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✨Starry Banes Pack Tracker✨

✨Starry Banes Pack Tracker✨
Posted 2021-04-03 17:40:59 (edited)

This is gonna be in aesthetic development for some time, not great with coding/formatting, but I'll get around to it ^^'

Please do not post! Read-only (if you're really that interested lol)

The Pack;; (as of May 10, 2021)

Hunting Party;;

The Shooting Stars;;





Important Dates;;

  • Pack Founded on March 29th, 2021
  • Delphi, Kylo, Loki, and Oak disperse from the pack


  • x


  • Wolves begin thinking about retirement and need to start looking for a replacement at the age of 6 years and 6 months
  • Not breed until 2 years?
  • Adolescents should begin thinking about if they will be staying in the pack and picking a role to fill or if they will be leaving at the age of 10 months
  • Replacement wolves can begin filling their role as soon as the replaced wolf is retired, however, depending on the role, it may be best to wait until a better time to switch (ex: switching around the hunting party during spring or definitely not during the winter)
  • Retirement (resigning their role) can begin at 5 years 6 months old and must occur by 7 years 6 months. However, there are many factors that go into retiring; is there a replacement available (if needed)? what season is it? what condition is the pack in? what condition is the wolf in?
  • Mothers, when possible, will pause their duties while nursing, or longer if circumstances allow, however, sometimes times are tough and mothers must leave their nursing pups to provide for the pack
  • Pupsitters generally take longer to retire since their role is less physically demanding as opposed to scouting or hunting.

A Wolf's Life (wip);;

  • 0 months - 1.5 months;; Newborn
  • 2.5 months;; weaned
  • 1.5 months - 3 months?;; Young Puppy. Might have memory, develops a personality
  • 3 months - 6 months;; Puppy. Starts to have memory
  • 6 months - 1 year;; Adolescent
  • 10 months;; Adolescents start to pick what role they will fill
  • 1 year;; Adult. Wolves are usually placed into a role or leave
  • 2 years;; Usually when start to have puppies
  • 5 years 6 months;; Begin to consider retirement. Usually has their last litter
  • 7 years 6 months;; Wolf must be retired and move to the elder cave
  • 7 years 6 months - 8 years?;; Death

Biography Format;;





Life Events;;

Health History;;




Other siblings;;


Death Age;;

Death Date;;

Art Wishlist;;

  • x


  • posts will be done on a rollover basis (1/2 month) and will include any major happenings or story elements :)


Posted 2021-04-03 20:16:30

0 months - 1/2 months (pre-rollover)

  • Accalia (1 year) founded the Starry Banes Pack with her mate, Amaruq (1 year)
  • While deciding where to settle, the pair met Ari (4 years and 4 months), who joined the pack
  • The trio was led along by Tala
  • Ari was an experienced hunter and volunteered to begin a hunting party that would soon grow
  • Tala dropped by and left a food bundle, warning of the coming winter
  • While out exploring the new home biome, Accalia meets Ebony (4 years and 2.5 months), followed by Hawk (3 years and 8 months). They were interested in the beginnings of a new pack and needed a pack of their own, agreeing to come back to the pack with Accalia.
  • Accalia, who had been pregnant for the previous two months, had her first litter, Alexis and Koda. Ebony immediately fell in love and decided to become a pupsitter. Ebony also took on a minor midwife/mentor role.
  • Accalia became more familiar with the surroundings (A Step in the Right Direction).
  • Amaruq began to take on the responsibility of scouting. The pack is now aware of their home biome as well as the grasslands, the mountains, and the prairie. Accalia decides it is important to know the area around us.
  • Accalia met the raccoon, trading some meat for cones.
  • Was able to expand territory to 6 spots.

