a large scar on his hind leg, but, that doesn't effect how he walks; he also has a blind eye on his left. Talents: Combat{~}Strength{~}Intelligence{~}Swiftness{~} Weaknesses: Swimming{~}Parents{~} --CHARACTER-- Personality Traits: +++: Fearless{~]Strong{~}Swift{~}Clever{~} ///: Bold{~}Sarcastic{~}Romantic{~} ---: Rude at times{~}Could be sassy{~}Proud{~} Description: Muzzlespots is well maybe to proud. He thinks that all cats love him and admire him, but at times he's very annoying. Although he is strong and powerful, just what a small, broken clan needs, right? He's very comfortable with combat and is ready to have an apprentice. He's very, very full of himself and walks proudly where ever he goes. But, he does have a soft side. His parents. You see, when he was a kit born into Windclan his father was Boulderstar and his mom was well, the medicine-cat. Everyone bullied him so he decided he wouldn't care. And he didn't That's how he became so rude at times, especially to his own clan. But, he does love his friends and is very open to them. And isn't afraid to ask for advice or help. Likes: Battle{~}Friends{~} Dislikes: Water{~}Family{~}Death{~} --HISTORY & ETC-- Other: MODERATOR REMOVED IMAGE S H E E T ---- --GENERAL-- Name: Rank: Former Clan: Age: Gender: Orientation: Relationships: (optional) --PHYSICAL-- Short Description: (1 sentence, for allegiances) Detailed Description: (4 sentences minimum) Scars/Damage: (notable scars, blindness, amputations, deafness, etc. anything unique!) (optional) Talents: (optional) Weaknesses: (optional) --CHARACTER-- Personality Traits: +++: (positives) ///: (neutrals) ---: (negatives/flaws) Description: (4 sentences minimum) Image credits: (image is optional) Likes: (optional) Dislikes: (optional) --HISTORY & ETC-- History: (6 sentences minimum) Other: |
![]() LaYLa🍄 #35680 |
Posted 2021-03-18 21:11:51 (edited)
---- --GENERAL-- Name: Maplehaze Rank: Warrior Former Clan: Shadowclan Age: 3 years Gender: Female Orientation: Pansexual Relationships: Mother: Ambersong (Deceased) Father: Curlytooth (Deceased) Siblings: Brackenstep, Sparkpaw, and Littlepaw (NPCs) Mate: Scorchleap (Deceased) Mentor: Nightstep(NPC) Apprentices: None --PHYSICAL-- Short Description: A curly-furred reverse torbie with white spotting and vivid green eyes. Detailed Description: Maplehaze has a light and lean build, with long legs and dainty paws. Her fur is a thick mass of curly fur, that makes getting burs out of her coat a hassle. That being said, she's rather fond of her fur, while it can be a bit of a hassle her fur is also a bit unique, she is what twolegs would call either a reverse torbie or an orange-dominant tortoiseshell cat. Her eyes are arguably her best physical trait. Vivid green eyes are her centerpiece, bright and expressive, it's easy to see the emotion in her eyes no matter her expression. Depending on the lighting her eyes can either seem to be a bright emerald or a darker pine green. Scars/Damage: a few nicks in her ears, a thin but long scar that travels up from her belly and ends on one thigh. Has a slight limp. Talents: Stealth, Agility, diplomacy, a keen sense of smell. Weaknesses: Strength, her cruelty to those who've angered her, fear of bodies of water, Competitive. --CHARACTER-- Personality Traits: +++: Selfless, patient, thoughtful ///: Diplomatic, independent, insightful ---: Lazy, vindictive, venomous Description: There are two parts of Maplehaze that are constantly warring with each other. Her selflessness and her laziness. Because of her selflessness, she will offer her assistance to anyone that needs it, no matter what clan they are from, even loners, rogues, and kittypets. She'll offer to go on patrol after patrol, working herself to the bone, sometimes quite literally until she collapses from exhaustion. Of course, everyone needs motivation in life, and unless there's a determined goal, like gathering horsetail with the clan's medicine cat, or assisting a mentor to teach their apprentice pair fighting, one may find that Maplehaze is rather lazy. When she's not working herself to the bone, she's probably sunning herself in camp, grooming her coat, or taking a leisurely stroll around the territory. That being said, Maplehaze is a good cat to talk to, with her thoughtful and insightful nature she often finds answers in the simplest of ways. Her tendency to observe her clan, allows her to contemplate things, and figure out the answers to questions, hypothetical or not. Of course, this can bite her in the rump sometimes when she begins to over-think things. Which tends to get her rather frazzled, and often leads to her snapping at others. Thankfully her skills with diplomacy often save her from the bite of retribution and may help calm problems between clan-mates at times. Her independence causes her to come off as both arrogant and a bit of a loner at times, as she prefers to do things alone or not at all unless she helping someone. Unless it's a border patrol, Maplehaze tends to go solo hunting, or just spend time in one area enjoying the silence that camp can just not provide. Her venomous nature can cause her to get downright cruel when angry, often bringing up past transgressions, secrets, or embarrassing stories. Of course, her reaction might not always be immediate, oftentimes, she'll disengage before dropping a few notes to the clan gossips. This is where her patients and vindictive nature comes in. While she is patient with everything, placidly answering kits