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Community Update #7

Posted 2021-08-13 18:48:14
@Food?: Lupos is a raffle marking shape, but not all Lupos markings are raffle markings, if that makes sense.  Selene Lupos is an event applicator marking for example, and Silver Lupos is a combo marking.  So far, the only raffle-tier Lupos markings are Black Lupos and White Lupos.

This member is an Admin. Katze

Posted 2021-08-13 19:02:47
@Katze-I really appreciate that you take the time to answer questions and explain why you did something. It shows you really care about how the players feel, which is a rare thing these days.
I do feel for the players who bred that mark and the raffle happens to have it in the exact same slot. Maybe you could consider switching the slot 7 and 8 marks around so it's in slot 8 or something? This weeks raffle stud is gorgeous and I'd sure like a chance to win a breeding from him, but if the slot was moved to still be a higher one like it is, but not the exact same slot as the only 2 in the game that might be a good compromise? Just a thought.
Whoever is designing these weekly raffle boys is doing an amazing job. This one is so pretty.
Snowcat13 🌞

Posted 2021-08-13 19:09:39
Yay news! Awesome new raffle stud!

An Altercation of Nature

Posted 2021-08-13 19:15:53
Thank you so much for the reply Katze! It really helps to understand your perspective and why certain decisions were made. I certainly don't have the insight you do as to the inner workings of the game so we really appreciate these small peeks behind the curtain, so to speak. Thank you for being so understanding and recognizing that including silver lupos was somewhat of a blow to some people's breeding goals, and we weren't unreasonable for feeling like the wind was taken out of our sails. But just like I don't know what the wolvden team is thinking when they make these updates, it's understandable that you don't know what the players will think about any new update until they are noisy about it. So I'll try to settle the disconnect by sharing my thinking, with the caveat that I can only speak for myself and I might not be representative of everyone!

It makes sense that you didn't mention the silver lupos, because true! Other studs had combo marks or RMA exclusive marking shapes like Otsoa's white merle. I never noticed with the previous stud's special marks because the rest of the combo colors and shapes have been out for almost the entire duration of the game (save for points and other mark shapes introduced later, but still early on). So they have had time to accumulate and become more common through breeding, RMAs, and chased NBWs, and they likely exist in almost every marking slot. So if you want a certain look, it's much easier to find a stud or buy a pup with the mark in the spot you want. Then those who were able to successfully get these marks through luck or perserverance were rewarded with desirable pups and studs.

Maybe next time there could be a note indicating the "special" marks in addition to the raffle marks? Like the RMA only shapes or combo colors - basically anything that can't be applied with the wolf customizer or a regular marking applicator. It could help with a situation like this and also let newer players know what makes this week's stud special! Then, if some players don't win a breeding but really like a certain special mark (not raffle-exclusive), they could search the stud lists or TC for a pup which would benefit the game economy.

About how long to wait? That is a tough question that seems to boil down to the rarity of the mark, so people who managed to breed or RMA it it can feel accomplished and get something out of it first - otherwise there will be no incentive to try!

All I know now is that raffle marks seem really hard to get. I know you've made the decision to allow every mark (even "breed-only" ones) to be released in RMAs eventually, so I used aaaaalmost 300 to try and roll a raffle mark (I am scared to look in my user log lol). That was unsuccessful, so it must be pretty rare (or I am unlucky).

Plus, in all the RMAs that were used site-wide since silver lupos became available, it looks like silver lupos never showed up because it seems like both instances were bred and not RMA'd. Based on the different slots the marks have appeared in, white lupos was RMA'd at least twice and black once (I haven't done an exhaustive search though). Which is still a very small amount!

I would definitely appreciate if a quick search was done with new marks to see how prevalent it is and how old the pups are. Because raffle studs already have new and exciting characteristics not readily available to regular players, they are valuable enough without having additional special marks that we can get through tedious, albiet achievable, means.

This is kind of a sidenote but I would love to know how rare it is to actually breed a combo mark, so with a few other people I tried to see the chances via the scrying stone but it seems to be broken? Or even more rare than I ever thought?

So either way it seems that starting with a large generic bottleneck (only raffle stud kids), combined with the extreme rarity of RMA applications, and over the course of less than a month, doesn't give it enough time to spread and benefit the users who have it.

Ok that ended up really long thanks for coming to my Ted talk


Posted 2021-08-13 19:23:59
Ah, I see now. Thank you for the explanation Katze!


Posted 2021-08-13 19:41:29
Ooo fancy stuff

Posted 2021-08-13 19:45:40
@Katze I wouldn't have wanted you to remove the mark, so I'm glad you didn't. I'm the only player really directly affected by this time. But I'm also glad that going forward, a little more consideration may be given to relatively recent breed-only marks being included on raffle studs. Rather than a certain amount of time passing, I think checking how many exist onsite already would be a better solution. It's possible someone will RMA Auburn Wings onto a stud tomorrow and by the time a month passes, his first wave of pups will already be adults too. It just happened to take me about 40 pups to finally get a Silver Lupos one, so he was only 6 months old today (age crystalled - if I'm first I might as well be first I guess). And I knew going in it would ultimately be a net loss of money and someone could RMA it on a stud at any point, but to have it come unexpectedly on a raffle stud in the exact same slot players would generally be trying to breed it just kind of smarts. The timing might be funnier in hindsight.

I do still think you should add it on the list of the stud's features, though. I'm under the impression that raffle marks have a significantly smaller chance of happening from an RMA than breed-only marks do? It seems like Silver Lupos is just as rare as Black and White Lupos in RMAs or I would've expected to see it happen at least once by now. (I know it's just one marking in a pool of many, but I know of several players who recently have used 50 RMAs at a time, and breed-only combo marks are fairly common outcomes from RMAs.) If the combo raffle mark colors will have the same rarity from RMAs that their plain counterparts do, then I think it's fair to say they're a raffle mark in addition to being a combo mark. More to the point, people might not be entering the raffle because they don't care for wings, but they'd care a lot for lupos. Maybe Web's suggestion of listing "other" special marks might be a good compromise. That could also include things like lunar marks that end up on designs.

Posted 2021-08-14 07:01:06
Woooo news!
Viper Rat

Posted 2021-08-14 21:10:01
ooo new raffle stud

Posted 2021-08-15 09:46:55 (edited)
I don't think that rarity of combo tier markings are similar to each other practically. It hugely depends on rarity of their ingredients.
