Lessen the cooldown for new pair bonds
Posted 2021-05-16 13:30:42
No support. A lot of people have put some good points already, but my main one is that it would lose the meaning behind a pair bond. It's really not easily to lose a bond that you formed especially with basically a virtual wolf marriage where in the game, it's death do us part. Wolves do mate for a long time and unless you have something like lore behind a particularly promiscuous wolf, then I can't really see any positives on this. The pups and breeding oversaturation would just worsen if pair bonds would be so short. Female wolves can still breed with other studs or breeding males anyway, so it would be pointless to break off the bonds half the time anyway. It would be a waste of mood loss. |
Sinxerely | Slava Ukraini #26651 |
Posted 2021-05-16 15:35:30
I think the cool down is fine as-is, but there should be some method to re-establish an existing pair bond if a wolf runs and is brought back. |
Badger #10939 |
Posted 2021-05-17 09:38:21 (edited)
I agree with Gin Wolf and Badger. If someone wants to bring two wolves together, needs that person to think about if they want to do this in the long term. I only find an exception for a shorter period of mourning justified if a wolf from a pair bond has run away or dies. And I say this as a person who has already brought wolves apart and then had to wait for the 30 rollover. |
Loel #19678 |
Posted 2021-09-05 12:17:35 (edited)
So I support this. |
🦊Trolljan #3269 |
Posted 2021-09-09 15:51:33
And the puppy populations is already an issue as it is now, I think shorting the cool down a little bit will make this issue any larger than it already is. So here's my suggestions: I think a in the case of you disbanding a bond or a mate dying, if it was just a little shorter would be nice. Ex, lowering the cooldown to 20 or 25 days long. So there's still a long wait but it's 2.5 to 5 months in the wolf's age. That could little difference could mean an older wolf has another chance to bond and breed. As HecateHybrid said the breeding cool down is not affected one way or another, its always 20 days after having pups. A couple players also brought the issue of when a mate runs, it sounds like there is a pair bond cooldown in this case of a wolf running. In this case, there shouldn't be any cool down for those wolves to bond to same mate again if you reclaim them. My suggestion would be is when you reclaim that wolf there could be a box asking if you want the wolf to re-bond with its mate. If not then the cooldown I mentioned above will be applied to both wolves. |
Dre #37719 |
Posted 2021-09-09 16:06:04
I agree with Dre |
🦊Trolljan #3269 |
Posted 2021-09-09 16:07:17
magicwhitewolf #25645 |
Posted 2021-09-10 15:14:24
⌘Tallbarr⌘ #29379 |
Posted 2023-05-14 14:01:09
🥀ʀᴇɴ #1431 |
Posted 2023-05-15 00:17:33
If I take care of all my wolves the pair bond cool down shouldn't be so damaging, you miss 1 wolf being fed and now you've messed up a pair bond for 30 days. By the time I get to breed those two again (if at all, because I pair older males on mid aged females often, because there's 0 opportunities to breed your males) they've aged up or died out. Studs you pay for are the ones who pump out 1000 pups and there's no limit or punishment to them, so why on pair bonding ? |
Smoocio #7656 |