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Broody Mage's food sales [Closed] New stuff added: 10.15.2023

Posted 2022-11-15 00:19:09
Hi! This isn't about food, but i was wondering how you got the prey icons on your post? It only shows the link when i copy and paste it, so how does it work?

Posted 2022-11-15 01:00:56
Engel #91722: You need first to copy the image link. For a bighorn for example, its - You can get it by clicking the right side of the mouse and choosing copy image link or open the image to another tab and copying the link from url. Then you can just add it via image tool < img src="IMAGE LINK HERE" >

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Broody Mage

Posted 2024-02-17 07:49:01
How much food can I get for 171 SC?

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