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🪐 celestial's breeding goals and projects 💫

🪐 celestial's breeding goals and projects 💫
Posted 2021-03-30 17:30:14 (edited)

🪐 c e l e s t i a l ' s. b r e e d i n g. g o a l s. a n d. p ro j e c t s. 💫

Hello, hello my good friends! I am celestial and I'm quite new here. v e r y new actually. I played ( and continue to play ) Lioden for about 5 years now, so I am familiar with some of the game mechanics and rng. I've also done some i n t e n s e studying on the wiki and grouse house guides and I have a close friend who is helping me get more accustomed to the site. I feel very comfortable on this site already, but as everyone seems to say, starting out IS the most tedious part of the Wolvden experience. I wanted to start out with a set goal in mind so that I could start achieving them early on. Anywho, let's jump right in <3

These goals are subject to change :)

Q. celestial, what are you breeding for?
A. I am breeding mainly for stats. There are some of the Tier ii and Tier iii bases that caught my eye, but i really enjoy the math of trying to have stat monster wolves.

Q. celestial, you said you liked some bases, which ones would you want to breed for in the future?
A. Tier ii ~ lavender ( cool light ii ), peach ( muted light ii ),  antler ( muted medium ii ), cocoa ( muted dark ii ), ebony ( muted dark ii ), arkose ( warm light ii ), saffron ( warm medium ii ), auburn ( warm dark ii ), rime ( monochrome light ii ), 
Tier iii ~ teardrop ( muted light iii ), zircon ( muted light iii), grulla ( cool medium iii ), lily ( muted medium iii ), pearl ( muted medium iii ), seal ( muted dark iii ), piasa ( warm light iii). mojave ( warm medium iii ), wulfenite ( warm medium iii ), realgar ( warm dark iii ), pyrope ( warm dark iii ), argent ( monochrome light iii ), flint ( monochrome medium iii ), iridium ( monochrome dark iii ), 

Q. Well damn, celestial, that's a lot of bases. Do you have priority ones you want to breed?
A. yes, I do because of the genetics i have now: lavender ( cool light ii ), rime ( monochrome light ii ), teardrop ( muted light iii ), piasa ( warm light iii ), lily ( muted medium III )

So, what comes first? 

I am currently leveling the queen and king of my tribe as much and often as possible. t h e m a is constantly exploring and battling and a r a is scouting by the hour. I have a guarana, but I do not wish to waste it. I currently have 0 GC, 317 SC ( l m a o :'] ) and 9 territory slots. 

what i need to succeed:

- sc ( for territory slots and room for necessary spending ) 
- gc ( for grove items and other necessary spending ) 
- high stat wolves ( preferable puppies ) 
- territory spaces
- grind thema to at least level 15 and continue grinding for stats with ara

p a r t n e r s
🐗 Hogrid [#12001]
sundust [#9932]
abby | tier iii breeder [#13289]

ḉ ḙ ℓ ḙ ṧ т ! ᾰ ℓ

Posted 2021-03-30 17:30:51 (edited)

🌖 .c u r r e n t. p r o j e c t s. 🌔

let's be realistic. since i can't have a pair bond until 30 ROs, i have only ara to work with as I don't see myself gaining enough currency to stud out to particular studs of interest:

my breeding male is a white, which the base genetics are monochrome light i
t h e m a is a glaucous base with cool light i genetics
p h i l o m e n a is a dark brown base with muted dark i genetics
a n g a is a sky base with cool light ii genetics
e v o r a is a caramel base with  muted dark i genetics
t e m p u s is a dark brown base with muted dark i genetics
r i g a l is a pecan base with muted dark ii genetics

this highlight signifies a desired base

t h e m a & a r a 

level 8 (284 gts) & level 6 (247 gts)

can produce the bases: Glaucous, Honeydew, Apricot, Beige, Cream Lighter, Shell, Dust, Quartz, Snow, and White

can produce puppies with a range of 211 - 261 grand total stats

p h i l o m e n a & a r a 

level 3 (222 gts) & level 6 (247 gts)

can produce the bases: Apricot, Beige, Cream Lighter, Shell, Cream, Cream Darker, Honey, Willow, Caramel, Chestnut, Chocolate, Dark Brown, Dust, Quartz, Snow, White, Ashen, Birch, Gray Lighter, Howlite, Gray, Gray Darker, Jet, and Black

can produce puppies with a range of 199 - 249 grand total stats

a n g a & a r a 

level 9 (305 gts) & level 6 (247 gts)

can produce the bases: Glaucous, Honeydew, Lavender (ii), Pale (ii), Sky (ii), Apricot, Beige, Cream Lighter, Almond (ii), Buff (ii), Feldspar (ii), Isabel (ii), Peach (ii), Dust, Quartz, Snow, White, Siqoq (ii), Melchior (ii), Nepheline (ii), Titanium (ii), Rime (ii)

can produce puppies with a range of 215 - 265 grand total stats

e v o r a & a r a 

level 4 (278 gts) & level 6 (247 gts)

can produce the bases: Apricot, Beige, Cream Lighter, Shell, Cream, Cream Darker, Honey, Willow, Caramel, Chestnut, Chocolate, Dark Brown,, Dust Quartz, Snow, White, Ashe, Birch, Gray Lighter, Howlite, Gray, Gray Darker, Jet, and Black

