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Den Overview with Profile Pictures

Den Overview with Profile Pictures
Posted 2021-04-23 06:24:05 (edited)

(edit: the newly introduced cave displays are pretty much what I was looking for with this suggestion!)

Hello to the devs and the community!

I've been thinking about this for some time, but I'd like to suggest a type of Den overview, that also shows pictures of all of your wolves on one page, preferrably profile pictures, like the one of our lead in the sidebar. It doesn't have to be the main Den page, but accessible via the den page, like the dynasty and "pack overview".

I am suggesting this, because I'd like to have a visual overview of my pack, not just their names. I don't have that many reasons to click on a wolfs individual page (I feed from the hoard, and I don't do much lore), so there are many pack members that I rarely see, and therefore I am not very interested in giving more than a few of them decor. I think this would also help with comparing wolves: for example, to find wolves that look similar, instead of opening every wolf in one tab. When looking at other users dens this could also give a nice overview and you could find the wolves that the user spent time and currency to decorate and customize more quickly and not just the the lead and featured wolf. I personally would invest more currency in decors and backgrounds if I could display more wolves and one can do things like coordinating a breeding pair to look nice next to each other on this suggested overview with pictures.

I don't know the needed resources that this kind of feature would need, or if theĀ  site is built to accomodate a display of a bigger number of wolf pictures on one page without bigger loading times.

Thank you for considering my suggestion :v


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