insistent questions, apprentices excited mews and others of the like, it shines when it comes to revenge. Maplehaze will sometimes wait for moons to pass before she starts the cracks in the dam. Starting with small things, like "Ravengaze tripped her own paws, fell onto Sagestep, who then fell onto Mousepaw. It was hilarious." Before moving on to things like, "Mousepaw said, only kits believe in blank." While she's not the kind of cat you want knowing your secrets or seeing/hearing you do something mouse-brained, she is a loyal friend, and excellent at keeping secrets. Thankfully she's not the time to use embarrassing secrets or stories to manipulate others into doing something for her. Though exposing those stories and secrets for revenge might not be any better. Image credits: Base belongs to Scei, colored by me. Likes: Fish, combat, running, having alone time, hunting. Dislikes: Bodies of water, losing, heatwaves, snow, dogs. --HISTORY & ETC-- History: Maplehaze was born to two Shadowclan cats of questionable heritage. Her mother Ambersong is the result of a Shadowclan queen taking a Riverclan tom as a mate. Said Riverclan cat was born a kittypet, who had a love for swimming. Her father Curlytooth, was a large male with long wavy fur. Curlytooth was Two years old when Ambersong was born, and the two didn't interact much until her original mentor died in a skirmish with Thunderclan. While she was still young the two only had a professional relationship during his time as her mentor, a few moons after she turned two years old, a romance started bubbling between the two. It would be a year before the two became mates, and then another two seasons before they announced that they were expecting their first litter. Thankfully, the birthing went well, and Brackenkit and Maplekit were born. The two siblings were inseparable as kits, often playing with each other. Though Maplekit had a tendency to ignore other kits, unless they were grouped around an apprentice, intent on learning battle moves. The two became apprentices and Maplepaw was thrilled with her mentor; Nightstep, who at the time was one of the clan's most senior warriors. The tom was known for his stealth and patients, something he happily passed down to his apprentice. Of course, secrets can't stay buried forever. When Maplepaw was 8 moons old, it was revealed that Ambersong was half-clan, born from a Riverclan tom, that wasn't even a born clan cat. This caused some tension for Maplepaw, the loyalty of her mother and sibling were often questioned, and the two apprentices were teased by others, some older apprentices and other warriors became colder towards the duo. One day after an older apprentice by the name of Blackpaw went too far during battle training, and Maplepaw lost it. Blood flew, and she had to be pulled off the larger tom. It was then, that Nightstep pulled her aside for what he called special training. By the looks she got, she assumed it was going to be punishment. It was far from it. Well, it at least not at first. Nightstep took her to a small clearing outside the territory and sat her down. He started with a lecture, about attacking a clan-mate, and losing her temper. Then in a turn of events, he flicked his tail to a nearby stump and told her to let it out on the tree. Maplepaw eagerly did so. Once she was tuckered out, but willing to listen, Nightstep spoke once more. What he said caused something to change into the she-cat she is today. From then on, she was often ignoring the jibes, teasing tones, and rude remarks of clan-mates, and joining more and more patrols, with Nightsteps agreement. Maplepaw went out multiple times a day, sticking close to her clan-mates. All the while she gathered information, gossip, and watched. She and Brackenpaw gained their warrior names when they were a year old. Brackenpaw was given the name Brackenstep for their perseverance and kindness, while Maplepaw was named Maplehaze for her speed and thoughtfulness. Maplehaze kept a close relationship with her parents, sibling, and her mentor throughout her time as a warrior, despite still working herself to the bone. When she was about two years old, her eye was caught by a warrior a few moons older than her, who was named Scorchleap. She was pleasantly surprised to find that he was the only son of her old mentor. The two quickly became mates, and within moons were expecting a litter. Her own mother had just recently had her second litter, giving her two younger siblings who were just a few moons from becoming apprentices. Maplehaze lost her litter early in the pregnancy due to a fight with a dog. Then the fire happened. Maplehaze had been sleeping off her exhaustion from the day before when the fire entered Shadowclan territory. By the time she awoke, the flames were already beginning to lick at the edges of the camp. She found the camp mostly abandoned, only a few remained. Including but not limited to Scorchleap. Her mate quickly told her that most of the clan had evacuated once the fire entered Shadowclan territory, and when he realized she wasn't among the gathered cats, he had returned for her, and the few others that hadn't shown up. Scorchleap led her and the others out of the fire, though it was always on their tails, and blocking exits. At some point, they all got separated, and Maplehaze found her way to a river, a temporary safe haven. She was catching her breath when she heard Scorchleap call out for her, and she replied. He appeared not long later, and the two were overjoyed to see her again, but neither noticed the flaming tree that had begun to fall until it was too late. Maplehaze watched in horror as her mate was crushed under the flaming tree. She took there frozen for a time before she was found by another cat, who led her away. Maplehaze doesn't remember much after that and hasn't gone near a body of water bigger than a pond since the fire. She later learned that she and her siblings were the only cats in her family to survive both the war and the fire. While she is only one hundred percent sure that her mate died in the fire, she's currently under the belief that the rest of her family is dead. Other: Biscuit <3 |
