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The Traveling Den [Traveling wolves...] (Updated as of 04.01.23!)

Posted 2024-02-18 00:59:05 (edited)
Vutran and Geimhreadh need to move on urgently please! I can't swap as I'm very stressed with school atm and am still hosting other travellers (that also need to move on but these two are the most urgent). please let me know if you can take them! happy to provide food and amusement if you can take either of them :)

Posted 2024-02-18 10:28:24
Vampsoul, The Sweet Charm is looking for a new pack! Please pm me to swap!

Posted 2024-02-19 07:09:10
link Nyappe is ready to go!

Posted 2024-02-19 11:03:23
Looking to send code red off to his next location!
Not looking to swap at the moment, wanting to take a break from hosting


Posted 2024-02-20 10:10:50 (edited)
Machine Made and Icy N Elegant are ready to move on from the Kingdom of Light! I have space available to swap for two different travelers. Please feel free to DM me or simply initiate the swap. I'll keep this post up to date on if I find em a pack to travel to!


Posted 2024-02-20 18:41:34
Looking to send Ashenwinc off to a new pack! Looking to maybe swap travellers if possible!

Posted 2024-02-20 19:09:45 (edited)
Balansert and Canberra are ready to move to their next stop! Reply or pm to take/trade!


Posted 2024-02-21 10:24:08 (edited)
The Chaser is ready to move packs. PM me to swap or give

Posted 2024-02-22 22:43:06
Coyote has wandered south from his home, into the coniferous forest.
PM me to receive or swap!
Moonstone Wolf

Posted 2024-02-23 11:01:03
Solstice is looking to travel from her birth pack of Skyquake. If you're interested in hosting her, let me know! I'm not currently interested in hosting myself, I just discovered this concept and thought I'd try it out with this pretty lady!

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