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Toggleable HTML

Toggleable HTML
Posted 2021-07-24 22:50:52 (edited)
So I personally have been having this problem, and I know many other players are as well.

Having to use HTML has been a lot more difficult for players who aren't very skilled in coding (myself included), and especially players on mobile. (As well as for other reasons)

I'm not saying get rid of the HTML option, I just think it would be extremely helpful to have the option to instead use the WYSIWYG. I know a lot of this discussion has been going on in the development update post, but I figured I should probably make a post here as well.

Edit: I definitely understand why the developers' swapped out the WYSIWYG (bugs), but I truly think that if they can bring back the WYSIWYG it would make it drastically easier than only HTML. I, as I said, do not want to get rid of  HTML, I just want something that works for everyone.

Posted 2021-07-25 00:25:49
I support this suggestion! Not everyone know html and it's hard for a lot of us to edit text when everything appear as codes.


Posted 2021-07-25 04:01:53
Support. I'm having trouble with the HTML only interface, and it made using the biographies of my wolves for tracking things like stats just that much more difficult.
Keep both. Don't "punish" either side by taking away the option for rich editing or the option for HTML.


Posted 2021-07-25 06:29:14
I have a post that is tablet and photo heavy.  I need to make updates to the post and I have no idea how to make those changes now.  Please make HTML togglable so that I can turn the function off!


Posted 2021-07-25 07:15:19
Full support, its very difficult to edit some of my posts and bios, at least have either a guide or have buttons that can insert the necessary html for specific functions if it cannot be disabled


Posted 2021-07-25 12:19:16
Yes please!!
I am solely on mobile and Trying to change or add notes to my den page now seems so daunting and I get overwhelmed. Let alone if I want to change my entire page setup

I’ve also had issues trying to add more lore to wolves bios and end up getting their entire bio page deleted because I ended up accidentally deleting part of the coding text and is rather infuriating.

I get that it makes it easier for coders and people who make css pages, but is ruining it for the other people who know nothing about coding (which is the majority of people here) and also looks rather messy.


Posted 2021-07-25 12:31:50
i support this through and through, i am rlly bad at html and i have a MASSIVE art forum post and editing it is now basically impossible cause of the html which i would def want a toggle option, as this update to it makes me so sad!


Posted 2021-07-25 13:29:17

I personally have no issue with the basics of HTML - I find it fun to mess around with and figure out what little string of code does what. Not an expert by any means, but I get by. Not everyone can or wants to learn it even that much though, which means to them, everything is... well, a jumbled mess.

As an example, before the update, if you wanted to change the font size and alignment of something, you just used the two buttons to switch it. Didn't have to see the code that did it, it just happened. After the update, you can't use those. There's not even a font size option anymore, just headings - which aren't compatible with the alignment change on the same line of text. So what used to be 2 simple buttons is now this string of code:

< p style="font-size:20px;text-align:center;" >< /p>
(Without the spaces and the text being located in the >< section.)

I can understand that just fine. But for those who don't know HTML, it's been turned into an incomprehensible amalgamation of letters and slashes, spliced in with some normal visible text. If you understand it, that's not really a problem, maybe just an inconvenience at worst. If you don't, it makes you want to back away and avoid touching it out of fear you're going to break everything. Coding can be tricky and screws up with one little mistake, and if you don't know how to fix it, chances are you don't know what you screwed up in the first place. So it's a reasonable fear.

I also hate that my profile page is now ruined and I can't edit it without deleting (#202)'s lovely CSS - something I obviously don't want to do since I changed it to my liking. I'm not savvy enough to know how to recover it, so it's stuck in limbo hell. It might have been wiser to go about this change earlier in the year so less work for many was fluffed with useless code or straight-out broken, but what can you do?

Don't get me wrong, I like the new change. It seems like it doesn't bug out as much as the old setup, as far as I can tell so far. I prefer it this way instead of reverting it back entirely to how it was. But I can see why people have an issue with the walls of text they are left with now - previewing is nice, but it's not what you're actually working with, it just shows what it will look like when it's done. Not everyone wants to work with paragraphs upon paragraphs of fragile HTML, and even if they do, they might not want to bother with it all the time. It can be a massive stressor and I get that. So yeah, I definitely support.

I hope this wall of text was more comprehensible than the ones that now make up your den/profile or forum posts LMAO I'm sorry

Whirligig (Hiatus)

Posted 2021-07-25 14:03:21

If you know how to use it great!, however personally I really really don't wanna learn HTML, mostly because well to me it just looks like walls and walls of code and numbers with the occasional word or two, I just wanna be able to copy/paste/type normally in a bio without shit getting thrown into the fan, I mean right now we can literally talk without HTML popping up so why isn't it the same for bios/profiles/etc


Posted 2021-07-25 14:28:07 (edited)
support 110%! i am scared to touch my den LOL, even though it needs updating.

this is a hard learning curve for some of wolvden’s userbase as well. there are older people on wolvden who enjoy the game, and i feel like this new update really restricts part of the userbase from enjoying the game like they use to before. even though i’m young myself, HTML is still a lot for me to process, and i honestly don’t have time to learn it between all the chores and things in real life i am doing. i’m sure others feel the same!
