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Date Night: An Activity for Paired Wolves!

Date Night: An Activity for Paired Wolves!
Posted 2021-05-08 22:42:52 (edited)

Before we start a note:
This post originally ties in with other ideas I have to improve Wolvden's Lore or whatever. My goal with these ideas is simply to help flesh Wolvden out a bit more while keeping things as optional as possible and without taking breeding or spending SC/GC into account and giving Wolvden more RPG kinda feel as it seems to lean more that way!

I'm also not afraid of criticism or anything. If you think this idea can be improved somehow or wanna add a suggestion go ahead because I'd love to hear it! This idea has a lot of room for ideas so plz by all means share your concerns/ideas!


Date Nights!

Date Nights or Courting maybe? if that is better is a feature strictly for paired wolves. By going to the Breeding (probs?) section you have the option to send off one of your wolf pairs for some alone time!

You can send them out to any biome you unlock, similar to scouting, and they will be gone for like an hour or 2? Maybe you can choose how long they will be out?

While they are gone there will be little options you can choose for them while they are out which will have different outcomes for the pair. These will occur every 10 min. and if you don't pick by the time the next one rolls around it'll just choose randomly so you can just go about your day if you want. Kind of like a Choose Your Own Adventure story!

Once the pair comes back you will get a notification and go to the page and it'll be similar to hunting where you can click to collect anything they might have gotten and also see an overview of what went on when they were gone. I'd also like if you could see each choice that was made while they were out too.

The different outcomes of dates can include finding collectables, a rare stat gain, mood + or -, boosts to certain encounters / hunts / forages, stuff like that. The Admins will need to balance that though and make sure it's not overpowered or anything but I think all those are doable!

I believe that there should also be different outcomes or scenarios depending on the weather. So for example if you're wolf is on a date and falls in the river during Winter then it has a increased chance to come back with like a cold or something [I think I saw a Frostbite injury suggestion before so it'd be cool if they also implemented other injuries like that lol]

Some Scenario Examples: (Not very good but gets the idea across xD)
"Wolf A and Wolf B have come across a River! Do they try and cross over by swimming or follow the river and hope for another way to cross that doesn't include getting wet?"

"Wolf A and Wolf B tried hunting for dinner but smelled two different scents. Do they hunt Prey 1 or Prey 2?"

"Your wolves have stumbled into an enemy pack! Do they fight or flee?!"

"Wolf A and Wolf B got caught in a storm! Do they turn back and end their date early or continue on?"

"Your wolves smell caribou nearby! Should they try hunting one?"

And Some 'Returned From Date' Examples:
"Wolf A and Wolf B returned home safe and sound! They both seem to be in a wonderful mood! [+ Mood Boost for both wolves]"

"Uh-Oh! Seems like Wolf A and Wolf B had some trouble on their trip! They returned home angry with each other! [- Mood for both wolves]"

"On their trip Wolf A and Wolf B tried to cross the river on some stones, but Wolf B fell in! They seem to be sick, better send them to the herbalist!"

"While on their date it seems Wolf A tripped and fell! They're limping and favoring one leg, they should go see your herbalist!"

"It rained the whole trip. Neither wolf was very happy with this but they seemed to have made the best out of it! They even gathered some -Insert item here."

"When running from an enemy wolf pack Wolf A and B seem to have lead them closer to your territory! Better go make sure they know to leave your home alone!" [Small boost of encountering wolves in explore or +1 to random stat]

"While out Wolf A and Wolf B have herded some -insert herd of whatever- closer to home! Maybe your hunters can catch some before they travel too far away?" [Small boost for catching caribou/deer/similar prey while hunting]

"Wolf A and Wolf B managed to scare off some enemy wolves while away while on a date! How exciting!" [+1 to highest stat]

"After returning from their date Wolf A and Wolf B tell how they found a lot of herbs in a certain area. Might be a good idea to go and gather some!" [Chance to get an extra herb or 2 while foraging]

Wolves may collect such things (not all the time but it's a random chance) such as....

- Acorns

- Feathers

- Small 1 use prey items

- Herbs (perhaps only if one of them is a herbalist?)

- Small decors bases on the territory (similar to exploring)

- An SB or 2 maybe? (probs the rarest but an option)

- Mushrooms (based on my Mushroom suggestion HERE)

and such small things like that.

Perhaps they can also get small boost or not boost to mood/hunting/certain explore encounters/foraging too.

As with all things I believe some limitations might be needed to keep things balanced such as...
- Dates use energy for the wolves you send (I'd like a small amount in case they also are hunters and such tho but ya)

- Wolves could come back with injuries and such if they get into trouble on a date (No serious injury or death imo tho)

- Wolves must be paired together and can only go with their pair.

- Only 1 pair can be on a date at a time. (or make it dependent on size of pack / how many biomes unlocked?)

- The further from home territory / more challenging the biome the more energy used

-Any boosts to explore encounters, hunts, or forages should be for a limited time. And maybe only 1 a day so you can't get 2 boosts to hunting for example in 1 day.


My Other Suggestions:

Pack Synergy: How Well Wolves Get Along

Mushrooms: A New Collectable


Posted 2021-05-23 08:07:32

This sounds fun! I'm personally not a fan of the name 'date' for the action though, I try to avoid overlaying that kind of really human concept with my pack since I'm striving for a more realistic playstyle. I would love to suggest excursion or expedition instead!


Posted 2021-05-23 09:54:17

Yeahhh Dates is a very human-y word but it was what I figured was best to describe the idea annnddd I couldn't think of anything that fit Wolvden better lol


Posted 2022-05-31 15:14:43
I think it's a lovely dynamic, i support!
For the way you are wording it tho, i think it resembles the Scouting function too much, while Dating/Courting should be more focused on the couple's synergy and the best breeding outcomes, imo... so maybe have it give pairbonding-related rewards? Like, i think i heard it be said for certain animals that a long courting increases the chances for more pups. Or maybe, the dating/courting option could be used while a female is pregnant, increasing the synergy and commitment between the pair, and giving higher survival rates/stats heritage to their pups?
(I mean, it could either drop hoardable items or apply benefits to the wolves)


Posted 2022-10-27 10:49:26
Support! I'd love to see pairs go out with pups too. Like have the option to bring adopted pups with and it could give them survival or stat boosts?
💙 The Posh Ace 🍀🍁💙

Posted 2022-10-31 20:43:55 (edited)
This is such a great suggestion. I've already discussed this at length in another discussion thread, which lead me to lend my support.

☆ 𝖋𝖔𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖓 ★

Posted 2024-11-04 20:45:22
love this! some other potential ways to call it could be "bonding time," "quality time," "go on an adventure together."

Sunny (they/them)

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