![]() ≋ ПIƧΉΛ ≋ #12663 |
Posted 2021-03-18 21:18:03 (edited)
--GENERAL-- Name: Stormgaze Rank: Medic Former Clan: Riverclan Age: 1 Year and 2 moons Gender: Male Orientation: Panromantic Homosexual Relationships: Mother: Willowpool (Deceased) Father: Lionjaw (NPC) Siblings: Brightfall (NPC) and Fadedkit ( Deceased) Mentor: Ashleaf (Deceased) Apprentice: None --PHYSICAL-- Short Description: A long-haired, sleek-furred, dark grey tom with lighter undersides, minimal white markings, and Sea Blue eyes. Detailed Description: Stormgaze is the only one of his siblings to take after their father. With broad shoulders and a large and naturally muscular body, many in his birth clan thought it was a pity that he wanted nothing to do with being a warrior. In color he takes after his mother, it's his father's markings he's inherited. Most of his fur is a darker grey hue, though his undersides, muzzle, and cheeks are a lighter grey. Like his father, he also has a few splashes of white on his chin, throat, chest, underbelly, two white socks, and tail tip. His nose is black with hints of marbled brick, and he has long feathered whiskers. His eyes are a beautiful sea blue color. Scars/Damage: Stormgaze only has a few scars, three short scratches on his rump, and then a cut on one ear. Talents: Herb knowledge, Climbing, Stealth, Swimming, Observant Weaknesses: Hunting, Tracking, Agility, Callous --CHARACTER-- Personality Traits: +++: Honest, Humble, Dedicated ///: Observant, Stern, Mystical ---: Blunt, Cynical, Callous Description: Stormgaze, like everyone, has good and bad sides, and sometimes those sides intertwine in the strangest of ways. The most obvious being his blunt honesty. He'll tell you the truth as he sees it, in the bluntest way possible, even if you don't ask for his opinion. Not that this means he thinks one should do as he says, or follow his advice. That being said it's his dedication to his clan that keeps him going, while he finds the idea of fighting abhorrent, he finds his niche in healing the clan, and his ever-growing need to learn and grow as a person. Stormgaze is also a rather humble cat, seeing himself only as one part of a whole, unable to work without the push and pull of both Starclan and his own clan. He'll often say that they are just specks of sand on a beach, or they're just small fish in a big pond. Stern is another word that could be used to describe Stormgaze, as he is a rather serious and no-nonsense type of cat. The tom has no time for fun really and often enough will scold kits or young apprentices - or anyone really - for messing around in places and times that it's unacceptable. Like in the medicine cat den, or during a clan meeting. Stormgaze was given the suffix gaze for a reason, the tom has an eye for detail, often spotting the little things in the movements of a cat that indicate injury, or just noticing that two cats seem to be avoiding each other while attempting to be civil. While Stormgaze might not agree, many would call the tom Mystical. The first time someone called him that, he scrunched up his nose then asked his mentor what it meant. Despite his own disagreement, he is in fact more than a little mystical. With his acknowledgment of his place in the world, that one can always learn more, and that death is not the end but a new beginning, Stormgaze is what most would consider a mystic. That being said, Stormgaze isn't what anyone would call kind or compassionate, at least not in a stereotypical way. The tom is rather cynical and callous, more often than not snapping at others when they come to him with problems that have nothing to do with healing. Despite his mystical side, he often finds himself focusing on the darker sides of life, questioning the war - or just calling the whole thing crab-brained - and telling others off for ... anything really. Oddly enough, while he doesn't like to deal with others' problems, he will intervene if necessary. He puts others above himself and refuses to allow a clan-mate to harm another clan-mate, no matter the situation. Of course, he's often spitting mad and cursing those involved for behaving like spoiled kits over a piece of prey. He's by no means a nice cat, but he does his best to protect his clan, even from it'self. Image credits: Base by Scei, colored by me. Likes: Fish, Swimming, Herb Hunting, Healing, sun-bathing Dislikes: Combat, the thought of being a warrior, dealing with other cats problems, Fire, Liars --HISTORY & ETC-- History: Stormgaze learned at a young age that everyone was just a speck of sand on a beach. He was just a moon old when his brother, Fadedkit had died of greencough. The younger tom was born sickly and didn't survive to see his second moon of life. His mother, Willowpool took it hard, while he and his sister; Brightkit, kind