Posted 2021-04-13 13:09:16
I've decided after much deliberation that I'm going to chase one of my favorite boys. He's inbred and I personally strive for clean lines. But I've decided if theres a chance to get him back I'd be more then happy to reward whomever finds him!
Introducing: Magnus. A beautiful boy with incredible marks. I'd love to keep him but unfortunately he's not doing much for me in his current state. I've tried to sell him but unfortunately that doesn't seem to be doing well. And I understand he's on a pair bond cooldown after all. So instead he's going to be chased. Here are his marks and current family lines:
So whats the reward Aura?
I've been running an Art Commissions thread here for a few months. If you manage to locate him you can have anything from my commissions thread for free. That includes the Human References shown :) List of Commission Items
Now if you'd prefer not to go for the commissions I totally understand and will be offering a finder's reward of 8 GC: Proof shown here:
I'll let this go for a while, maybe a month before I close things up. I'd love to get him back as I'm absolutely smitten with him but in his current state I cannot breed him.
Thank you all for reading and best of luck finding him!!