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Whirl's Giveaways: Big Pride Giveaway! Winners Drawn!

Posted 2024-06-01 17:43:34
Hello! Thank you so much for doing this :)
Something that made me really happy recently was getting the news that I'll get to see my long-distance best friend, this month, for the first time in over a year :)

Posted 2024-06-01 18:08:55
Hello, I think this is a great idea to do!

Something that happened recently that made me happy is seeing a huge snake when I went on a walk! I LOVE snakes so much and I got to watch him/her eat a fish before going back under the tree roots to digest. It was very magical to me

Posted 2024-06-01 18:14:44
this is such a cool idea! thank you for your generosity !!
im actually getting a job in my field ! ive been waiting on a crematory position for over a year (with 2 degrees) and FINALLY found one near by ! bonus is that it pays 2x my current job :'D


Posted 2024-06-01 19:33:32
All entries have been updated! ^^


Posted 2024-06-01 19:36:11
Hey I'm heather
I love to win so gold cones

My biggest dream was to be emergency medical technician and I am been waiting to hear back for the recuse squad and it's been a nerve racking wait for the results

Two days ago I heard for the emergency medical technician teacher and I got in the emergency medical technician classes and I always wanted to help others that need medical needs

Emergency medical technician (EMT) makes me happy because helping other is important to me because my family is in the medical field
Heather fitzko

Posted 2024-06-01 19:44:46
hi! i have finally came out to my parents fully and they accept me fully which was really nice! (also tysm for hosting this!)

Posted 2024-06-01 20:57:21
Hi! I'm so happy to have been able to get enrolled in some college classes so now I can begin my journey into my career choice! 😊. I hope to become a Forensic Scientist.


Posted 2024-06-01 21:29:55
Im happy that my half-brother will be visiting this following week!
Thank you for your generosity; happy pride month!

Posted 2024-06-01 23:28:28

I have a lot of good things happen but i think the thing that makes me the most happy is getting letters from three prestigious schools (harvard, duke, and vanderbilt) It was totally magical since harvard is my dream school.

Thanks for hosting this, even if i dont win anything i still wanted to share

Posted 2024-06-01 23:30:24
All entries above have been added! Any posts after this point will take time to be added to the entry list, as I won't be active. (I'll also be doing the third SC prize later too.) I'll be back on in a few days.


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