of waded in and out of grief. While Fadedkit was their brother, he'd been born sickly and it was obvious to everyone that he probably wouldn't survive to be a warrior. Stormkit did love his brother, but at the medicine cat's explanation, the young tom felt better about his brother's death. Because Fadedkit had died and gone to Starclan, he would be healed of his sickness, whole, and hale. Stormkit's father was absent from his life, he often asked about the tom, and his mother and others often only answered that he'd be told when he was older. Which the tom took at "I'll tell you when you're an apprentice." That didn't happen. But looking back, it was probably better that way, despite the fact that Stormgaze still doesn't know the name of his own father. Though he does know why the tom wasn't around, that's another story. One source of tension in his family other than their absent father, and brother's death, was the fact that Stormkit had no interest whatsoever as a warrior and much-preferred healing. In fact, his mother, - and everyone else within hearing distance - was horrified when he announced that he found fighting abhorrent, and refused to fight in this clam-brained war. Thankfully, Stormpaw was offered a place as the clan's medicine cat apprentice, one he happily took. While he got a few comments about how disappointed they were that Stormpaw wasn't a warrior apprentice, he ignored it, for the most part, only snapping back that he didn't need to be a bone-headed cat that only thought with his claws and teeth rather than his brain. Stormpaw was just about nine moons old when he got his first scar. Two clan-mates, - ex-mates in fact - had been arguing, and it got to the bubbling point and one lashed out. Stormpaw was nearby and with the swift action that makes a Windclan cat jealous, intercepted the blow. This action gained the trio a multitude of horrifying looks, for multiple reasons. Stormpaw ignored the looks, and the pain in his rump and started to berate the two felines' stupidity. Both looking acceptably chastised and horrified by the blood on his pelt, they simply nodded along, and only watched as he padded back into the medicine cat den. Where he got both chastised and praised for his previous actions. He unknowingly gained the respect of many of his clan that day, something that his beloved mentor often chuckled about. When he was eleven moons old, his greatest fear nearly came true. One of the clan's kits was about to become apprentices, but the kicker was one of them was blind. He feared that Tidepaw - then Tidekit - would take his place as medicine cat apprentice and he'd be demoted to warrior apprentice. He asked his mentor about it, and she just told him that all would be fine, and to trust him. The tom figured that she knew what she was doing and waited. Stormpaw was surprised when Ashleaf gave her argument, one he agreed with. The medicine cat was getting on in her age and said that she planned to retire in a few moons. She said that they should let her keep both Tidepaw and Stormpaw as her apprentices, as three cats are better than two, just as two is better than one. Despite this, nothing much happened, it was a non-issue as Tidepaw left Riverclan a moon later. Stormpaw while concerned for her ability to survive alone, was happy that she was no longer a threat to his position in the clan. He gained his full medicine cat name a few days after the Tidepaw disappeared. Ashleaf never got to retire, sadly as she was out in the field healing cats when the fire started. Stormgaze was making a run to herb storage to grab herbs that they were running low on when the fire started. The tom was able to swim to safety. Stormgaze was unsurprised when Bearheart was voted in as the leader of the now united clans. Other: Biscuit! |
![]() ≋ ПIƧΉΛ ≋ #12663 |
Posted 2021-03-19 07:28:02 (edited)
--GENERAL-- Name: Tidepaw(song) Rank: Apprentice Former Clan: RiverClan; WindClan Age: 9 moons Gender: Female (she/her) Orientation: Demiromantic demisexual Relationships: Mother: Salmonsplash (deceased) Father: Marshfur (deceased) Sisters: Minnowpaw (deceased), Larchpaw (deceased) --PHYSICAL-- Short Description: Smoky-gray she-cat with thick, swirling stripes and blind blue eyes Detailed Description: Being born blind, Tidepaw was never aware of how she appeared, although most outsiders snickered at her for looking like a "stereotypical RiverClanner" said to have swoon cats from beyond the borders. As a result, she grew up resenting her own appearance. She is covered in a long, down-soft coat that is occasionally curled from excessive swimming and inadequate drying. Her fur is dense for the sake of waterproofing, which makes her absolutely miserable during greenleaf (don't even get her started on the fires) and causes her to spend most of her daytime laying around in the lake. The base of Tidepaw's coat is a pale smoky-gray with a darkened back, laced in unique classic tabby-esque markings. These dark gray patterns seem to swirl and occupy most of her coat, save for her chest. Even her paws and face are a darkened charcoal from the thick stripes, so unusual that they're absolutely mesmerizing. Her eyes, the color of the lake on a clear blue day, stand out brilliantly against the dark background that is her coat. However, they are hazed, with the pupil a lightened shade of blue because the feline was born without sight. Stature-wise, the she-cat is relatively thin, striking for a RiverClan cat. Granted, she