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Whirl's Giveaways: Big Pride Giveaway! Winners Drawn!

Posted 2 days ago
Aw thats amazing! Hope everything is going well Moss ❤️🩷

Posted 2 days ago
so, a week ago my girlfriend bought us bond bracelets and today we finally got them!! she was using it all day at work, and it was funny to feel the bracelet go off randomly, we have our bracelets in the same color to match each other!

btw for those who don't know bond bracelets just send your touch in form of a vibration its really cute :3
Ha tuo

Posted 2 days ago
Added Moss666 and Ha tuo! We've now reached 90 entries, I'll add the new prizes to the main list tomorrow. I'm so happy so many have joined, I wish you all luck! <3

In the 81-90 bracket, the RNG wheel picked 87 - TheMurphysLaw #142140! I will be sending the SC in a minute!

Please note that the SC spins are minor prizes. The giveaway is still open and main prizes will be given away on July 1st


Posted 2 days ago
Thank you!!!

Posted 1 day ago
Something that has happened to me recently was an upgrade at my job! Through my hard work and dedication, I was able to become a Veterinary Assistant! I'm so proud of myself and appreciative of my coworkers.
Anyway, I wish everyone good luck! Thank you for this awesome giveaway.

Posted 1 day ago
I don't know if this would be considered wonderful to others, but it definitely is to me (and my brain that's riddled with anxiety). I finally found myself a DND party that I feel comfortable with for my very first campaign. It's super chill so far and I'm excited for my first campaign!
Lily (GH!)

Posted 1 day ago
Everyone up to this point has been added! :)


Posted 1 day ago
these giveaways sounds amazing, thx

recently i've gotten back into reading again after like a three year long reading slump, it actually hurt me so bad to think that i couldn't physically focus on reading books anymore because they were my LIFE when i was younger. i think i've finally got my spark back and i am really happy about that :)

muffin 💫

Posted 1 day ago

I think a good thing that's happened to me recently is saving a kitten. I had to say goodbye to my senior dog around a week ago, and I was in a really bad place, so when a kitten showed up meowing on my porch, it really helped me! It's like she knew that I needed some cuddles, and decided to sit on the porch and yell at us until we noticed and opened the door lol. She was a teensy little stray cat, but she was so sweet and comforting. We named her Goose, and she's being lovingly fostered by the owner of a cat rescue near us. I'm glad we found her. Having a little purring kitten next to you does wonders and brightens your mood. Even if we couldn't keep her, I'm glad I got to meet her! Made me feel a lot better.

Posted 1 day ago
Something great that's happened to me recently is I got accepted into an internship at my dream company so I'm really excited about that!

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