Kallista: The War Between The Wolves - Joining Thread
Posted 2021-04-05 11:14:14
Accepted. You may make your first post on the Roleplay thread. |
avery #39666 |
Posted 2021-04-06 09:50:56
Name: Autumn Wind "Autumn" Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Creature: Wolf Pack: Meadowswift Rank: Huntress Appearance: Personality: Authoritative, determined, loyal, and occasionally rude. Autumn is biased against those who are not of her pack, and is not afraid to let them get hurt for her own gain. She sees herself as naturally above her peers- and has gotten in trouble for challenging the authority of those above her in pack rank. At heart, Autumn sees herself as the rightful Alpha of the Meadowswifts, even though she is far from even being a Beta. Those who dislike Autumn rumor that she is truly of Emberlight blood. Backstory: Autumn was raised in Meadowswift after being found as a lone puppy. She despises the other packs and loners for possibly being the ones to abandon her. With the death of the elder who took her in due to the famine, Autumn is even more determined to help her pack. Relationships(Family, friends, etc.): Open, N/A Love Interest: N/A Abilities/Powers: Autumn can control trees, although she cannot make them grow, she can alter their shape to her will. She can perceive vibrations through them as far as the branches/roots extend, but anything too still, light, or careful cannot be detected. |
Rain #9726 |
Posted 2021-04-06 09:52:49
you forgot your appearance |
Night Crow the Bird Brain #37944 |
Posted 2021-04-06 09:53:51
The picture shows up for me, is it not showing for you? |
Rain #9726 |
Posted 2021-04-06 09:54:21 (edited)
Accepted! You may make your first post! It shows :) |
avery #39666 |
Posted 2021-04-06 09:54:42
the picture does not show up for me. sorry. |
Night Crow the Bird Brain #37944 |
Posted 2021-04-06 10:07:19
Name: Silver Gender: female Sexuality:bi Creature(Wolf, Fox, etc.):wolf Pack(Only wolves):medowswift Rank(Only wolves):hunter Appearance:https://www.wolvden.com/wardrobe/1802445?eyJ2IjoiZGVmYXVsdCIsImIiOiIzNiIsImUiOiIxMCIsIm4iOiIxNCIsImMiOiI2IiwicyI6IjE1IiwiayI6MCwieCI6W251bGwsIiIsIiIsIkR1Y2F0IERpbHV0aW9uIiwiU2lsdmVyIEJhY2sgSGFsZiBQYXRjaCIsIiIsIiIsIkJsYWNrIEJ1dGNoZXIiLCJCbGFjayBJbnVpdCBVbmRlcnMiLCJXaGl0ZSBNZWRpdW0gSHVza3kiLCJBdWJ1cm4gVW5kZXJzIl0sIm8iOltudWxsLCIxMDAiLCIxMDAiLCIxMDAiLCIxMDAiLCIxMDAiLCIxMDAiLCIxMDAiLCIxMDAiLCIxMDAiLCIxMDAiXSwiZCI6W251bGwsIiIsIiIsIiIsIiIsIiIsIiIsIiIsIiIsIiIsIiJdLCJhIjoiMjQiLCJtIjoiIn0. Personality:a very kind and super sweet wolf. Is a bit shy and doesn't like to be the centre of attention Backstory: she had been bullied and beaten from a young age and wishes to say no more about the subject Relationships(Family, friends, etc.):none Love Interest: none but opem Abilities/Powers:can talk to animals |
Lune #20602 |
Posted 2021-04-06 10:08:41
Accepted, you may make your first post! |
avery #39666 |
Posted 2021-04-19 16:40:16 (edited)
Character Sheet Name: Dawn Light (Dawn) Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Creature: Canis Lupus(Wolf) Pack: Emberlight Rank: Alpha Female Personality: Dawn is a protective she-wolf. Although the wolves of Emberlight are hot-headed and sly, this she tends to be kind-hearted. Although, she will not back down from a battle. Dawn is tactical, wet very powerful. She will only fight when she needs to. She is open to giving any of the packs a very small amount of territory that they don't need. Being a mother of four, Dawn is a lovable and caring wolf. But she will be a little hot-headed when she's angry. And in battle her fierce side will show. Backstory: As a pup, Dawn was very playful. She might have trampled her siblings a few times when rough-housing but, that's not really the story. She was very generous to her siblings when it came o food and more stuff. She was one of the most favorite pups in her mother's littler. But, sometimes she was bullied due to her appearance. And her hot-headed, fierce, side showed. Dawn fought with one of the wolves who bullied her most. And not fighting with words, but with fangs and claws. Dawn easily overpowered the wolf she was fighting and he finally left her alone. Through her adolescent years she trained hard and well. She became and the leader of Emberlight and led them into glory. Relationships: Mother: Dune (Alive) Father: Rouge (Alive) Brother(s): Sunray (Alive) Dusk (Alive) Sister: Tiger(Alive) Love Interest: A Male named Morwen (Adoptable) Abilities/Powers: Dawn is able the set out a ray of sun around her. aking people unable to look at her, acting like a shield. She can also raise the temperature of her claws to burn the wolf she claws at. But, the temperature her claws go at is not hot enough to kill a wolf, only burn them slightly. ---------------------------- |
LaYLa🍄 #35680 |
Posted 2021-04-19 16:41:46
Accepted! |
avery #39666 |