Posted 2021-04-23 17:34:13 (edited)
hi i'm ChimeraPlays i love animals and i'm planning on being a vet so if you ever need some animal advice come talk to me i know a lot about animals because i do a lot of research on all of them also #stop-Pangolin-poaching #save-the-Pangolins this pic is of a pangolin and her baby and Around 300 pangolins are poached every day, making these unusual animals the most illegally trafficked mammals in the world. Also known as “scaly anteaters”, pangolins are found throughout Asia and Africa, but their numbers are dwindling as a result of poaching for international trade. Pangolins are prized for their meat, which is considered a delicacy in China and Vietnam, and their scales, which are used as ingredients in traditional Asian medicine. Practitioners believe scales are capable of treating a range of ailments including asthma, rheumatism and arthritis which isn't true what so ever! Populations of Asian pangolins have already been reduced massively, and now traffickers have turned their attention to the species living in Africa. A ban on global trade in all pangolin species was introduced in 2016, but it has not been enough to stem the demand for these shy animals. Unlike the poaching of elephants and rhinos for their tusks and horns, the hunting of pangolins is still not widely known. As World Pangolin Day provides “an opportunity for pangolin enthusiasts to join together in raising awareness about these unique mammals”, WWF has conducted a study to establish the level of pangolin knowledge among the British public. They are seldom seen in the wild, and are very hard to raise in captivity. Yet, pangolins have become the most heavily trafficked wild mammal in the world. Up to 200,000 are estimated to be taken from the wild every year across Africa and Asia! so lets ban together and stop the Extinction of these weird but adorable creatures! PS. they even kill the baby's they don't even let their scales harden (like baby porcupines baby Pangolins scales are very soft when they are born which is why when danger is near the mama curls into a ball around her baby risking her own life to save them now that's some motherly love the baby's scales harden at around 2 days after being born) the only thing the mamas can't protect their babys from are monsters nasty creatures that don't care about the ban on Pangolin poaching and love destroying habitats for millions of creatures and their called humans which is why i have faith for man kind but Maybe if we stop these inhumane humans it will restore my faith in man kind then we can start caring about sea turtles because penguins have been victim to this unrighteous act way longer than Turtles have been falling victim to our pollution yet we of the public have been turning a blind eye to these monsters who have poached both the African and Asian pangolins to the brink of EXTINCTION! and have we even considered the fact that we may have already poached one of the sub-species to go EXTINCT!this is what these monsters do to these poor creatures these pics that I am about to show you are of confiscated pangolins and or their scales:![]( so if you are with me make flyers, make your own newspapers about this, show this to your friends and family, post about this on any and all social media platforms, put this link on your profile page but most of all save the pangolins