can produce puppies with a range of 210 - 260 grand total stats

t e m p u s & a r a 

level 2 (219 gts) & level 6 (247 gts)

can produce the bases: Apricot, Beige, Cream Lighter, Shell, Cream, Cream Darker, Honey, Willow, Caramel, Chestnut, Chocolate, Dark Brown, Dust, Quartz, Snow, White, Ashen, Birch, Gray Lighter, Howlite, Gray, Gray Darker, Jet, and Black

can produce puppies with a range of 198 - 248 grand total stats

r i g a l & a r a

level 2 (308 gts) & level 6 (247 gts)

can produce the bases: Apricot, Beige, Cream Lighter, Shell, Almond, (ii), Buff (ii), Feldspar (ii), Isabel (ii), Peach, (ii), Cream Cream Darker, Honey, Willow, Antler, Blonde, Sandy, Tuff, Vanilla, Caramel, Chestnut, Chocolate, Dark Brown, Cocoa (ii), Ebony (ii), Oriode (ii) , Pecan (ii), Sepia (ii), Dust, Quartz, Snow, White, Siqoq, Melchior (ii), Nepheline (ii), Titanium (ii), Rime (ii), Ashen, Birch, Gray Lighter, Howlite, Acanthite (ii), Chert (ii), Silver (ii), Steele (ii), Sterling (ii), Gray, Gray Darker, Jet, Black, Biotite (ii), Obsidian (ii), Onyx (ii), Pewter (ii), and Sphalerite (ii)

can produce puppies with a range of 216 - 266 gts


In conclusion
the best pair to use right now for stats and desired bases would be a n g a  and a r a  and r i g a l and a r a 

ḉ ḙ ℓ ḙ ṧ т ! ᾰ ℓ

Posted 2021-03-30 17:32:00 (edited)

💫  .r e s u l t s.  ☄️

here i will post litters acquired and other updates such as currency gain, wolves gained, levels/stats gained, etc.

Pack Updates

t h e m a
bred to ara, birth in 5 ROs

p h i l o m e n a 
 two pups from the puppy starter quest. i chased one, this BO ( chestnut t1) potato remains:

l i x o ("trash" in portuguese)

a n g a
nothing yet. anga will fall into heat in 6 rollovers.

e v o r a 
bred to colt, birth in 5 ROs

t e m p u s
nothing yet. tempus will fall into heat in 3 rollovers

r i g a l 
bred to Colt. 3 cuties, 2 T2s, 1 T1, might r&c the tier twos and might keep the tier one ;;-;;

o u r a
bred to Colt. Birth in 5 ROs

March 30, 2021 -- t h e m a went from level 4 to level 6. currently 39% complete with level 6. she now has 247 stats from battles and leveling.  a r a leveled and had some stat gain from 212 to 221 gts. Spent 130 SC on a territory upgrade, Spent 18 SC on buying cave mats. Created one new cave, " 🏹 o r i o n ' s. b e l t 🔭" that will house hunters and scouts. Renamed the cave "🧸" to "🧸c h i l d r e n. o f.  a m a l t h e a.🍼" where pup-sitters and wolves that have not become adults will be housed. Saved 419 SC, 0 GC.  Adopted a few puppies from the TC and two from an adoption thread. 

ḉ ḙ ℓ ḙ ṧ т ! ᾰ ℓ

Posted 2021-03-30 17:36:34
commenting to bump! also pssst the mods are gonna come after ur butt if you have words like "donation" in your post so be careful^^

rαıdεη🌟rolling: 3/2🌟

Posted 2021-03-30 17:39:55

thank you! what word shall i use instead? i wasn't aware that was not a good word to use!

ḉ ḙ ℓ ḙ ṧ т ! ᾰ ℓ

Posted 2021-03-30 17:42:03

hmmm I'd say gift would be better but the mods might still come after u for it LMAO 

rαıdεη🌟rolling: 3/2🌟

Posted 2021-03-30 17:48:49

thank you <3

ḉ ḙ ℓ ḙ ṧ т ! ᾰ ℓ

Posted 2021-03-30 17:50:13

no problem!

rαıdεη🌟rolling: 3/2🌟

Posted 2021-03-31 21:20:37 (edited)

 🌙 d a i l y. u p d a t e s. ☀️

March 31st, 2021 -- t h e m a  went from level 6 to level 7. Bought an Aging Stone ( 500 SC ) for r i g a l and used it. Spent 150 SC on territory. New balance is 135 SC, 0 GC. Two new breeding partners, Hogrid & Sundust, links to their pages are on this thread and on my profile and den. 

April 1st, 2021 -- t h e m a went from level 7 to 8. Bought t e m p u s, a temporary pup sitter with a Dark Brown base ( muted light i genetics ).  New balance is 217 SC, 0 GC. Bred r i g a l to Colt, Hogrid's stud.

April 2nd -- Many level gains, and thema is nearly at level 9. New balance is 433 SC, 0 GC. Bought one territory slot, I now have room for 9 adults.

ḉ ḙ ℓ ḙ ṧ т ! ᾰ ℓ

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