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Bristle Cone Pack Lore

Bristle Cone Pack Lore
Posted 2021-04-12 20:13:37


The Beginning

A soft tongue glided over the pups head. It was rough in texture, yet soft in action. Two tiny golden eyes opened groggily from their slumber to see a lithe she-wolf gazing down at her. The adult wolf was strong, yet elegant. Her eyes were a cold green and her muzzle was plastered with scars. It was almost grotesque to look at. However, it was clear that the figure was strong. The scent of warm milk filled the pups nose, and she greedily shuffled over the to adults stomach to suckle and shoved her siblings out of the way as she did so. As the pup fed, the she-wolf chuffed in satisfaction. "You are strong, young one. You will bring great honor to the God's." The adult wrapped her tail around her three pups, holding them tight. She spoke to the suckling bully of a pup. "The Gods have sent me a message, my child. They say you will do great things. They say that you will shine a new light on our race and that your name will spread far and wide. And for that I will name you for what you are. You are the beginning of a new era, and the end to a dark time. You are the Dawn."


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