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Profession Preference

Profession Preference
Posted 2021-04-08 05:47:36 (edited)

So in this game we can put wolves in several different roles, right? Herbalist, Scout, Hunters, Pupsitters, Lead and Breeding Male. With the exception of the latter, I want to propose that each wolf has a preferred role assigned to them as they turn 6 months old!


Pup A grows to adolesence and has a preference for Hunting. Pup B seems to prefer Scouting.
If put in the role they most prefer, they'll gain an additional EXP bonus from every action done in said role!
Pup A gains x% extra in hunting, while Pup B does not.

Each wolf could also have a role they dislike, which gets the opposite treatment.
You'd be able to view this in the wolf's 'Pack Role' tab.

What determines preference?:

Could be based on stats a good portion of the time, with occasional random preferences occuring now and then.
Could also be completely random, but RNG is already frustrating so I'd prefer the ability to steer it slightly.

There could also be a 'least preferred' role that gives less EXP in a role.


Easier to level wolves when placed in the 'correct' role, but may feel like you're being forced into a playstyle and can be annoying if you had other plans for the pup. Solution: An item from Personality Snake that lets you re-roll preference.

Could provide lore-fodder and personalize the wolves further.

Additional add-ons? "Talents":

Adding onto preference, I'd suggest talent! This is something the wolf themselves aren't aware of when they choose a preference, but they have a talent in a role. This is a role they just naturally perform better in! I figured it could be decided based on their best stat (?).

For most roles I'd suggest lessened time needed to finish, but it could also tie into how much they can retrieve (scouts/hunters) or how well they do their task (herbalist/hunters). Pupsitters are trickier, but maybe (as influencers of the new generation) they could have some sort of impact on pups pre-6 months and their selection of a preferred role. This could make the talented Pupsitter massively important.

If your wolf hates the role they have a talent for, I think it'd be fun to have an achievement if you push through it anyway! Perhaps their preference will shift as well once they reach a certain proficiency and they'll grow to love it!


That's all for now! I realize it's two ideas in one, but I thought it'd be alright since one kinda builds off of the other :')
What do you think?


Posted 2021-04-09 08:25:53

I love this idea, it's so hard to pick what to do with my wolves to get more EXP and items! This would help maximize the outcome from working roles, and be great for lore too <3


Posted 2021-04-10 05:07:54

This is a super cute idea both for lore and gameplay!
I think the re-roll item you mentioned would definitely be necessary and should be fairly cheap (100SC for a reroll, like the random personalities?)

Big support! :D

Rapirisu ✦ Mutie Breeder

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