did spend a few days on the WindClan moor doing her best to strengthen her sprinting skills, permitting her a more slender form. Tidepaw is just a hair shorter than the average molly, but has a long-bodied appearance in addition to her particularly long (and not to mention, heavy) tail. Her physique makes her a poor runner at best- but she tried her hardest, she swears! Fortunately, it seemed to provide her with a sturdy body type, permitting her excellent balance despite her tail appearing as if it'd make her clumsy. Scars/Damage: Blind Talents: Swimming, stamina, limited herb knowledge, tracking, hearing, balance Weaknesses: Swiftness, stealth, strength, sight (obvi), skittish, combat, tree-climbing --CHARACTER-- Personality Traits: +++: Adaptable, gentle, resourceful ///: Ambitious, emotional, private ---: Asocial, skittish, disobedient Description: The apprentice shouldn't be stereotyped as the typical, miserable sightless feline- not for a moment. While she may be envious of others who have had the gift of sigh tall of their life, she isn't the type to take advantage of. Tidepaw is sharp-minded and exceptionally determined. There is absolutely no derailing her mind when it's set on something, no matter who absurd it might seem. Her ambition and dedication towards private goals are so ingrained that the apprentice can be outright disobedient, going directly against the orders of adults if she merely has other plans or doesn't feel like it's "right". She's surprisingly adaptive to new situations and quite comfortable with her own sightlessness, able to modify her typical routines to fit a new lifestyle. Nonetheless, don't expect her to be so flexible when it comes to her own goals and aspirations. Tidepaw may be pliable, but she's still stuck in her own ways when it comes to the long-term. With such adaptability comes the expected resourcefulness. She's as sharp as they come, an overall surprise and somewhat of a mystery given her aloof nature. She could make wine out of water, whenever she isn't under excessive stress and pressure. Tidepaw can easily come up with solutions of her own and make things work out, but she isn't so talented in a group. Although growing more and more comfortable in her own skin, the apprentice is still outright skittish and emotional when around others. She's never been a particularly social feline, preferring the company of the forest over anybody else. She can be taken off-guard and act distant around both those familiar and unfamiliar. Tidepaw still has a tendency to emotionally crumble under the pressure of other cats, mostly because she's frustrated and has no interest in conforming to their needs, but there are times when she's left without a choice. She needs to adapt to survive, even if it means breaking out of character and temporarily letting go of her long-term goals. She typically keeps her distance. Her family had been all that she knows, but she even gave that up for her own aspirations, in hopes of escaping her "doomed" fate of being confined to a medicine cat den. Tidepaw has determined that it's simply best to distance herself from others and instead focus on her own dreams, to focus on herself before she settles in and moves her attention over to forming relationships. Granted, she's rumored to be gentle in disposition towards those she's close to, although she remains closed-off when it comes to personal history. For now, she's a social mystery. Image credits: art/ref by MANGE #13736 Likes: Water, silence, respect, long walks, mild flowers, birdsong, rain Dislikes: Heat, obnoxious/pushy individuals, conformity to senior warriors' standards, combat, loud noises, excessively fragrant flowers --HISTORY & ETC-- History: Her parents were born and raised RiverClan cats destined to do everything in their power to defend their home. They had been fighting against ThunderClan in order to defend their ShadowClan neighbors (and essentially save their own tails) when tragedy struck. Marshfur was killed in combat, on a bitter day when RiverClan and ShadowClan were sent retreating back into the safety of their homes. ThunderClan had won for the day...but not for long. Salmonsplash was bitter over the loss of her partner, especially since they'd discovered that she was expecting but a few days before. Although their medicine cat encouraged her to stay in camp, she was hellbent on exacting her revenge. The warrior ran into combat, targeting her mate's murderer before digging him a watery grave, watching in satisfaction as he drowned underneath her paws. Even after avenging Marshfur, the warrior wasn't complete. She was so entranced by rage that she wanted more, before the medicine cat finally convinced her that she needed to stay at camp. For the safety of her kittens, of course. The litter seemed normal at first- an overwhelming number of females, but Salmonsplash finally found her peace in her daughters. The queen had always been partial towards Tidekit, given that her coat was similar to Marshfur's. However, everything seemed to change after the kitten finally opened her eyes (later than her sisters). Salmonsplash was puzzled by the milky blues of her daughter. The other kittens had blue eyes as well (although they'd outgrow them, as all kits do), but Tidekit's seemed...different. After some observation, the medicine cat determined that Tidekit was born blind. She could not be a warrior. Salmonsplash was heartbroken, but instead of supporting her ambitious