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Tally Uses when Creating a Trade

Tally Uses when Creating a Trade
Posted 2021-05-13 16:50:51

It's common for players to offer food, amusement, etc in bulk bundles for the convenience of players with large packs. However, when creating a large bundle of, say, amusement items, we have to manually ensure that each item going in has the expected number of uses and then calculate out how many of each item we need to be sure that the number of uses we're offering is equal to the number of uses we're advertising.

If the trade dialogue were to show the number of amusement or food uses we have selected, it would give sellers peace of mind that they've not selected a 1-use bone or a 3-use owl feather by accident and are actually offering up what they say they are.

This idea is conceptually related to the existing request for trades in the Trade Center to display their total uses, however this request corresponds specifically to the Create A Trade interface to help sellers ensure they're offering what they say they are.

I find myself having to double- and triple-check my outgoing trades just to make sure that every last item I've selected has full uses, and it's caused me to avoid trading some goods I might otherwise - because the safest way to sell bulk amusement items is to sell items I never use myself. A total uses counter would be a lovely quality-of-life improvement for sellers on the site. <3


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