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Make a headcanon for one of the user above's wolves!

Posted 2022-10-30 09:33:08
Tumbleweed came to the Wisp Walkwers from the desert, running into them as she tried to run her way to the woods. In her fur, were a collection of leaves, twigs, berries and more. All things caught in her desperate run. The clan was able to calm her, and bring them into the circle of Wisp Walkers, helping her delutter her fur and find her place. Even though she's adjusted, one thing hasn't changed, she still will run to the forest and back, for fun now, and she still get items stuck in her fur. Thus they nicknamed her Tumbleweed.


Posted 2022-10-30 12:02:07
No one has any idea how Miri the undying is still alive. She was just a normal wolf, living in this pack since she was young, growing older, everyone expecting she will die in a year or two but she just WON'T. It has been years now, and some of her packmates are trying to keep their sanity by claiming "she is just reaaally old and surprisingly healthy, she will probably pass soon". She won't. She has the looks and health of a young canine.

She probably has no idea how she is still alive too, but she ain't complaining, she sure loves living


Posted 2022-10-30 12:16:11
kestrels trill is secretly scared of thunderstorms. being a young pup during the spring - she took a wonder through some woods when a storm suddenly hit. she was able to take cover under a log until her mother showed up and showed her there was nothing to be afraid of.


Posted 2022-11-01 13:15:15
Lúther is very popular among the pups. He tells the best stories in the pack, and can make up new ones on the spot if prompted.
Other pack members often go to him for new ideas or help solving problems.

Ghost of the Brook

Posted 2022-11-01 13:23:16
Even though Winter Wind has cool-looking fur, they are actually quite warm, both in disposition and body heat! Friendly to all, she will agree to snuggles on a moments notice!

Frisk | lights off

Posted 2022-11-01 13:54:09
Star is pretty close with ravens living near the pack, often getting them to help out and do small tasks for him. He also used them to chase of any wolf that is annoying him, or to even pull off small pranks if he is feeling goofy. His pack is really impressed by how strong his bond with the birds is


Posted 2022-11-01 14:04:27
Nicole and Sally first bonded over having human-sounding names, and Sally helped Nicole start to heal from the trauma from her last pack

Posted 2022-11-02 15:06:26
Silvershot was a very energetic pup, but she kept getting mistreated and bullied by the other pups in her old pack. She ruefully decided to leave, and eventually realized her new home is much better.

Posted 2022-11-02 19:02:00
Snow always has backup herbs and remedies stored around her den. She expects the worst, but always prepares herself and hopes for the best, so when illness eventually comes, she's always prepared.

Ghost of the Brook

Posted 2022-11-03 08:40:54
Yarrow Root, her name means Thousands of Leaves, to Thrive and Bloom. She is still finding her spot in the pack, but likes to think of herself as a Den Keeper. She keeps it tidy, make sure it's warm in the winter and helps keep watch at the perimeters.

She's so quiet though, that sometimes the pack doesn't even know she's there, or when she's left. Her favorite times are sunrise and sunset. She basks in the colors and the glow of the sun the reflect the colors in her coat.


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