Posted 2021-04-03 21:10:08

1/2 months - 1 month (1 rollover)

  • Amaruq focused her efforts on scouting out the grasslands.
  • Accalia was ambushed by Ares (3 years and 1 month) while sniffing around in some bugs, she ended up joining the pack, leaving a good impression as a stalker. With her bright coat, she certainly couldn't find much success elsewhere.
  • While stopping to lick her paws, Accalia was approached by Everest (4 years and 11.5 months) who, despite her age seemed quite fitting to add to the hunting party with a finisher.
  • Expanded territory to 8
  • Accalia met Kaine (3 years and 8 months). He joined and became scout.
  • Accalia hit level 5
  • Kaine begins exploring the mountains during this time, but mostly assisted Amaruq in the grasslands, taking turns
  • Story opp: Accalia lost a battle to level 6 timber wolf
  • Accalia met Nyx while tending to some minor wounds. She is perfect to round out the hunting party with a final chaser.
  • Ares and Everest continued on hunting alone while the others didn't have the strength/energy (out of hunts).
  • Grasslands were completely scouted (?)
  • Amaruq prioritizes scouting in the Prairie
  • Kaine prioritizes the Mountains

Posted 2021-04-03 21:26:18

1 month - 1.5 months (2 rollovers)

  • Snowfall increases and ponds freeze over. Winter has arrived
  • Amaruq continues to scout the Mountains while Kaine continues to scout the Prairies
  • Anxious about carrying her pack through a potentially harsh winter, Accalia buries some food to store for emergency, including a beaver, two hares, a grouse, a rat, two stoats, two muskrats, and a pheasant hen. This seems to be the right amount of food for two weeks if food becomes scarce
  • The hunting party notices a decrease in hunting success, coming back multiple times (3 in a row) with empty jaws. But things are not nearly bad enough to access the emergency stores.
  • Amaruq declares the Mountains fully scouted.
  • Rescouting unlocked
  • Amaruq and Kaine decide to explore boundaries, making the pack aware of the Coniferous Forest and the Riparian Woodland.
  • Kaine returns to scouting the Prairie while Amaruq scouts the Riparian Woodland. Then they switch places
  • Build a second cave. The current idea is a nursery/med den
  • Amaruq rises to level 5

Posted 2021-04-03 21:35:12

1.5 months - 2 months (3 rollovers)

  • Accalia has calmed a little regarding the winter, the hunting party is bringing back sufficient food. Though there are still many unsuccessful hunts.
  • The Prairie and Riparian Woodlands have been scouted (?).
  • Kaine minimally scouts the Coniferous forest
  • The pack indulges on the food bundle Tala has brought previously
  • Amaruq continues working through the Prairie and Kaine continues working through the Riparian Woodland. 
  • Kaine rises to level 5
  • Expanded territory to 9

Posted 2021-04-03 22:02:07

2 months - 2.5 months (4 rollovers)

  • Accalia contracted diarrhea from exploring
  • Tala comes to help and gives a diarrhea cure
  • Accalia meets Herbie (?)
  • There are many unsuccessful hunts, but there is enough food to sustain the pack.
  • The pack was approached by a wonderer, Timber (1 year and 4 months). He claims minimal knowledge about herbs and medicine and is accepted by the pack.
  • Eager (?) to prove himself, Timber gets right into foraging. Also lets him calm as the pack makes him nervous.
  • The Prairie has been scouted.
  • Amaruq works on the Riparian Woodland while Kaine works on the Coniferous Forest.
  • Timber learns Distemper Cure, Healing Salve, Hepatitis Cure, and Tapeworm Remedy over the course of a couple of weeks.
  •  Riparian Woodland has been scouted
  • Amaruq pushes new boundaries and the pack is now aware of the Desert. Amaruq begins to scout here.

Posted 2021-04-03 22:12:37 (edited)

2.5 months - 3 months (5 rollovers)

  • Alexis and Koda are now 2.5 months old and are weaned, moving to the nursery den with Ebony.
  • Ari rises to level 5
  • Timber gets more comfortable with the pack and accepts the offer to move into the den with Ebony, Alexis, and Koda
  • Hawk rises to level 5
  • Amaruq is focusing on scouting the Coniferous Forest while Kain focuses on the Desert
  • Ares rises to level 5
  • Everest rises to level 5
  • The hunting party has reached +40% Synergy and is working well together
  • After weeks of average hunting, the hunting party takes home a win. They bring home their first small prey, a small doe!
  • The Coniferous Forest has been scouted
  • Amaruq pushes new boundaries and the pack is now aware of the Taiga
  • Amaruq begins scouting the Taiga while Kaine continues scouting the Desert
  • Timber started learning Heatstroke remedy

