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Posted 2020-10-20 16:17:43

Yea definitely! There's always a chance for wolves to leave, die, lose their ranks, etc. If the RP gets large enough (and stays around long enough) more ranks may be added and/or groups splitting off to create their own packs!

Anarch ★

Posted 2020-10-20 16:19:27

Awesome sounds good. Also how many more people are you looking to have join before you open? 


Posted 2020-10-20 16:21:29

Enough roles have been filled to open! I'll probably wait a few days to give people a chance to join early on and finish fleshing out their characters!

Anarch ★

Posted 2020-10-20 16:37:36

Nikolai is open to friends/enemies/neutrals! I'll be adding another wolf here soon and he'll be open to relationships as well!

Feel free to discuss how your characters would interact with others before the RP starts up so there's no confusion. If your wolf has been in the pack for a while they'll probably have some connections with the other members (good or bad)!

Anarch ★

Posted 2020-10-20 16:41:25
Bellona and Nikolai seem like they would get along as their personalities are semi-similiar. I could also see them having a love-hate relationship lol. 

Posted 2020-10-20 16:43:55

I'd love for Malmok to interact with a younger wolf in a sort of... "lmao whatever you say grandpa, anyways watch the pups" sort of way. He's got a somewhat serious backstory, and I'm not opposed to serious topics, but I think it'd be fun for him to interact with a younger wolf/young family of wolves in a familial sort of way. 

Minnow (Lights On!)

Posted 2020-10-20 17:06:27

Chai is open to friends and enemies and any relationship’s she’s a sweetheart just trying to make sure her pups are cared for!

Fern is one of her 4 month old pups and she’s welcome to having any friends and enemies and relationships. She could go to Malmok as a sorta grandpa figure and Chai would trust him if she needs to give her paws a stretch.

Codex is open to rp if anyone wants to rp him he’s bold, daring is a momma’s boy but loves getting in trouble and getting Fern into trouble as well.


Posted 2020-10-20 17:08:07

Bellona is open for friends or enemies. Shes good at annoying others or making them laugh. 


Posted 2020-10-20 17:09:09

I feel like Bellona and Nikolai would clash some since she has a problem with authority and he can be a bit aggressive towards that trait. I'd definitely be open to her being a frienemy though!

Anarch ★

Posted 2020-10-20 17:11:18

That'd be awesome lol and yea, shes very sassy and doesn't much care for others giving her orders. 


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