daughter's dreams, she encouraged her to follow in suit of other blind cats: retire early, or be a medicine cat. She wouldn't survive a war. Tidekit, however, was fixated on her dream of becoming a medicine cat. She did her best to spar with her littermates, even if she frequently lost in their games. She entertained herself with the stories of elders, and even convinced them to try to teach her battle moves, even if she couldn't see them to replicate their motions. But when it came to apprenticeship, their leader's mind could not be changed. Tidepaw had to be a medicine cat, or else she'd lead a terribly short life. Tidepaw was bitter, and was still adamant on following her own dream. She stuck around in RiverClan for a moon, hoping to change their minds, before giving up on them. She fled in the night to the Horseplace to prove herself, where the kittypets hesitantly took her in for a few days. With the Horseplace since turning into a battleground for WindClan and RiverClan, the kittypets weren't keen on her at first- but seeing that she was blind, they deemed her harmless. It was...infuriating. They taught her how to catch mice, since one of the senior kittypets was slowly losing his sight as well. He gave her advice, and Tidepaw began to actually enjoy her time in their company. Before long, however, a WindClan patrol came by, and took Tidepaw captive. To their surprise, she requested to join if they train her to be a warrior, rather than force her to be a medicine cat. They were hesitant- but what did they have to lose? She hadn't been born into their territory, and if she died, then so what? While she was no talented combatant, she seemed to fair well when it came to catching smaller prey. She certainly wasn't fast like the other WindClan apprentices, but the ambitious molly did her best to compete with them. WindClan began to value the apprentice for her nose, tracking down lost WindClanners and trespassers. Tidepaw did decent under their tutorship, but once again, not everything would last. She was in camp when the quakes hit, and was one of the first to detect them coming. She and a few other cats fled camp and managed to survive, while most others perished. She didn't get to see her mentor again. And when Tidepaw joined up with the lost cats, it turned out that her family hadn't made it from RiverClan, either. Other: thinking on it now, tidepaw sounds similar to "tidepod". |
![]() 20mia08 #18414 |
Posted 2021-03-21 16:08:18
Duskwhisper Part 1* --GENERAL-- Name: Duskwhisper Rank: Warrior Former Clan: WindClan Age: 4 years 10 moons Gender: she-cat (she/her) Orientation: bisexual biromantic Relationships: Mother: Honeyfire (deceased) Father: Smallhawk (deceased) Sibling: Cedarsting (deceased) Enemy: Swallowsky (unknown) --PHYSICAL-- Short Description: Large, mostly white, long-furred she-cat with red highlights and blue eyes. Detailed Description: Duskwhisper has long, flowing fur that she spends a lot of time caring for. When she was an apprentice, she had some difficulty with burrs and thorns getting caught in her pelt while she was running around the moors, so she learned quickly how to maintain her pelt. Duskwhisper is a large cat and her long fur makes her look more thickset than she is. Beneath her fluff, Duskwhisper is actually quite lithe, with a long tail and long legs. She takes care when grooming herself and makes sure to pick out any debris that may be stuck to her. StarClan forbid her fur gets matted! Duskwhisper is mostly white, but she has light auburn highlights along her back. Her ears, paws, tail and cheeks are also red. She has faint red tabby markings on her forehead and tail. Duskwhisper’s eyes are a beautiful sky-blue. She is what two-legs would call a red lynx point ragdoll. Scars/Damage: Duskwhisper has scarring along her back leg from burns she received during the fire. The scars are superficial and don’t impede her agility. However, it is unlikely that the fur around them will ever grow back. Talents: agile, fast, strong, strategic thinker, moves swiftly and silently Weaknesses: untrusting, suspicious of others, cares a little too much about her own appearance --CHARACTER-- Personality Traits: +++: intelligent, resourceful ///: quiet, careful ---: vain, untrusting Description: Duskwhisper has some serious trust issues. After being betrayed by cats in her past, she doesn’t take any cat at their face value. She is always looking for their ulterior motives and analyzing what they might truly want. While this does make it hard for her to get close to any cat, it makes Duskwhisper excellent and perceiving the dynamics between other cats and determining who works well together. She is less skilled at noticing what other cats think about her, and tends to assume that no cats are truly on her side, just to be safe. She is still kind and respectful towards other cats, though. She doesn’t seek out social interactions, but she will politely engage in a conversation, even if her responses are guarded. She doesn’t want to see any cat hurt like she has been. She will always think thoroughly about the issues facing her group, whether that was WindClan or the United, and is good at making plans to solve those issues. Duskwhisper is also quite beautiful, and she knows it. She takes pride in her appearance and knows how to wield it as just as much of a weapon as her teeth or claws. She doesn’t need other cats to stroke her ego-she is very self-confident. She knows herself and tries not to care what other cats think. Maybe at one point she did care, but now the only judgement she allows herself to take to heart now is her own. The scars on her leg bother her more than she cares to admit. She misses the flowing fur that used to be there. Likes: running, problem-solving, wide open spaces Dislikes: other cats, dirt, thick undergrowth *I had to split it into two parts :) |