Posted 2021-04-03 22:45:55 (edited)

3 months - 3.5 months (6 rollovers)

  • Timber learned Heatstroke Remedy, Mange Salve, Tick Remedy and Cystitis Cure
  • Amaruq focuses on scouting the Desert, while Kaine focused on the Taiga
  • The environment is beginning to warm up. After a winter full of snow and hail, we begin to see rain in the Deciduous Forest, sun and rain in the Desert and wind in the Taiga
  • The pack builds a third cave, but is unsure what to use it for.
  • The hunting party caught another small prey! They were able to take down a porcupine
  • Ari hit 50% proficiency in chasing
  • Ares hit 50% proficiency in stalking
  • Hawk hit 50% proficiency in chasing
  • The hunting party hit 50% Synergy
  • Accalia wants to prioritize exploring the Desert in an effort to find chaparral, winterfat, tobacco and charcoal for Timber in order to learn new recipes. As such, towards the end of these couple weeks she suggests that Amaruq and Kaine begin to direct their focus on scouting out the Desert. They are lucky to be greeted with clear skies
  • Since the Desert cannot yet be explored, the second best options are to explore the Mountains and the Prairie in order to find winterfat, tobacco and charcoal (but not chaparral)
  • The pack has noticed a lot of fog in many areas aswell as more scents to follow during this time
  • While on the look out for herbs, Accalia notes that the Prairies are quite sunny and the Mountains are windy. But things are warming up
  • Accalia was unsuccessful in finding herbs with the exception of tobacco, but was able to receive some from a neighboring pack, including 2x charcoal and winterfat. As such, Timber was able to begin looking into Diarrhea Cure and Ear Mites Ointment
  • Everest reached 50% proficiency in finishing

Posted 2021-04-05 07:51:56 (edited)

3.5 months - 4 months (7 rollovers)

  • Timber learned Diarrhea Cure and Ear Mites Ointment
  • Accalia decides the Taiga is not a priority for scouting, so asks Kaine to continue working with Amaruq on the Desert
  • While the Desert is being scouted, Amaruq mainly explores the Mountains and the Prairie to find tobacco, st. John's wort, oregano, and winterfat
  • Hunting success rates have been increasing
  • Nyx has hit 50% proficiency in chasing
  • Accalia believes that the winter has done the hunting party good by strengthening them, and that spring will be full of abundance
  • The hunting party brought down their first large prey! They were able to bring back a bull elk!!
  • Timber hit level 5
  • Accalia hit level 10!
  • Amaruq rises to 50% proficiency in scouting
  • Timber began looking into Open Wound Salve, Pox Balm, Fleas Remedy, and Antidote
  • Timber learns open wound salve

Posted 2021-04-06 06:42:55 (edited)

4 months - 4.5 months (8 rollovers)

  • Snow is melting, the skies are clearing and the waters are thawing. Spring has arrived
  • Timber learned Pox Balm, Flea Remedy and Antidote
  • Amaruq and Kaine are sent out to rescout the Prairies and the Mountains, hoping to find herbs or other useful things. They were greeted with clear skies some wind
  • The pack is treated to warm sunny and rainy days
  • The hunting party now has a 100% of bringing back critter prey as opposed to 75%
  • Timber is bringing in more herbs from foraging
  • Small trails now have a 70% success rate
  • More abundance of healing salves found in explore, in the Prairie atleast
  • Despite the warmer departures, snow fall still occurs
  • Medium trails now have a 49% success rate
  • Kaine has hit 50% proficiency in scouting
  • Amaruq is pregnant (unknown to the pack?)
  • The desert has been fully scouted thanks to the alternating efforts of Amaruq and Kaine
  • Despite the arrival of spring, the pack has not been very successful in their hunts during this time. This is probably due to the hunting party getting excited with the arrival of spring and following bigger game when they can, and consequently letting it get away
  • Kaine pushed the boundaries and the pack is now aware of the swamp, which at the time was having a heatwave
  • Accalia is diagnosed with diarrhea after digging in poop
  • Luckily, Timber has some diarrhea cure stored, and gives it to Accalia

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