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Change herbalist icon so it's more different from level up icon

Change herbalist icon so it's more different from level up icon
Posted 2021-05-25 05:06:13


The Herbalist icon is very close in both shape and color to the level up icon, so every time I scroll my den page to check that I haven't forgotten anything I have a split second where I think I need to level up my herbalist. Changing the color (and maybe also shape) of their icon would fix it (a pestle? A yellow oak leaf? asclepios' snake? make the level-up bluer so the tint is farther apart?).
It's not game-changing, but it happens often enough, and it's a small enough fix, that I think it's worth it.

Thanks, have a nice week.

(does it happen to other people too?)

Fal - semi hiatus

Posted 2021-05-25 05:16:38

This definitely happens to me lmao, I'm in support of it if the devs feel like it haha. It is quite annoying when you find out it's just the herbalist and not anywolf needing a level up.

KittyKookiez [L Off]

Posted 2021-05-25 12:11:33

You're not alone, this happens to me constantly and I support this! Though when this happens it does remind me to check the home page to see if there's anything I missed under "Action Required" lol


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