ccpprrjj #2003 |
Posted 2021-03-21 16:08:42
Duskwhisper Part 2 --HISTORY & ETC-- History: Duskkit was born into a stereotypical WindClan family. Her parents, Honeyfire and Smallhawk, were loving. They doted on both Duskkit and her brother, Cedarkit. Even as a kit, it was clear that Duskkit would one day make an excellent warrior. She was smart and quickly picked up things the apprentices taught her. She was always eager to learn more. She also was close with Cedarkit, despite his somewhat harsh and combative personality. From the time she first opened her eyes, Duskkit’s loyalty to WindClan was evident. She was always playing games where she would pretend to chase off ‘invading enemy warriors’ and idolized WindClan’s leader. This loyalty continued into her apprentice moons, with Duskpaw throwing herself whole-heartedly into training. She never did anything half-way, whether that was learning a new battle move or carefully cleaning the debris from her pelt after a run. She quickly established herself as naturally skilled and a fast-learner. She had a fairly average apprenticehood. Throughout it, she was aware of the rising tensions with other Clans, but was firmly on WindClan’s side. In Duskpaw’s mind, her Clan could do no wrong. After passing her assessment with flying colors, Duskwhisper became a warrior. She was given her name due to how silently and quickly she could run across the moors. Just as every cat had expected, Duskwhisper excelled at all of her warrior duties. Even the senior warriors began to respect her skills and her loyalty to WindClan. Duskwhisper also noticed that many WindClan cats-toms and she-cats alike-had started admiring her not only for her skills, but also for her appearance. Duskwhisper had grown into an absolutely stunning cat, between her bright blue eyes and flowing white and auburn fur. Once she realized this, Duskwhisper fully embraced her beauty. She started taking more time to ensure that her pelt was immaculate. She also knew that she could use her beauty as a weapon, distracting cats in battle and wielding her looks and skills to climb WindClan’s social ladder. Soon, Duskwhisper was one of the highest ranking WindClan cats, despite being a young warrior. When tensions with RiverClan over the horseplace began to escalate, Duskwhisper was eager to fight for her Clan. She joined in on strategy meetings with the leader and senior warriors to figure out the best ways to keep the land. However, while all of this was going on, Duskwhisper noticed that her brother, now Cedarsting, was growing more distant and spending more and more time away from the camp. One day, Duskwhisper followed him and discovered what had happened: Cedarsting had fallen in love with Sparrowsky, a RiverClan she-cat. Duskwhisper was horrified at the discovery and furious with her brother. How could he love one of his Clan’s sworn enemies?! Duskwhisper was about to leap out of the bushes and confront her brother, but. . .then she noticed something. She noticed that her brother, who was usually so hard and stoic, was relaxed and laughing-actually laughing- with this she-cat. It was obvious that he was deeply in love with her. And Sparrowsky. . .she looked enamored with Cedarsting, too. Duskwhisper revealed herself to them and met Sparrowsky for the first time. After several wary exchanges, Duskwhisper actually started to approve of Sparrowsky and Cedarsting’s relationship. She even became friends with Sparrowsky, something Duskwhisper had never thought would happen. After several moons, Sparrowsky announced that she had decided to leave RiverClan and join WindClan. Both Duskwhisper and Cedarsting were thrilled. Duskwhisper was relieved to not have to deal with the feeling of being torn between loyalty to her Clan and her friendship with Sparrowsky. After Sparrowsky joined WindClan, things went back to normal for Duskwhisper. She continued to be very loyal to her Clan and fully supported all of her leader’s decisions. There was even talk of her being the next in line for deputy. Eventually, tensions between WindClan and RiverClan escalated into a full-blown war over the horseplace. Duskwhisper led one of WindClan’s battle patrols and was fighting with all her might when she noticed some kittypets on the outskirts of the battlefield. They weren’t fighting with either side, so Duskwhisper was perfectly content to leave them alone. Her clanmates, on the other paw, were not. A group of WindClan cats attacked the kittypets while Duskwhisper watched. She was shocked and went over to them to tell them to stop and focus on their RiverClan enemies, but the WindClan leader overrode her orders. The leader said WindClan won’t tolerate kittypets on what would soon become WindClan territory. Duskwhisper recognized that her leader had a point, but she didn’t think it was necessary to deal with the kittypets in the middle of a battle. She tried to argue with her leader, which made the leader angry. The leader ordered the WindClan warriors to kill the kittypets to make a point to Duskwhisper. She tried to go help the kittypets, but her leader