Posted 2021-05-27 11:31:13 (edited)
- you wake up one morning and find that everyone in your house is still asleep, and wont wake up. only its not just your house its the whole world. you decide to hope online to see if anyone else is awake. you find one new post titled "anyone else awake?" it has three comments
- the last remnants of humanity collectively put them self into a suspended state of sleep, with alienable androids repairing the world. when revived, the world seems to have magic, and new sentient species around. the androids are revered as long-vanished gods.
- one night you awake to find yourself in a mysterious forest after wondering around for what feels like eternity, you reach an anciant oak at the heart. upon its bark is a carving of the name of an old, forbidding god, the name is yours
- when you go to sleep on august 31st everything was normal today you woke up to see its October 1st. every person and animal is gone without a trace. except you, your next door neighbor who seems equally as confused. and a pet you saw die 3 years ago the three of you team up for one purpose find out what happened in September
- you are cleaning out your attic of your home to find a dusty old leather bond diary. the date inside is from 150 years ago. you start to read and it tells of strange things happening in the house, items moving, strange sounds ect. the final entire tells of a ghost in deep detail, and the description matches you perfectly
- its 3 am and you awake to a alert saying "don't look at the moon" you have hundreds of notifications saying "its beautiful night, look out side"
- while waiting in Starbucks a strong thought crosses your mind "what if im the only one who cant read minds?" a glass shatters and you look up to see everything looking at you with terrifies looks in their eyes
- heaven and hell do exist after death only you get to pick. you pick hell and you here hells booming voice "finally a friend"
- there's a door with a single key hole. everyone has the same key. only how the person lived in there life effects what's behind the door
- when ever you speak people here you in there native language. most people are supprised or delighted. but the cashier at McDonalds is horrified "nobody has spoken that language in thousands of years"
to be continued.......