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Lip's Pup Parade - Rewards sent out

Posted 2020-10-17 20:41:47


Tickets have been updated from here, thank you!


Got your tickets for your chased, thank you!


Ticket count updated, thanks for chasing! And thank you, glad you're doing well. Chill days are always decent days :)


Tickets updated for the chased ones, and I have looked at the others - feel free to chase whenever!


You're most welcome! I have updated your ticket count, and you may chase the other two. Best of luck to you! 


Tickets added :) And I most certainly will! Thank you for being so kind and pleasant <3


Ah sorry! :( At least you know now and we still have a few days so you can certainly get a few tickets in! I have seen your two pups, feel free to chase and welcome to the Pup Parade! Glad you could join us.


Thanks for keeping me updated! I have your tickets in. :) Thanks for chasing so many!


Just to make sure I have counted right, you have 8 tickets in total yes? :)


Posted 2020-10-17 20:44:19

Hey! So sorry to bother again, but did you ever count my second group of 13 in? You said they were seen before but it doesn’t look like they’ve been updated ticket wise. No worries if not, or if you don’t remember! This has certainly blown up a lot


Posted 2020-10-17 20:51:13


My apologies! I indeed did see them, I wonder how I missed adding the tickets. I'll chase this pup and add an extra ticket to your count, thank you for catching that! It has certainly blown up xD There's a lot going on. I wonder if there's a way to make the ticket counting easier for next time hmmm. I will reflect and see how I can improve for the next one.


Be sure to double check your tickets! I am more than happy to compensate and fix if I have made mistakes and there's an error in your ticket count. Thanks a bunch <3


Posted 2020-10-17 21:09:50

These 9

Robo Fizz

Posted 2020-10-17 21:11:11

Also chased the last two

Robo Fizz

Posted 2020-10-17 21:51:59

All chased thanks.


Posted 2020-10-17 21:55:15

I have one more wolf ^^

The 14 from previously have been chased!


Posted 2020-10-17 22:51:25

@Lip, I have chased 8 pups, plus you said you’d give me one ticket for forgetting to count me.


Posted 2020-10-17 23:01:09

The next two have been chased!


Posted 2020-10-17 23:12:51

Hi again Lip! I will be chasing all the pups in this cave; 20 I think? Thank you :)


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