held her back. Duskwhisper was helpless to watch as her Clanmates slaughtered the kittypets in front of her. WindClan won the battle that day, but Duskwhisper had felt like she had lost something irreplaceable. Knowing that the cats and the Clan she had trusted would kill bystanders just to make a point shattered her trust in WindClan and her belief in their complete goodness. What Duskwhisper had believed her entire life had turned out to be wrong. Feeling lost, Duskwhisper started becoming closer friends with Sparrowsky. The other she-cat and Duskwhisper’s family were the only cats she could trust. But even Duskwhisper’s closest friend was not what she seemed. One night, while on a night border patrol with some clanmates, Duskwhisper spotted Sparrowsky sneaking across the moor. Towards RiverClan territory. Duskwhisper’s patrol caught Sparrowsky, and the she-cat admitted everything. She had been spying on WindClan for RiverClan the entire time. Sparrowsky was then thrown out of WindClan, leaving Duskwhisper and Cedarsting devastated. Duskwhisper was plagued by doubts-had Sparrowsky ever truly cared about her? Slowly, the hurt turned into anger and a lack of trust for any cat that has lasted to the present. Duskwhisper was at the Horseplace when the fire broke out. She had wanted to make amends with the surviving kittypets and apologize for what her Clanmates had done. At first, the kittypets welcomed her in, surprising Duskwhisper with their kindness. However, just as Duskwhisper was starting to relax, the kittypets turned on her and attacked her, blaming her for what had happened to their friends. In the midst of the attack, the fire started and they were all forced to flee. Duskwhisper barely escaped the fire and it left her with painful burns along one of her hindlegs. She limped back to WindClan camp, where she discovered that most of her clanmates had died in an earthquake, including her brother and parents. Duskwhisper decided that she wanted nothing to do with the survivors, so she left and lived on her own for several moons. During that time, she became even less trusting and more hesitant with who she let into her life. Eventually, Duskwhisper decided to join the United, mostly to make hunting easier and to receive medical treatment for her slow-healing burns. Once in the United, Duskwhisper proved herself with her intelligence and skill. The other cats respect and trust her, even if she does not allow herself to trust them. She doesn’t know if she will ever trust again. Other: biscuit |
ccpprrjj #2003 |
Posted 2021-03-23 20:21:59 (edited)
Name: Doerose Rank: Co-medic Former Clan: Shadowclan (Medic apprentice) Age: 12 moons/1 year Gender: Female Orientation: Biromantic Homosexual Relationships: --PHYSICAL-- Short Description: A small, scarred, dappled red calico she cat with gray-green eyes. Detailed Description: Doerose has very soft, fluffy fur. Her eyes are a pale grey-green color. Her fur is mostly a dull, natural shade of red with splotches of cream and black all along her body. The left side of her face has many burn marks, covering about 45% of her head. her back left leg also has burns all along it, causing her to limp. Scars/Damage: There are recent burns along the left side of her face and back leg, causing her to limp. Talents: Doerose has been noted to be very observant, despite forgetting things soon after. She has a very good nose, which gives her a natural talent for finding herbs and prey. Weaknesses: Doerose is often very forgetful when it comes to herbs and organization. She is incredibly clumsy with her paws and often trips and falls. This causes her to be very bad at hunting, despite being able to find prey easier than others. --CHARACTER-- Personality Traits: +++: Observant, loyal, cautious ///: Quiet, introverted, curious. ---: Clumsy, forgetful, unorganized, Self-doubting, naive. Description: Doerose is a very observant she-cat, able to notice the slightest changes in her surroundings. Though, many other cats think of her to be unintelligent due to her forgetfulness. She is unintentionally clumsy and unorganized as a result. She tries her best to be professional but often fails. She is unsure of herself and often compares herself to her mentor and siblings, thinking they would have done a better job had they been alive instead. Image credits: N/A (The design was bought by me roughly two-three years ago on a warriors amino, I'm not sure if they made the base or if they were just selling designs using someone else's. I would greatly appreciate if anyone knew and could tell me.) Likes: Shade, flowers, colorful rocks. Dislikes: Sunlight, loud noises, fire, badgers. --HISTORY & ETC-- History: Doerose's parents were far from perfect, but they weren't the worst either. Her mother, Pinestorm, was a strict code follower. Which was why everyone had been surprised when she chose the former rogue, Oakshade as her mate. Though, neither cat seemed to particularly like each other, which raised a lot of confusion when Pinestorm announced that she was expecting his kits. After the three sisters, Birchkit, Doekit, and Cypresskit had been born, Oakshade stopped paying attention to Pinestorm and his kits all together. Her mother herself didn't act as if she cared for them either, hardly talking to any of them even when they shared a nest. Doerose suspects she only had kits to prove she was completely loyal to her clan. Other: I made biscuits while typing this. |
![]() SleepyTeaspoon #32445 |